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Case Studies in Engineering Geology

Scope of presentation
Channel tunnel Isle of Wight landslide Lyme Regis landslide

Channel Tunnel Portal

An example where engineering geologists and geomorphologists were fully involved in the development of the initial ground model but then left out during design and construction work

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Castle Hill Landslide


Cherry Garden

Castle Hill

Backscar of Castle Hill landslide

Chunnel portal

Cherry Garden

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Tunnel Portal

Castle Hill Road

Landslide boundary


Portal Castle Hill Road

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Rail line

Channel Tunnel Castle Hill Portal and Cherry Garden

Comprehensive ground model developed Problems during construction as contractor failed to involve the specialists in discussions on details of the model Result was that design adjustments carried out as construction was underway Final structure monitored and found to be stable

Large scale mapping of an active landslide on the Isle of Wight

Binnel Bay

Landslides on the Isle of Wight

An Undercliff landslide model

Binnel Bay Mapping

Landslide starting to undermine the road

Lyme Regis

Get your ground model correct Update your ground model as more data become available ) Recognise that planning has a critical role in dealing with geohazards There are many forms of hazard that might be encountered in engineering projects but if your investigations are good enough they can be dealt with

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