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Shout Above the Clutter

The Investigation/Reflection Journal The student investigation/relfection journal should be a step-by-step documentation of your art-making process. There should be a before, during, and after for the final product that you and your group createthis includes everything from your initial idea/proposal to tear-outs of magazines with images that you find compelling, to pamphlets, newspaper articles, journal entries, sketches, photographs, visual research, critical analysis and self-reflection.

Gather everything visual that inspires you, and strive to understand WHY. Include ideas, sketches, drawings, paste-ins, musings, etc. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER What inspires you? What would you like to explore? What are you trying to accomplish with your art? How does your idea relate to the world? History? Politics? Other artists? The past/present/future? How is the piece going? What does it look like as you go along? Take photos, make comments, be selfevaluative of your process. Was the piece successful? Are you happy with it? What would you have done differently? What do you think your piece communicates to a viewer? Is this what you intended? Why or why not? Did you solve the problem?

Each page should be roughly 50% visual and 50% written. Some will be more one than the other, but every page should be full. Everything included visually- your own work as well as the work of others- will need analytical comments and opinions. The investigation*must* show evidence of research and exploration into the social, historical, global, and cultural relevance of your topic. The Investigation/Reflection Journal itself is a piece of art design it with care!

How to begin

Here is a basic plan for you to start. All steps will be required at some point throughout the creative process. This part needs to be done individually and provides evidence for your group when you are collaborating.

Remember this is the thinking stage of your process. Wear your Ipod, isolate yourself, go in the hallway, sit on the couch, find a way so you can concentrate. Ideas come to you when you give yourself time to think!!!
Choose one idea that your group likes the best and write about it. Draw or write an idea of your group plan. 4. Investigation/Reflection WorkExperimentation Experiment. Be inventive. Explore. 5. Investigation/Reflection WorkInvestigation Research two artists/styles/movements that connect to your groups ideas and be influenced by them. When you write about the artist you need to make connections to your work.

1. Come up with an idea that relates to your social justice issue. Research Look at books Talk to teachers, parents and to each other about ideas 2. Investigation/Reflection Work Brainstorming Ideas Start sketching ideas. Do thumbnails, word webs, doodles and/or list (not full page sketches). You have to have more than one idea to start with. Do not use internet images at this stage only your drawings and writings. Continue to develop your ideas. 3. Investigation/Reflection Work Refining Ideas with your group but do your own documentation.

Shout Above the Clutter

The Mid Point Critique

Group Names:_______________________________________________________________________ While you are discussing your work and taking group feedback on it, have someone record the comments below so you can refer to them later. Recorder:_________________
Taking feedback is not easy for artists. It is important, however, to realize that the viewer or audience may not see what you feel is glaringly obvious and, equally, they may see something that you (as the artist) did not even consider. Take it or leave but at least consider it! In your investigation journal take the feedback recorded below and respond to it. Success in conveying your knowledge of topic / conviction (does your group know your topic, do you care?). Success in describing process and creative development (What route is your group taking to get to your final product?).

Comments received regarding successes in current piece.

Constructive feedback regarding current piece at this point.

Suggestions to consider (to create a cohesive statement that packs a punch, suggestions for your next two pieces).

Other Notes:

Assessment Rubric
To what degree have the student and his/her group chosen a challenging project to work on for the duration of the study?
1-Not very challenging/ having no detail and the work seems incomplete to the teacher 2-Slightly challenging/ having minimal detail work to focus on 3- Moderately challenging/ having detail that may or may not be completely developed 4-Challenging/ completely and consistently working to improve technique and detail 5-Extremely challenging/ highly developed detail in a completed work of art.

To what degree has the student used his/her time wisely in class towards the creation and completion of the project?

1-Used most time socializing project incomplete 2-Used a considerable amount of time to socialize yet accomplishing the work minimally 3-Used some time to socialize, however accomplished a fair amount of work 4-Used time wisely and accomplished the objective sufficiently 5-Invested every free moment of class time to successfully develop the intended skills and techniques into an exceptional work of art.

To what degree of craftsmanship has the student exhibited the high quality of a professional artist?

1-Poor craftsmanship/sloppy/careless 2-Low regard for craftsmanship/minimal quality 3-Development of craftsmanship/shows improvement 4-Good Craftsmanship/improved and developed well 5-Exceptional craftsmanship and presentation of the completed work

To what degree has the student developed skills and techniques with the chosen media?

1-Chose a media that they had no prior knowledge of using 2-Chose a media that they had little knowledge of and minimal development of skill 3-Chose a media that they were somewhat familiar with and developed further 4- Chose media that was new or they were familiar with and made efforts to improve development 5-Chose a media that was new or they were familiar with and considerably improved development of technique and skill with that media



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