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Name: Whitney Hogenson Date: November 12 2013 Grade Level: Fourth 1. INTRODUCTION Purpose of the lesson: Content goal formula: SWBAT: Learning behavior (verb from taxonomy level locator) + content (what you will assess) + strategy (means) + conditions. (e.g., SWBAT: identify 6 features of plants by asking questions and observing with small groups. Content Goal written on the board: Students will be able to listen to a story and learn three new vocabulary words from that story by listening, answering questions during the story, giving the vocabulary words kid friendly definitions, and connecting the words to real life situations Students will do this in a small group. Common Core State Standards covered: Reading: Informational Text Standard 4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area. WIDA STANDARD 1: Social and Instructional Language (opinions) LEVEL 5 BRIDGING: Provide extended discourse with justification in regard to personal information or opinions. The language students will need to learn is opinions. They will need to learn how to view opinions, state opinions, and what opinions have to offer. This is an example of how students opinions made another person feel. They are looking at the three vocabulary words, but they should also be focusing on opinions and being in the real world. 2. EXPLICIT READING Interesting TEXTS: Chrysanthemum, Kevin Henkes STRATEGY INSTRUCTION FOCUS: Vocabulary Teacher MODELING and SCAFFOLDING: (this will include declarative, conditional, and procedural knowledge of any strategies) I pulled a small group of students for this lesson during daily five. These students are my students who are struggling in comprehension while they are reading. They read fluently, but not always accurately so they have trouble with understanding the important parts of texts and stories because they skip over vocabulary that they do not understand. For this lesson, I found an awesome text talk lesson online by Sara Payne at Mountain View Elementary. I decided to use her text talk lesson because the story of Chrysanthemum is one of my favorites and in our classroom we use REACH. REACH stands for Respect, Excellence, Achievement, Courage, and Honor. I wanted to choose a story that they may have not read that helped visualize these things that we are supposed to be implementing in our classroom. To start off the lesson I asked a few students to share their names. I asked them what their names meant or if they got it for a particular reason? I also asked other students in the group if they liked their names or if they could change their name what would they change it to and why? After this discussion I introduced the book Chrysanthemum. I said that Chrysanthemum uses a lot of REACH in this story and during the lesson we are going to see how she implements REACH. I told the students that we are also going to look at some vocabulary words to help us better comprehend the text. We are going to do this by pulling our the vocabulary words and putting them in kid friendly sentences and by giving them kid friendly definitions. I told the students that it is important to pull out specific vocabulary that we dont know and figure out what they mean so we can better understand the texts and books that we are reading. I told them that this is a strategy they can use to help them comprehend any text. We also talked about opinions and looking at REACH and how an opinion can make someone either feel respected or disrespected. It can make a student feel courage or make them feel wilted. I want them to compare the vocabulary words to the REACH program as well as look for the opinions and facts in the story. I want them to find the justification of the students in the class or of Chrysanthemum. GUIDED PRACTICE: (teacher and students together) I read the book outloud to the students. I stopped after the first couple pages and said, Why

did her parents name her Chrysanthemum? Was there a reason? After a few more pages I asked, Why do you think she loves her name so much? After a few more pages I stopped and said, What do we know in the story so far? Why was Victoria being mean? A few more pages were read and I asked, What was Chrysanthemums nightmare? Why do you think that was her nightmare? I asked, Who is Ms. Twinkle? What part in the play did Chrysanthemum get? What did we find out about Ms. Twinkle? How does Chrysanthemum feel now? What are some things that changed about the students in school? What changed about Chrysanthemum? After the discussion I pointed out the first vocabulary word: Miserably I found this word in the story and read the context in which it was in. I then asked the students to help me come up with a kid friendly definition for miserably according the sentence we read. We decided that it meant you are not happy. I had the students say the word with me. I gave them examples of when you might feel this way like when you are sick or after eating too much. Then I asked them questions about this word. Would you feel this way after winning a soccer game? The students had to put a thumb up for yes and nothing for no. we did this with a few questions. Then I asked them what the word was and they had to repeat again: Miserably. I repeated this process with two more words. These words are wilted and humorous. After having all three words done, I gave the students a question such as: What is a time you felt miserable? What have you seen that is wilted? What is something that might be humorous to a teacher? Then the students were able to choose by saying a sentence: ____ is humorous because ____ ____ is wilted because _____ _____is Miserabe because______ INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: (students on their own or with a partner) After the text talk lesson and going over the three vocabulary words, students had to write me a letter as if they were Chrysanthemum. They had to write me a letter as if I were their teacher Ms. Twinkle. In their letter, they had to summarize what happened in the story and they had to use all three vocabulary words correctly. They also had to include one part of REACH in their story that they saw Chrysanthemum use. They can talk with a partner on the REACH part to discuss different ideas on how Chrysanthemum used REACH in this story. I also wanted them to incorporate their opinions and how they view their own name. 3. READING ENGAGEMENT: What engagement principle(s) are you choosing for this lesson? ________choice, ____x_____collaboration, ________building concepts, ____x____relevance/real world interaction ________challenge Briefly describe HOW you will engage your students in this lesson. I engaged students by discussing their own names as well as discussing REACH and including that in the story because they love REACH in our classroom and they really enjoy pointing this out when they see someone in the school using REACH. I also engaged them by allowing them plenty of opportunities for comprehension of the vocabulary words and different ways for them to define words they may not know in the text. 4. DIFFERENTIATION. How will you simplify or provide challenge for students who need it? To simplify the lesson for students I might have done this text talk one on one with a students who is really struggling in comprehension. I also might give him or her sentences with the vocabulary words included so they can use that visual. For their letter I could have example letters of how they can use the three vocabulary words in their letters. For students who need more of a challenge I would give them more words in the text and have them try the text talk with a partner. They could ask each other comprehension questions and they could use the difficult vocabulary words in sentences to help them define them. 5. WRITING/ASSESSMENT TOOL: How will you know that your students understand your purpose? What will students be doing to demonstrate knowledge? (assessment tool). Students wrote a letter to show that they know how to use the vocabulary words, they understand the text, and they included how Chrysanthemum used REACH.

6. REFLECTION: Based on this lesson, what is your very next step of instruction? The lesson was fun for the students because they could relate to Chrysanthemum. They also connected to what we were doing in the classroom. I did this lesson in a small group so the students interacted easily when I was asking them to put the vocabulary words in sentences and when I asked them when I would use these words. It was a fun interactive way to do a vocabulary lesson instead of just having them write definitions from a dictionary. This was my first text talk lesson! We dont use imagine it so we dont really have vocabulary words. We just started a new spelling program but the words are not integrated with literacy so I hope I can do more text talk lessons to help the students understand difficult vocabulary. The next step of instruction would just keep doing these. I would find another book. I would use a chapter in our social studies books for a text talk lesson in social studies because a lot of the vocabulary in their social studies books are hard to understand.

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