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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Alysha Flietstra Subject/ Topic/ Theme Stargirl Final Assessment Grade __4th/5th_____

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

earners !ill ta"e part in the #inal assessment to this unit plan o# Stargirl$ The class !ill be di%ided into 4 groups o# & students in each$ 'ach group !ill complete the same sho!case$ All groups !ill create a scrapboo" using Scrap(ad on the i(ad$ This group !ill #ocus on the main characters) setting) main e%ents and the theme$ Students !ill #irst ha%e to dra! an outline #or their scrapboo" consisting o# graphics they !ant to #ind) *uotes and other important in#ormation$ Students !ill ha%e + #ull class periods to complete this assignment and time should be used !isely$ Students !ill then present their Scrap(ad to the class as a group the #ollo!ing literature class$

Learners will be able to#

1etermine strategies needed to pro%ide structure #or sho!case (araphrase e%ents !ithin the te2t !hile presenting sho!cases /reate a Scrap(ad !ith team!or" Analy3e their o!n progress o%er this unit Analy3e their change o# %ie!s #rom be#ore reading te2t to a#ter reading te2t

cogniti%e, - . Ap An ' /0

physical de%elopment

socio, emotional

' . / An An

4 4

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
//SS$' A, iteracy$5$5$6$d .se concrete !ords and phrases and sensory details to con%ey e2periences and e%ents precisely$ //SS$' A, iteracy$- $5$7 8uote accurately #rom a te2t !hen e2plaining !hat the te2t says e2plicitly and !hen dra!ing in#erences #rom the te2t$ //SS$' A, iteracy$- $5$+ 1etermine t!o or more main ideas o# a te2t and e2plain ho! they are supported by "ey details9 summari3e the te2t$ //SS$' A, iteracy$- $5$5 '2plain ho! a series o# chapters) scenes) or stan3as #its together to pro%ide the o%erall structure o# a particular story) drama) or poem$ //SS$' A, iteracy$S $5$7 'ngage e##ecti%ely in a range o# collaborati%e discussions :one,on,one) in groups) and teacher,led; !ith di%erse partners on grade 5 topics and te2ts) building on others< ideas and e2pressing their o!n clearly$ //SS$' A, iteracy$S $5$4 -eport on a topic or te2t or present an opinion) se*uencing ideas logically and using appropriate #acts and rele%ant) descripti%e details to support main ideas or themes9 spea" clearly at an understandable pace$ //SS$' A, iteracy$S $5$5 =nclude multimedia components :e$g$) graphics) sound; and %isual displays in presentations !hen appropriate to enhance the de%elopment o# main ideas or themes$ A-T$>A$=$5$7 .se materials) techni*ues) media) technology) and processes to communicate ideas and e2periences$ A-T$>A$=$5$4 (articipate in the process and deli%ery o# a #inal product #or e2hibition or presentation$ :?ote# 5rite as many as needed$ =ndicate ta2onomy le%els and connections to applicable national or state standards$ =# an objecti%e applies to particular learners !rite the name:s; o# the learner:s; to !hom it applies$; 0remember) understand) apply) analy3e) e%aluate) create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

.nderstanding o# e%ents !ithin Stargirl /ompletion o# reading Stargirl Team!or" s"ills

Pre-assessment (for learning): /reating outlines #or Scrap(ad sho!case Formative (for learning): (resentation o# Scrap(ad to class

Outline assessment activities :applicable to this lesson;

Formative (as learning): Assessment o# !or"ing !ith group members) process o# creating Scrap(ad Summative (of learning;@ Student sel#,assessment

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(- emotionall(etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation (ro%ide options #or perception, making information perceptible Open-structure for outlines of ScrapPads

Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression (ro%ide options #or physical action, increase options for interaction -working with the IPads -talking and interacting with group members

Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement (ro%ide options #or recruiting interest, choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats Choice of ScrapPad resources, Authenticity of each groups work, Value of students while presenting


