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Erving Pena English 2010 Mary-Jayne March Sixth, 2014 EQUALITY As world history goes, change has proven to be slow, and tumultuous. Many times, only in the hindsight of great travesties, is the reality of our violent and intolerant nature called into question. However, there has been a paradigm shift brought on with the advent of technology. The world is now able to learn about injustice as it just happened, or even in real time, as its happening. With regards to discrimination, the rapid exchanges of information and evidence such as pictures and video that go have the potential to go viral, are create a public outcry. This has individuals thinking twice about what they want to say or do with regards to discriminating as it may be used against them. In todays world, especially in the United States, a new term is being used in defense of all those who have previously felt discriminated against. A word heralded in by the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) community. Equality, has been their objective and their symbol and equal sign. The new millennium has shown the greatest changes in the very fabric of American culture with regards to showing tolerance to a group of people that has long lived in fear of rejection, or death. The road has not been easy, and the changes occurring come at great emotional cost to those that will one day be considered pioneers of this movement. Awareness still needs to be raised when it comes to the discrimination of the LGBT community.

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The Science A major factor in looking at the issue objectively is to understand or be informed of the nature of Homosexuality. How people identify themselves and what they define their sexual orientation has genetic influences that cannot be dismissed. Homosexuality was long considered a mental illness, but since 1975, the American Psychological Association has been trying to correct the false perception and provide a more accurate understanding of what really is homosexuality. First and foremost, sexual orientation is defined by the American Psychological Association as closely tied to the intimate personal relationships that meet deeply felt needs for love, attachment, and intimacy. This can be nonsexual physical affection between partners, shared goals and values, mutual support, and ongoing commitment.(APA) Same sex attraction typically starts to develop in childhood and teenage years. Individuals sexual attraction, even same sex attraction arises even in those that are celibate. A person is able to have sex with the same-sex and or opposite sex before coming to a conclusion on their sexual preference. However, sex with an individual of the same or opposite sex does not define sexual orientation, nor does the ability to love someone of either sex. Once again, sexual orientation as defined by the APA that is truly homosexual is a common trait, found in up to 10% of the population.(Blue) For a long time scientist have pondered how and where to find the single part of the gene that makes someone gay to no avail. New research shows that the answer could be found in Epigenetics. Epigenetics or Epi-marks according to Sergey Garvrilets, a NIMBios researcher, are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific. He goes on to state, Normally, these epi-marks are erased after they are activated, but if those marks are passed down to the next generation, the same epi-makes that protected a man in utero

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may cause oversensitivity to testosterone among his daughters, and the epi-makers that protected a woman in utero may lead to under sensitivity to testosterone among her sons. (Blue) This would also help explain why it is difficult to track a hereditary trait. In short, it is not part of a gene that makes and individual gay, but the ways certain parts of a gene are activated.

Reality This natural occurrence has caused so many to be victims of discrimination. The news is filled with individuals that are attack or even murdered for being Gay. In Oxnard, California, an eight-grader named Lawrence King was shot to death because he was gay. They teased him because he was different, a New York Times article quoted Marissa Moreno, 13, also in the eighth grade. But he wasnt afraid to show himself. (Cathcart). In Chicago, a lesbian couple was attacked by a group up to ten men. The women were attacked while the men laughed and yelled antigay slurs. (Reylonds) Many choose to continue to stay In the Closet, because of the fear of rejection of loved ones and retaliation from those around them. Words and terms like fag, queer, lesbo, dike, fruit cake, etcare used to verbally attack and dehumanize individuals. According to Bullying Statistics: According to recent gay bullying statistics, gay and lesbian teens are two to three times as more likely to commit teen suicide than other youths. About 30 percent of all completed suicides have been related to sexual identity crisis. Students who also fall into the gay, bisexual, lesbian or transgender identity groups report being five times as more likely to miss school because they feel unsafe after being bullied due to their

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sexual orientation. About 28 percent out of these groups feel forced to drop out of school all together. (Bullying) There is an ever more increasing need to raise awareness that there is discrimination against Gays. Hate crimes and bullying arent the only way homosexuals are discriminated against. As if echoing history, gays face discrimination from landlords, employers and even religious institutions. In 1968 the Federal Fair Housing Act was put into place, but even after several groups had been added
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to its protection; it still doesnt still cover sexual orientation. Salon, wrote an article reporting The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) findings with regard to discrimination against homosexuals in the housing market. According to Salon the Key findings in the study were: Same-sex couples experience discrimination in the online rental housing market, relative to heterosexual couples. Adverse treatment is found primarily in the form of same-sex couples receiving fewer responses to the email inquiry than heterosexual couples. States with legislative protections show slightly more adverse treatment for gays and lesbians than in states without protections.

