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Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by an error in cell division, that leads to an extra 21st chromosome.

This disorder is also known as Trisomy 21. Down syndrome is common that is effects a lot of people. A wide variety of test are being done to see if there is any way that will make Down syndrome curable. Down syndrome is known thoughout the world. But most people don't know what is it specifically is. Down syndrome or Trimony 21 is when you have an extra copy of chromosome 21 which means that you have three copies instead of two. Making it difficult for the cells to properly control how much protien can have serious consequences(unknown 1). Most of the time having an extra chromosome is fatal and results in a miscarriage; however when the person services they will often result in Down syndrome. Down syndrome often impacts both cognitive ability and physical growth. It may be directed in physical characteristics. 1 in 35 children born to a women under 35 has Down syndrome.

Down syndrome is not something that you catch you're born with it. Normally when cells divide, the cell ends up with all 46 chromosomes. Each egg and sperm gets one copy of chromosome 1 and one copy of chromosome 2, ect. So that when the sperm ferzlitizes the egg, it ends up with 46 chromosomes. The copies of each chromosome need to be seperated. The chromosomes line up with their matching partner across the cell; but when 2 chromosomes get stuck together, they can't both line up with the right partner(unknown 1). More than half of the time this results in a miscarriage, but most of surviving pregnancies will be normal and then there is a small percentage would end up with Down syndrome. 95 percent of Down syndrome cases are random and don't run in families(unknown 2). The other 5 percent get and extra chromosome stuck to another(unknown 2). Doctors are preparing for testing to see if it is possible to delete the extra chromosome.

Testing can be done to prepare someone for the child with Down syndrome but no testing has been done to eliminate the extra chromosome. Dozens types of screen tests are used to estimate the risk that the fetus has Down syndrome(Crosta). Different tests measure or look at different things. For example a Genetic Ultrasound is done at about 18-20 weeks, it is a detailed ultrasound combined with blood test results for the second trimester quadruple screen(Crosta). Scientists from the Massachusetts Medical School say they have made the first step towards chromosome treatment for Down syndrome. They explained that a naturally occurring genetic technique to switch off the extra chromosome 21 can be achieved in test-tube cells.Shutting off a single gene is a challenging task in itself, doing the same for a whole chromosome, never mind a trisomic cell, was considered impossible. Hundreds of people have Down syndrome well it is not a fatal disease scientists will continue testing in an act to cure Down syndrome.

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