(ro%ide options #or language) mathematical e2pressions) and symbols, clarify & connect language Open use of language within ScrapPad !uotes, information" (ro%ide options #or comprehension, activate, apply & highlight Comprehension of %Stargirl&' Applying information read, learned, simulation discussions with self-assessment'

(ro%ide options #or e2pression and communication, increase me ium of e!pression #orking with technology, finding pictures, de$eloping outlines (ro%ide options #or e2ecuti%e #unctions, coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies #orking in groups with timeframe to complete work while in class

(ro%ide options #or sustaining e##ort and persistence, optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back ScrapPad showcase de$elopment

(ro%ide options #or sel#, regulation, e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, selfassessment & reflection Student self-assessment of work in groups(class(de$eloping throughout literature circles'

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

, , , , , , ,

Stargirl boo" (encil -eading journals #or re%ie! Blan" (aper #or Cutline plans Dar"ers/crayons Se%en i(ads Scrap(ad App a%ailable to use

, , How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson"

-egular classroom set up Students !ill be !or"ing in groups) some may be allo!ed to go into hall to !or" and to ha%e more space$

III. 2 e Plan 2ime Com!onents /otivation :opening/ introduction/ engagement; 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. Good DorningE Today !e are going to discuss Students should be *uietly listening to directions$ your #inal assignment #or Stargirl$ Today !e !ill begin !or"ing on our sho!cases and !e are going to present these not today) or tomorro!) but the class period #ollo!ing$ This means you !ill ha%e t!o days to complete this assignment$ This also means = e2pect each o# you to be creati%e) do *uality !or") and be a great team memberE =ntroduce sho!case assignment@ 3a( One# 89 mins 3evelo!ment :the largest component or main body o# the lesson; 5e are #irst going to get into 4 groups o# &$ , :?umber students o## 7,& so they !or" !ith peers they may usually not !or" !ith; '2plain that each group is going to de%elop their o!n outline #or their scrap boo"$ FToday !e are going to use paper and crayons) tomorro! !e !ill use the =,(adsG , (ass out blan" paper and mar"ers/crayons istening to directions) discussing !ith group members$

617 minutes

69 mins


F'ach outline #or your scrapboo" must ha%e picture ideas) characters) settings) main e%ent details$ = !ant your group to dra! and !rite on this outline just as you !ant it to loo" on the =, (ad$ The layout and !ords should be just ho! you !ant them$G F= !ill be !al"ing around the room to ans!er any *uestionsEG Ha%e students !or" in groups to complete outline$ , et students as" *uestions$ , Teacher !ill !al" around room and hall to assist students 3a( 2wo# FToday !e are going to be !or"ing !ith the =, (ads$G :7 mins (ass out =,(ad to each group$ 1emonstrate Scrap(ad to class !ith teacher =, (ad$ , Teacher !ill introduce app to students !ith tips on ho! to use #eatures$ 67 mins Teacher !ill !al" around room/hall to assist students$ FIou !ill need to #inish this assignment be#ore the end o# class because !e are going to start presenting right a!ay ne! literature class$G 3a( 2 ree# ; mins for eac grou! !resentin g < mins ; mins :9 mins , (resenting Sho!case day@ , Students !ill present their Scrap(ad in their groups to the other groups$ Students !ill complete Scrap(ad assignment be#ore class ends$ Students sign in to Scrap(ad) #ollo!ing teacher directions$ Students !ill meet in their groups$ Students !ill be !or"ing respect#ully in their groups$

(resent group Scrap(ads

Closure :conclusion) culmination) !rap,up;

, , ,

Student sel#,assessment on entire unit !or" Students !ill re,ta"e pre,assessment Students !ill compare both pre, assessments and re#lect on any statements/%ie!s that ha%e changed or de%eloped$ , Students !ill !rite a #inal re#lection in their journals$

(articipate in sel#,assessments Journal !riting on %ie!s changed #rom reading Stargirl$

=our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. :5rite this a#ter teaching the lesson) i# you had a chance to teach it$ =# you did not teach this lesson) #ocus on the process o# preparing the lesson$;



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