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Adverse treatment of same-sex couples is present in every metropolitan area where tests were conducted, but no clear-cut pattern exists in the magnitude of adverse treatment by metropolitan size. (McDonough) Employment is vital to individuals. That is why its tragic that peoples lively hood is put

at risk because of discrimination. Protection from work-place discrimination was once thought to have been the initial step to change and has now fallen behind other battles being fought for equality. Even after the removal of Dont Ask dont tell, law which now lets homosexual be open about their sexual preference without the fear of repercussions in the military, the same protection has not been extended on the domestic side. Discrimination in the work place against LGBT community members and even their supporters are being brought to light. Julia Frost, and English teacher at Sultana High School in Hesperia, California was terminated because Frost helped her LGBT students exercise their right to free speech.(Brydum) She helped compose the Gay-straight alliance on her school to help students having to deal with bullying and threatening remarks. Another example is that of Peter TerVeer. He was an Auditor in the Inspector generals office of the Library of Congress. According to the Washington Post, TerVeers boss tried to set him up with his daughter. When his boss found out he was gay, he was harassed with religious-based homophobia- and eventually got him fired. (Rien) Religion, is playing a large role in making many in the LGBT community feel discriminated, but as it turns out, it is also the catalyst for the major advancements in equality that are taking place.

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Religion While scientists try to prove that Homosexuality stems from a genetic correlation that makes up our bodies, the root of discrimination finds its strongest hold in religion. Religion plays a major role in the way people see the world, and what is considered appropriate or not. In the United States, 85.3% belong to some sort of branch of Christianity. (Turner) Religion has left its sometimes violent mark on history. The Catholic inquisition, Saint Bartholomews Day Massacre, The LDS Mountain Meadows Massacre, and the UVFs Bombings in the UK are example of violence from Christian influenced religious conviction. One has to realize that religion has to potential for good as well as evil when it comes to dealing with groups of people that dont belong to such institutions. The major issue with religion; more specifically Christians (as this religious group plays a major role in American culture), is that in the Bible, their Holy book, homosexually is denounced as a sin. According to the Bible, in Leviticus 18:22 King James Version Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination,(James) is the verse most commonly referenced as to why homosexuality is wrong, especially since it is believed that the writers were writing down Gods word. The words change from Bible to Bible but the point is the same. Homosexuality is not allowed by the Christian God. History is playing out at this very moment. The first and major battle

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in discrimination is Gay marriage is being granted in some states and others are fighting state voted amendments that are in place. These amendments define the institution of Marriage as between a man and a woman. Traditional Marriage, as many religiously affiliated and nonreligiously affiliated groups and individuals like to call it, is composed of this opposite sex union. It is this issue that has pulled fight for equality into the lime light. LGTB
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couples want to be giving the same economical and legal rights and protection as their hetero counterparts. Many have thrown the idea of Civil Unions granting LGBT couples the same or some of the same protection and rights as hetero couples. This however, has been seen as treating members of the LGBT community as second class citizens. The Marriage, the LGBT community wants to be legalized is a Civil term not the religious one. Those with strong convictions against Same Sex Marriage have been trying to find non-faith based reasons to prohibit the legality of unions under that title. The extent of which these groups are trying to push to deny LGBT members equal right is starting to be seen as Homophobic. There push is refusal to allow for equal rights is starting to be seen as hate driven and cloaked under the name of religion. Some even claim that similar arguments being proposed against same sex marriage echo what was once said in the fight against interracial marriages like Virginia vs. Loving. Religious and non-religious groups that argue for traditional marriage do so using the following as their defense: 1. To reproduce, nature favors heterosexuality, not homosexuality. 2. Nature teaches us to build the family unit and honor gender differences.

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3. The essence of marriage is intelligible- it makes the most sense. 4. Childless heterosexual married couples reinforce marriage, no redefine it. 5. Traditional marriage is strong, as is. 6. Some certainties should not be rejected or fundamentally transformed. 7. History and democracy matter. 8. Preserving traditional marriage is a virtue, not Homophobia or bigotry. 9. Upholding standards against other redefinitions is necessary. 10. Unmarried civil union is a fair and reasonable compromise. (Arlandson)

Equality Time and time again, these arguments are been tossed out in court by federal judges as unconstitutional reasons to deny individuals their right to marry their same sex. The biggest triumphs for the LGBT community and marriage equality have taken place in the last few years; ironically, because of the effort put in place by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to try and suppress the marriage issue. A New York Times article titled Mormons Tipped Scale in Ban on Gay Marriage, illustrates how the efforts and affluence of the members of the LDS church lead to a win on Proposition 8 by 52% of voters. (Johnson) Proposition 8 stopped legal Same Sex Marriages in California only to be turned down by the Supreme Court, as well as the Defense of Marriage Act. Had, the LDS Church not stepped in, many speculate that no legal precedent would have been made with regards to Same Sex Marriage, that is now causing the rapid and dramatic shift in Judges Rulings in favor of Marriage Equality. Marriage equality is advancing by leaps and bounds. Only in the past few years have things really changed. 17 states now legally recognize same sex marriage as well as the

