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CAFO Case Study PART 1 QUESTIONS 1. What is a CAFO and how is it different from traditional farming?

CAFO: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation. Different from traditional farming because CAFOs are "Farm Factories" 2. What types of CAFOs are in Farmville? How many animals are housed in each CAFO? Four CAFOs are now in Farmville. 3. Based upon what you currently know about CAFOs, what can you infer are some of the issues for each side of the CAFO controversy? What are some of the viewpoints that proponents and opponents may state for and against CAFOs? I think both sides of the controversy make good points, some of the issues for each controversy would be that CAFOs bring good revenue on taxes, a negative effect due to CAFO would be that it contaminates the earth. In this case I see that there is more positive effects that negative effects, not only do CAFOs bring good revenue on taxes, but it also provides people with more job opportunities. PART 2 QUESTIONS (Preparing for the Vote) 1. What did you learn about CAFOs? I learned that CAFOs has affected a variety of people with their drinking samples, CAFO can also have some health risks. 2. What are or might be some of the negative concerns with CAFOs? Negative concerns: An economic increase can come to a great cost when put beside the increase in the contamination in our environment. 3. During your review of the reference material, which references are biased and which are unbiased? How can you tell? The bias references would be the good effects that CAFO has which are the pros. It has been told that several local businesses would benefit from a trickle-down effect by bringing in more goods and services to the CAFO business, Meat packaging can increase production and bring in more employees can possibly be unbiased reference because it wouldnt really affect anybody..

PART 3 QUESTIONS 1. What concerns and medical conditions have you heard the residents express?

Asthma is a major medical concern. My son cant even go outside to play without getting sick. His asthma is Triggered within 15 minutes of walking outside on our farm, said Mrs. Turebule. The manure odor from the Patten gill CAFO lingers in the air, making it hard to breathe. Stomach ailments, including upset stomachs, nausea, and diarrhea." 2. What do they believe is the source of their illnesses? That CAFO. 3. Should you consider their experiences with the CAFO for your vote? Definitely, because you should know whether or not its safe or not. 4. Using the facts you have learned from your independent research and the concerns you have heard from the residents, what is your current position concerning the proposed CAFO expansion? I do not agree with CAFO because I would put myself in the residents shoes, and I personally wouldnt want to go through what they went through. I do not want to catch any of those health problems/ illnesses. PART 4 QUESTIONS 1. What are some of the types of microorganisms identified in Hatties water samples? E Coli, Bacteria, and pathogens like Cryptosporidium or Giardia were identified in her water samples. 2. What are the levels of E. coli in water that the EPA consider safe for recreational use? What are the levels for drinking water? EPA only allows up to 133 E. coli colonies/100 ml for recreational use and our state recommends no physical contact with water having over 1,000 colonies. Drinking water cannot have any E. coli bacteria in the water. 3. What are some of the bacteria levels detected in Hatties samples? The bacteria levels detected in her water had an indicator E. coli level that had gone beyond the EPA recommendation for safe recreational use. 4. What is the proposed plan the farmers are considering to help their cause against the CAFO expansion? Farmers need to be present at the board meeting to explain what their concerns are about the CAFO expansion. 5. If you were one of the farmers, would you participate in the board meeting and/or help collect samples?

I would definitely participate in the board meetings so I can have my voice heard and many others will also hear about what Im mainly concerned about and how CAFO has been affecting a variety of people and me as a farmer.

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