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Student Name: Ryan Eaton Term: three Grade: seven Date: March 27, 2014 Language Arts Oral

Language (Speaking and Listening): Ryan has made improvements in his self-regulation strategies regarding speaking out in class as well as his focus when lessons are being delivered. There are still some instances of loud outbursts as well as an occasional unwillingness to listen during lessons and when it is time to focus on class work but he is showing more dedication to participating within the established classroom criteria concerning appropriate speaking and listening behaviours. Written Language: Reading: Ryan continues to improve his reading abilities through a variety of strategies; prediction, inference and most effectively by chunking his reading down to smaller and more easily manageable sections. This has enabled Ryan to increase his level of retention and comprehension within his reading across all of his subjects. Writing: Ryans writing is showing a gradual improvement in neatness, organization, clarity and elaboration. There are instances when, as he states it, I am too tired to write which is a verbal cue that he is feeling overwhelmed and requires a shift in activity or simply that he needs to have a body break in order to refocus his thoughts. This is a significant step forward for him as it demonstrates a recognition within himself that he has reached a point of limitation and the need for a shift which has reduced the instances of disruptive behaviours. Next Steps: The continuation of the great work that he has exhibited throughout the year so far regarding his dedication to improving his abilities in language arts. Ryan can keep working on increasing his reading chunk sizes to facilitate longer periods of reading. He is definitely working harder on improving his language arts abilities and continues to impress upon me that he desires to be a better student. Numeracy Ryan continues his strong numeracy skills and is among the top performing students in the class. He has exhibited periods of difficulty with new concepts but is able to work through these moments with some one on one instruction and the understanding of scaffolding his own learning i.e. start with what you know how to do then apply this understanding to the next level of the given concept. In addition to allowing him to do it for myself as he states it, it allows him to complete his classwork in a shorter timeframe and with greater accuracy. Next Steps: I will continue to work with Ryan to recognize when he is feeling any moments of confusion with new concepts and to keep applying the scaffolding strategy that has been successful for him. With continued effort and a little extra practice in completing equations pertaining to the concepts that we have been working with.

Social Responsibility and Work Habits Ryan still struggles at times with appropriate interactions with some of his peers i.e. personal space and keeping his composure during instances of disagreement. He has improved his abilities to regain his composure after these moments. I must clarify that Ryan is not always the initiator of these events and I let him know this when I deal with them. Overall, Ryan has shown improvement in his social responsibility and peer interactions. He is a vibrant member of our class and even though his enthusiasm can get the better of him at times, he is well-liked and valued within the class. Ryan has improved his work habits but still tends to be moderately disorganized which can create potential issues with his ability to submit his work in a timely manner. Despite this minor concern, Ryan is putting in a noticeable effort to improve his work habits and organizational skills. Next Steps: Ryan understands that he is responsible for his behaviour and classwork and, as stated, is showing improvement. With continued effort to regulate his actions as well as the implementation of a multiple folder system instead of one big binder to assist him in his organization, Ryan should be able to achieve the level of academic success that he has expressed to me he wishes to achieve.

General Comments: Ryan has really impressed me this year with his recognition of areas that he could use improvement as well as in his levels of comprehension across the scope of all his subjects. His improvements have allowed for better classroom dynamics and improved flow throughout the day. I wanted to express my thanks to Ryan for his hard work and yourselves for the support you have shown both to myself and in regards to his schoolwork at your home. It has been a fantastic term Ryan, keep up the great work and strive to reach the heights that you wish to reach.

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