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Washington DC. The Federal Government Recognizes Same Sex Marriage regardless of State Law. Utah, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Virginia and Texas gay marriage bans have been deemed unconstitutional by Federal Judges and their rulings are currently stayed, until they are heard by their appointed Circuit Courts. These cases are expected to be heard by the Supreme Court. While the legal battles are covered almost daily by the news, the remaining States are either, deciding not to
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fight, like Nevada, waiting for a decision by the Supreme Court, or taking the ultimate route in discrimination and using religion to do so. In what can be considered a last and desperate attempt by those that oppose Same Sex Marriage and homophobic people a like, Five States have proposed laws that would allow business to deny service to LGBT members based on pure beliefs. This would mean that if someone did not want to serve a gay couple, because baking a cake for their wedding was what they considered against their beliefs, they can be denied. Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, and Missouri have proposed but not passed what many are calling the introduction of anti-gay and/or Jim Crow like laws. Appalled by this move, major corporations have found themselves voicing their opinions:

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Delta Airlines, One of Atlantas largest employers, said in a statement it Strongly opposes the proposed legislation in Georgia, Arizona and other states. If passed into law, these proposals would cause significant harm to many people and will result in job losses. They would also violate Deltas core values of mutual respect and dignity shared by our 80,000 employees worldwide and 165 million customers we serve every year, the company said in a statement. (Newcomb) Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed the bill but not after businesses, political, community and commerce leaders warned her of possible repercussion from such a bill. With businesses stepping up to the plate, it really shows a change in how people see the LGBT community. Conclussion One only has to turn on the TV and see how things have changed. There are LGBT characters in almost every show. Popular shows like Glee and Modern Family expose people to the reality that LGBT couples and family are part of the fabric of American life. According to a 2012 Gallup poll posted by CNN, 59% of American adults said gay and lesbian relationships are morally acceptable, up 19 percentage points since 2001. (Richen) Even then, the hurdles face by those in the LGBT community can seem larger than life and frightening. Many states dont provided protection to LGBT citizen from discrimination. Many are still bullied and threatened for being gay. This is an issue occurring all over the world. Sometimes, countries recognizing equality, but others persecute their own LGBT citizens. Many people refuse to believe or recognize this a civil rights movement, but history will tell of a day when America denied and discriminated her own LGBT citizens.

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PHOTO INDEX Figure 1: Google Search. Gay Bashing. Savage Gay Bashing in Western Nor Figure 2: Pseudo-Christian Hate Lives on. Figure 3: Joe Clifford, Candy and Cigarettes Blog. Gay Marriage. Figure 4: Human Rights Campaign. Michigans Gay Marriage Ban struck down pending appeal: See how fast the movement is spreading, Mother

Works Cited Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality, American Psychological Association, n.d. Web. 09 March 2014 Arlandson, James. Ten Non-Religious Reasons to Keep Marriage Traditional. American Thinker. n.p. 13 Jan. 2013 Web. 09 March 2014 Blue, Laura. New Insight into the (Epi)Genetic Roots of Homosexuality. TIME.TIME Mag., 13 Dec. 2012. Web 08 March 2014 Brydum, Sunnivie. Meet the People Fired for Being LGBT in 2013. ADVOCATE. 18 Dec. 2013. Web 07 March 2014 Gay Bullying Statistics, Bullying Statistics. n.d., Web. 07 March 2014

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Cathcart, Rebecca. Boys Killing, Labeled a Hate Crime, Stuns a Town. The New York Times. 23 Feb. 2008. Web 07 March 2014 King James Bible. Bible verses about homosexuality. n.p., n.d., Web 08 March 2014. McDonough, Katie. National study finds discriminations against gay couples in housing market. SALON. n.p. 19 June. 2013. Web. 08 March. 2014 Jonhson, Kirk---.McKinley, Jesse. Mormons Tipped Scale in Ban on Gay Marriage. The New York Times. 14 Nov. 2008. Web 08 March 2014 Newcomb, Alyssa After Arizona: 5 Other States Considering Anti-Gay laws. Good Morning America. 27 Feb, 2014. Web 07 March 2014 Reynolds, Daniel. Suspect Charged With Hate Crime In Brutal Attack of Chicago Lesbian Couple. n.p. 12 July, 2013 Web. 08 March 2014. Richen, Yoruba. Opinion: How youth led change in public attitudes on same-sex marriage. n.p. 26 June, 2013. Web. 09 March 2014. Rien, Lisa. Former Library of Congress auditor says he was harassed, then fired for being gay. n.p. 22 August 2012. Web. 08 March 2014. Turner, Darrell. Religion: Year In Review 2010. Encyclopedia Britannica. n.d., Web 09 March 2014

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