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The media and its negative effects on teens

Dana Christmas

English 4 Mrs. Jones 28, march 2014

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Media and its negative effects on teens

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the Masses.(Malcolm X) Did you know one out of four teens are affected by the media, studies Show that 30% of teens face difficult and challenging struggles. The media manipulates and destroy the lives of most teenagers, and all ways persevere the negativity that the media up poses is deatrafiying surveys and case studies as well as reports suggest that the media has a great Amount of negative effects on teens Statistics and polls Critics argue that teens are becoming weight cautious as young as eight years old .a poll was conducted stating that ads make teens fear being unattractive or old, teens receive over 250,000 commercial ads through the media, and about 69 percent of female teens .believe that magazine models influence their idea of a perfect body. As well as males are becoming insecure

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about their appearance critics are seeing a large increase in obsessive weight and use of anabolic steroids (cheroff) According to Janice d Arcy the media has so many effects on teens today but is it really negative there are some pros in this argument teens are actually learning about online safety and responsibility web sites are actually teaching teens how to be responsible users of digital technology on line safety advice for teens.(social media ,teens ,parents )Critics ask what do they know about sex. ? How did they find out? The media has been known to affect the behavior of teens and adolescents .the amount of association between perceptions of the media and the influence they have on teens lately there been more of a focus on media influence of youth violence, sex, and drugs /alcohol on teens implorations of these are discussed, and becoming knowledgeable. Teens and adults use media differently adults search for information and entertainment but on the other hand teens use the internet for games, entertainment and to socialize with their friends are associates parents are sometimes nave to these actions parents doesnt really know what their teens are

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up to .many use cameras are mobile devices .to upload a picture to the internet these pictures are often inappropriate sometimes called explicate showing body parts that are supposed to be hidden from the outside world .but where do they get these outrageous ideas from ?the internet also called the media (raising children network ) Teens are influence by the media due to glamorization the media apposes. Critics ask whats really going on. ?teen mom a show about the realities on teen and how they overcome obstacles when having a kid at a young age according to Melissa

Henson the director of communications a public education I have no doubt that everyone involved from the creators to the teenagers themselves helping to show other teen users that actions have consequences and that raising a child is difficult even under the very best circumstances getting pregnant) Actions The outcome of the lasting effects on teens can lead to long term consequences .These consequences; can affect teens in (teen mom glamorizes

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the future. The media never goes away anything you post are send can stay in the data base for over 30 years, colleges and jobs that accept are hire you will pull up your name and see everything from ten years on back up until now .They will see all of the things you have done as in pictures, letters, and text messages on social media. Companies will not hire you if you have any inappropriate or explicate, things on social media for example sexing, sexing is a term used to describe sending naked pictures to a male or female through social media. Some other out comes can be depression ,depression is a sickness that changes your mood to sadness ,loss, anger and frustration most teens face this disease in the united states and around the world teens are diagnosed with this disease due to abuse of the mind Eventually that will lead to smoking and drinking. drugs are a way teens let their problems and insecurities hide away ,statistics states teens over 12 years old are using drugs .from 5.8 to 8.0 percent of teens are using these drugs, when conducted a poll from 2007 to 2012.(Science News)the media has many effects on teens and the list goes on and on .

Dana 5 The face of the media The face of media is another saying to call celebrities; brands and other product that grabs the consumers attention .teens are trying new trends every day brands such as clothing, beauty products as well as supplements. Celebrities are on social media wearing these brands and it influence teens to buy the new shirt are the new pants and even the new shoes. Surveys report that 31% of teens have done something online that they would have not done in person media is like a mask u can hide behind it for so long that eventually you start to believe that it is really you. So what happens when you are finally face to face teens are for getting everything such as communication skills and eye contact , when finally in person . Critic ask what can society do to decrease the negative influences on teens ,some say take away a cell phone are pay more attention to your teens .but what can society really do the media is all around you its in your house , schools, library, stores , and even in church .

Dana 6 Teens from generation to generation will forever be influenced by the media ,the media is a part of life teens are using

social media every day phones ,lad tops, iPods and even calculators although society uses the media it will always have a negative effect on teens no matter what the pros are the cons will always out way the good . Statistics states that 27 % of 13 teen to 17 years old have

used social media every hour and that 83 % have visited net working sites so there you have it social media is just another

data base but in this case this data base has a negative effect on teens .

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2 new plays for young audiences." American Theatre Oct. 2003: 114. Student Resources in Context. Web. 28 Mar. 2014 2 new plays for young audiences." American Theatre Oct. 2003: 114. Student Resources in Context. Web. 28 Mar. 2014 Arcy, Janice. "Social media." teens, parents, and whether to friend. Washington post, 09 November 2011. Web. 28 Mar 2014. Chernof, Eva. "the media and its negative effect on body image ." beauty and the body image . Eva Chernoff, 27 November 2009. Web. 28 Mar 2014. Teens with severe depression benefit from switching medications, starting cognitive behavioral therapy." Contemporary Pediatrics June 2010: 10. Student Resources in Context. Web. 27 Mar. 2014 Dana I

Thesis: The media manipulates and destroy the lives of most teenagers, and all ways persevere the negativity that the media up poses is deatrafiying surveys and case studies as well as reports suggest that the media has a great Amount of negative effects on teens I. Critics argue that teens are becoming insecure A. The media has many effects on teens B. Teens and adults use media differently C. Influence by the media due to glamorization II. Actions and long term consequences

A. The outcome of the lasting effects on teens B. Eventually that will lead up to alcohol and drugs C. III. Emotional and physical damage

The face of the media A. Grabs the consumers attention B. Survey reports on teens /media C. Media and its everyday life

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