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Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan Name: Lindsay Penkala Date: April 8, 2014 Standard(s) G!ideline(s): Grade Level: Preschool Lesson Title: Finger Paint Raindrops Circle one: ECE PKSN

Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge trand: !arth and pace cience "opic: !#plorations o$ the %at&ral 'orld Pre ( Kindergarten: 'ith )odeling and s&pport, recogni*e $a)iliar ele)ents o$ the nat&ral en+iron)ent and &nderstand that these )ay change o+er ti)e ,e-g-, soil, weather, s&n and )oon.Domain: Physical 'ell ( /eing and 0otor 1e+elop)ent trand: 0otor 1e+elop)ent "opic: )all 0&scle: "o&ch Grasp, 2each, 0anip&late Pre ( Kindergarten: 3se classroo) and ho&sehold tools independently with eye4hand coordination to carry o&t acti+itiesPre"assessment o# c!rrent $no%ledge: 'e o5ser+ed the st&dents $or a $ew weeks prior to this lesson and &sed the kindergarten checklist to see what they know and what they don6t know or ha+e to work on&nstr!ctional '()ectives (*"+) 'ne T%o ,ssessed &nstr!ctional '()ective(s.: "he st&dent will 5e a5le to--2ecogni*e $a)iliar ele)ents o$ the nat&ral en+iron)ent and &nderstand that these )ay change o+er ti)e ,e-g-, soil, weather, s&n and )oon.3se classroo) and ho&sehold tools independently with eye4hand coordination to carry o&t acti+ities'ne ,ssessed Developmental S$ill: Physical ( 7ine 8 Gross )otor, and Cognition and General Knowledge ,ssessment o# St!dent Learning &denti#. Evidence: ,'hat will yo& collect or record as data to de)onstrate st&dents ha+e )et yo&r o59ecti+e,s. and skill:. /e$ore the teacher collects the st&dents paintings they will ha+e the) e#plain to the) or another ad&lt what they painted and why, )aking s&re they )ention so)ething a5o&t raindrops or rainstor)s- "his will show the teacher that they were a5le to $ollow directions and learn )ore a5o&t raindrops and rainstor)s d&ring the lesson- ;$ they show that they are a5le to recogni*e $a)iliar ele)ents in the nat&ral en+iron)ent and they are a5le to &se di$$erent classroo) tools then they ha+e )et the o59ecti+es- ;$ the st&dents show that they ha+e )et the o59ecti+es the teacher will ha+e a ta5le with each st&dents na)e on it and will )ake a check )ark ne#t to their na)e and the o59ecti+e that they ha+e showed &nderstanding $or- "his ta5le will 5e &sed and collected as data $ro) the lessonLearning E-perience ,cademic Lang!age: 2ain: )oist&re condenses $ro) the at)osphere that $alls +isi5ly in separate raindrops"h&nderstor): a stor) with hea+y rain'eather: the state o$ the at)osphere at a place and ti)e as regards heat, dryness, s&nshine, wind, rain, etcProced!ral steps: 1- Place a stack o$ paper plates and 4 5owls o$ non4 to#ic paint in the )iddle o$ the ta5le ,the colors can incl&de, 5l&e, 5lack, green and yellow.2- <a+e each st&dent sit at a ta5le with a s)ock on and their slee+es rolled &p=- <a+e each st&dent take one paper plate $ro) the )iddle o$ the ta5le that they are seated at4- <a+e the st&dents dip one $inger into one o$ the 5owls o$ paint at a ti)e and )ake $ingerprints on their piece o$ paper rese)5ling raindrops>- <a+e the) keep )aking $ingerprints on their paper &ntil they are $inished with their work and they $eel as i$ their pict&re rese)5les a gro&p o$ raindrops or a rainstor)?- 'hen they are $inished ha+e the) go to the sink,


Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan Program /onitoring: ,<ow will yo& aggregate or co)pile yo&r e+idence into a class or gro&p +iew:. "his is the ta5le that the teacher will &se to record@aggregate the data $ro) the lesson: t&dent %a)e A59ecti+e 1 A59ecti+e 2 wash their hands, re)o+e their s)ocks and sit on the carpet and read to the)sel+es, or with a partner &ntil e+eryone is doneB- 'hen e+ery st&dent is $inished, cleaned &p and sitting on the carpet, read the story Who Likes Rain 5y 'ong <er5ert Lee8- Lea+e ti)e to let the st&dents ask C&estions and inC&ire a5o&t rain, the story and their +is&al art e#perienceD ,!t0entic /aterials: ,1escri5e a&thentic real li$e, hands4on )aterials-. "he $inger4paint is an a&thentic )aterial 5eca&se they are a5le to play with color and de+elop their $ine )otor skills while painting- "he 5ook 'ho Likes 2ain can also 5e considered an a&thentic )aterial 5eca&se st&dents are working on their lang&age and literacy de+elop)ent and approaches towards learning,d!lt Roles: "he other ad&lts in the roo) will 5e walking aro&nd and helping the st&dents when needed- 'hen the st&dents are $inished they will assist with the washing o$ hands and re)o+ing o$ s)ocks- "hey will also )ake s&re that, as the st&dent6s $inish they sit on the carpet and read to the)sel+es, or with a partner &ntil e+eryone is done-

Sa#et. Considerations: "he teacher will ha+e to ens&re that when the st&dents are &sing the paint they are not p&tting it close to their $ace or ingesting it"he teacher sho&ld also consider allergies 5eca&se so)e st&dents )ay 5e allergic to the paint-

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