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Jessika San-Martin, S00113874; Jocelyn Westbrook, S00114087 Assignment 1: Part B- Educational Benefits The Educational Benefits have been

submitted as a hard copy for the purpose of this Assessment however they are included on the Educational Benefits page of STUDENTS - A sample size of 4 students from Stage 2 completed pre and post-test surveys which included 15 multiple choice questions. From the students responses we made the scientific language of a few questions simpler, structured questions differently and changed the font to enable students to focus more on the energy concepts. - From students verbal and written responses it was observed that the students understood that heat energy and forces are connected to their everyday experiences and how they affect them but did not understand some of the scientific terminology and concepts. Therefore, in creating the game we have included resources on the website for students to review these concepts before playing the game, and based questions, activities and investigations on students social contexts as a basis for students to more clearly make links and understand concepts (Fleer, Jane & Hardy, 2007). TEACHERS NSW Syllabus Outcomes & Science Concepts- Stage 2 Physical World Outcomes A student: identifies ways heat is produced and that heat moves from one object to another (ST2-6PW). describes everyday interactions between objects that result from contact and non-contact forces (ST2-7PW). (Board of Studies New South Wales, 2012). The game boards questions and resources have been developed and selected so students can learn, transfer and enhance their understanding of Physical World content in authentic situations which motivate the learner. For example, through playing the board game, interactive games and watching video presentations (Fleer, Jane & Hardy, 2007). Colour, names and images have been selected to motivate and be inclusive of both girls and boys (Fleer, Jane & Hardy, 2007). Student Collaboration Referring to the historical-cultural perspective, to provide the proper context for learning to take place activities and investigations have been designed so students can work collaboratively as a group to finish particular tasks. This benefits students because they develop their language and communications skills, such as turn taking, listening and speaking. And when students communicate between each other they extend their prior knowledge through participating in discussion, which fosters interpersonal skills and feelings of inclusiveness (Fleer, Jane & Hardy, 2007; Woolfolk & Margetts, 2010; Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], n.d.). Literacy , Numeracy and Creative Arts Concepts While playing the board game students need to employ literacy and numeracy skills within the real world context of energy in new and challenging contexts, which will assist them to become successful learners in the twenty-first century (ACARA, n.d.). The Word Jumble Cards develop students understanding of scientific terminology. Numeracy is integrated within all aspects of the board game as students need to apply their knowledge of estimation, diagrams and measurement to answer questions and complete investigations. To support Indigenous ways of learning, role play and drawing are incorporated into the game to encourage creative and critical thinking, and allow students to explore connections between Indigenous ways of thinking and Western perspectives (Board of Studies New South Wales, 2000; Fleer, Jane & Hardy, 2007). Information and Communication Technology (ICT) The board game has been designed to directly link to the website for students to navigate in order to complete activities. Soft copies of resources students will need to access are provided to encourage sustainability and develop an ecological understanding within the classroom (Fleer, Jane, & Hardy, 2007). The incorporation of ICTs aids students in developing technology and multiliteracies skills (Kalantzis, Cope, & Fehring, 2002). It also enhances collaborative work as it encourages students to interact and to share their thinking processes and ideas, therefore enhancing metacognition (Higgins, 2001; Moeller & Reitzes, 2011). Enabling students to navigate the website develops their positive self-concept as they are in charge of their own learning (Kalantzis, Cope, & Fehring, 2002). This active participation reflects Indigenous education practices (Board of Studies New South Wales, 2000).

Jessika San-Martin, S00113874; Jocelyn Westbrook, S00114087 Reference List Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (n.d.). General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum. Retrieved from

Board of Studies New South Wales. (2000). How we learn, what we need to know. Retrieved from

Board of Studies New South Wales. (2012). Science K-10 (Incorporating Science and Technology K-10) Syllabus. Retrieved from

Fleer, M., Jane, B. and Hardy, T. (2007). Science for children: developing a personal approach to teaching (3rd ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson.

Higgins, S. (2001). Does ICT Improve Learning and Teaching in Schools. Newcastle University. Retrieved from

Kalantzis, M., Cope, B., & Fehring, H. (2002). Mutliliteracies, Teaching and learning in the new communications environment: PEN 133. Marrickville: Primary English Teaching Association.

Moeller, B., Reitzes, T. (2011). Integrating technology with student-centred learning. Retrieved from http://www.nmefoundation.orggetmedia/befa9751-d8ad-47e9-949dbd649f7c0044/integrating.

Woolfolk, A., Margetts, K. (2010). Educational Psychology. (2nd ed.) Frenchs Forest: Pearson Australia.

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