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Oxygen therapy

Oxygen may drop in the tissues as well as erythrocytes. Other problems include diffusion errors in
alveoli, a low concentration of oxygen in the air, a deficiency in the erythrocytes ability to transport
oxygen and others. In this cases oxygen must be administrated artificially.

Administration of oxygen:
1. The easiest way to administrate oxygen is through a nose catheter.
2. Oxygen spectacles.
3. Incubator – for children.
4. Oxygen box – for children.
5. Oxygen tent.
6. Oxygen room.
7. Hypertonic chamber – for extreme anemia, 3 atm oxygen pressure allows oxygen supply from
plasma alone.

Kyamide blocks transfer of oxygen to tissues. Causes immediate death.

Administraion of medicaments

– Solutions
– Tincturae (alcohol)
– Oleum (oils)
– Pulvis – pulveres
– Sirupus (syrup)
– Pilullae (pills)
– Tabuletae (tablets)
– Pillulae of ductae = dragges (enterically coating)
– Unguentum
– Pastae
– Collyrium (eye drops)
– Injectiores (>50 – infusiones, blood – transfusiones)
– Supposetorium
– Clysma (for extraction of stool)
– Globullae vaginales

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