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Reflective Statement # 2 Research Paper Engaging Adults in Online Learning Another project Ive chosen to showcase in this digital

portfolio is a research paper I wrote in the spring 2013 semester of my degree program for the course Computers in Education and Human Development. The paper is entitled Engaging Adult Students in Online Learning. It was a culminating course assignment with a self-selected topic to be based on students interests. As indicated in various aspects of this portfolio, one of my main focuses is on creating programs for adult learners by incorporating technology in new and interesting ways. While taking this course, I determined that this required research opportunity would be a good way for me to learn more about the history and background on the topic of online learning for adults. The research paper begins by providing historical background on the growth of online learning and highlights the significance of the research subject before presenting four major factors that should be considered when developing online courses for adults. The four major concepts to be considered are: 1) incorporating the principles of andragogy, 2) investigating motivation and volition towards learning amongst adults, 3) determining learner technological competence and 4) addressing desired work/life balance. The paper concludes with implications for the future and the directions that online adult learning may take. This research paper is valuable because it provides the context and background for anyone who seeks to understand the necessity for online learning programs. Not only do theories of learning (andragogy) and motivation and volition help provide background and increased understanding of how adults learn, but there are also important personal factors that contribute to how adults learn that must be scrutinized. It is critical to provide research and information which supports the argument that training should become increasingly reliant upon technology and that schools and organizations should move towards the opportunity for online learning. This paper is transformative because it impacted my own opinions surrounding online learning. I had previously mixed emotions about whether certain programs should move towards the online learning model and after researching and writing this paper, I was convinced that there is a lot of evidence to support why and how online learning programs can be successful. Producing this paper gave me the confidence to speak up in meetings with my bosses to explain why it is necessary to promote and invest in online learning for adults by providing me with the research background and information on the benefits of online learning to certain groups of adult learners. As a result of assembling this research paper, as well as participating in the class as a whole, I am prepared to advocate for training professionals to move towards and online learning strategy, and explain in detail why this type of program is successful and appealing to adult learners.

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