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School of Education Lesson Planning Framework

Name: _______________________________ Date:________________________________Time:___________________________ Grade Level:_______________ Subject:________________ Co-operating Teacher:___________________________________


Provincial Curriculum Outcome (s):

PR1 : Dmontrer une comprhension des relations qui existent dans des tables de valeurs pour rsoudre des problmes. II. Learning Objective(s) / Goal (s) written in student friendly language (i.e. I can statements):

PR1 : Je comprends comment crer et comment examiner les relations dans les tables de valeurs. III. Lesson Rationale: The unit will be introduced to the students today. A graphic organizer will be given to them and they will be filling it out with explanations throughout the Unit. This can be used as a form of reference material for the students. IV. Materials & Resources (teacher materials, student materials etc.): Ice Cream Graphic Organizer Prepared Presentation Prepared explanation for their first ice cream on the organizer The Intro activity multiplication cards Technology Used (if appropriate): Smart Board Learning Cycle: (Engaging Questions, Exploration, Explanation, Expansion, Evaluation): 1) Warm up Loop Students will practice both their multiplication tables and their Oral French throughout this activity. Each student is given a card with a number and an equation. The person with start on their card begins. They ask their question and the other students need to be listening as their card may be the answer to the question. It continues until we reach the finish card. 2) Ice Cream Organizer
St. Thomas University - School of Education



Students will be given their Ice Cream cone graphic organizer. Once they receive the organizer, they will be given the explanation for the first Ice Cream. (See attached Sheet) The explanation they will receive is: Mets le numro <<dentre>> dans la machine, fait les calculs, et remplie la section de <<sortie>> avec ta rponse. 3) Machine dEntre Sortie In order to make this concept easier for the students, I am using a Machine analogy. A machine is programmed to a specific setting. (This will be written in the middle of the machine so that the kids can easily see the connection). You simply put a number in the machine. Do the programming, and the answer comes out the other side. We will practice a few together as a class, so that students can ask questions and grasp the concept. Once this is done, they will be given a small worksheet to complete 4) Math practice sheet The students will have about 5 questions with tables that they will need to fill out using the EntreSorite method. (see attached sheet) VII. Accommodation(s) for Diverse Learner(s): With students who are so new to the French language, I explain everything in French at first, using different hand gestures, drawings, etc. in order to develop the language. If after a bit they still do not understand than I switch to explication. My policy: French when possible, English as Necessary Before the students begin to work. I ask if anyone who did not understand the explanation they can come see me and I will re explain. If it is only a few students, than this is a grouping method that I use to ensure that those students who need more one on one receives the necessary attention. If there are a lot of people who do not understand than I go over my explanation. The ice Cream graphic organizer that the students will receive will also be posted in the classroom so that the students can refer to it at any time. I am a firm believer that I need to do the work that I am asking my students to do first.


Evaluation/Assessment of Student Progress: There is no formal or summative assessment in this lesson. However, I will go over a question or two with the students the next day. If I see that the class has understood the concept than I will add a more difficult component and/or move on to the next concept. If they havent understood than they require more explanation and practice. This is a formative assessment.


Home Learning Assignment (if applicable): N/A


Lesson Plan Reflection:

St. Thomas University - School of Education

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