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21 April 2014

U Win Tin (1930-2014)

On 21 April 2014, Burma lost its greatest hero in the struggle for democracy, U Win Tin. The Burma Independence Advocates expresses great sadness at the passing of one of the greatest and glorious leaders of Burma U Win Tin, a member of the Board of Patrons of the National League for Democracy (NLD). We extend our condolences and solidarity to U Win Tins family, to his colleagues, and to the people of Burma on this mournful occasion. Words fall short of expressing our sorrow for such a great loss. U Win Tin was imprisoned by the military junta in 1989 for his leading role in 1988 popular uprising. He spent 19 years in the prison suffering the most callous mental and physical tortures by the authorities. As he later mentioned in his book on the prison experience In Defiance of a Hell on Earth, he courageously defied the heartless torture and oppression in the prison. U Win Tin resolutely continued the march for freedom until his last moment. By wearing the prison uniform in his entire life, he shows the whole world that, in his own words, Burma remains a prison. Certainly, there is a place for U Win Tin among the great martyrs of Burma. The people of Burma will continue following his steps fighting against the dictatorship until the country achieves genuine freedom and democracy. The fight will move on. U Win Tins courage and determination will continue to inspire the people of Burma in their struggle for genuine democracy. Burma Independence Advocates London.

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