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College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Cortney Lollis School: Merrywood Elementary Description of Lesson:

Students will demonstrate and understanding of Earths land features and the changes that occur.

Date and Time of Lesson: TBD Sub ect!"rade Le#el: Science!$rd

Lesson Title or Essential %uestion that guides the lesson: Earths Land Features Curriculum Standards &ddressed:
SC Curriculum Standard's(: Standard 3-3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of Earths composition and the changes that occur to the features of Earths surface. SC &cademic )ndicator's(: Indicator 3-3.6 Illustrate Earths land features (including olcanoes! mountains! alle"s! can"ons! ca erns! and islands# $" using models! pictures! diagrams! and maps.


Lesson *b ecti#e's(:
The student will demonstrate and understanding of Earths land features $" identif"ing the composition and changes that occur to the features of Earths surface. Beha ior% Identif" different land features of the Earth Content% Science Degree% I e&pect students to $e '() accurate when descri$ing Earths land features

&ssessment's( of the *b ecti#es:

*efore% Students will $e assessed $" showing illustrations of different Earth features and students will $e as+ed to identif" on a short ,ui- what each land feature is. .uring% .uring the lesson on Earths land features! students will $e as+ed pro$ing ,uestions to help them $etter identif" land features. I will assess students er$al answers on a clip $oard for the during assessment. /fter% /t the closing of the lesson! student will $e assessed $" the same ,ui- ta+en at the $eginning of the lesson. I will assess each student on their performance throughout the lesson.

Revised 1.20.14

0. 1an "ou name this land feature! ,ui2. Smart $oard 3. Land feature photos on google 3. Stic+" notes 4. 1ut out photos of land features 6. 1onstruction paper

Prere,uisites 'Prior -nowledge(: Identification of Earths land features is new to third

graders. In 4th grade students will get in more detail of olcanic eruptions and compare continental and oceanic landforms. Students ha e +nowledge of wor+ing in groups.

5ith no e&planation! gi e students 61an "ou name this land feature78 ,ui-. 9i e 0( minutes for students to fill out ,ui-. Ta+e up ,uiStudents will mo e to the carpet I will as+ students to close their e"es and imagine that the" are on a acation an"where the" wanted. 6. In the groups the" are in! student will discuss what the" were imagining. :. ;sing chart paper! students will use stic+" notes to write down some suggestions from their group and put then on the paper. '. ;sing the list the students ga e! we will pull suggestions that had to do with the mountains! then $odies of water! then ca es! etc. <. I will then go o er the different t"pes of land features 0(. Student will go $ac+ to their seats 00. ;sing the smart $oard we will go o er the ,ui- the" pre iousl" too+. 02. 5e will ta+e each picture one at a time and point out what land feature it is and how the" were a$le to ma+e an educated guess at what it was. 03. /fter! I will show different pictures of olcanoes! mountains! alle"s! can"ons! ca erns! and islands on the smart $oard 03. 5e will discuss each photo and wh" it is considered what it is. 04. In groups! students will $e gi en a photo of a land feature 06. In their group the" will $e as+ed to identif" the land feature and e&plain wh". Students will glue their photo on a sheet of construction paper and write their answers on the sheet. 0:. /fter 4-' minutes! each group will come to the front of the room to e&plain their photo to the group. 0'. 5e will discuss an" disagreements. 0<. Students will ta+e the ,ui- from the $eginning of the lesson again. **See Guide** 0. 2. 3. 3. 4.

&cti#ity &nalysis:
0. 1lass acti it" defining photos of land forms on the smart $oard. 5e will use the smart $oard to show large! clear photos to the class. Students will wor+ as a class to define Revised 1.20.14

the photos. This supports the lesson o$=ecti e $ecause students are getting practice in identif"ing Earths land features. /ll students need practice on wor+ing as a whole class as the" are a tal+ati e group. This will help them spea+ one at a time and listen to others answers. 2. Students will wor+ in groups to define a photo of a land feature. This is a hand on acti it" that does not re,uire technolog". In this acti it" students will clue and could e en use scissors to cut. Students will wor+ as a small team to define a land feature. 5or+ing in a small team will again help the students to listen to others! and agree to come to a conclusion to present to the class. *" presenting to the class students will all ha e a chance to share and spea+.

Differentiation!&ccommodations!Modifications!)ncreases in +igor
/ll students will $e in the class during this science lesson. .uring the ,ui- I will pull the ES>L student! and the 3 will IE?s to the round ta$le in the $ac+. Li+e the teacher alwa"s does! I will read out an" information from the ,ui- to them. Since the ,ui- is all pictures! the" will ha e the same ,ui- as the rest of the class. Students are alread" placed in groups that wor+ for their different $eha iors! so there will $e no other modifications for this lesson.

+eferences: ?ersonal reference% @rs. Landreth A 3rd grade teachers at @err"wood

Elementar" on Banuar"! 3( 2(03 .

Volcanoes: ounta!ns: http://"!nea#tame#!"eatu#e$/smo%y&mounta!ns&sunset&&'#eat&smo%y& mounta!ns&'atl!nbu#'&tn&$ave&allen.html (lateau: http://)ueenc!$s/20*2/0+/plateau&#oc%*.jp' Valleys: http://www.pathconsc!$s/20**/0,/valley&' -anyons:*m1zo2 -ave#ns: https://www.'oo' )=cave#ns3#lz=*-*4 Z56en0S+,*0S+,*3espv=2*03es6sm=783sou#ce=lnms3tbm=!sch3 sa=.3e!=9:040& z.2;ap%<"yh=>'<w3ve$=0-<o16<0o<'3b!w=*8,,3b!h=,,7?"ac#c=63!m'$!!=63!m'#c =Zy+87Z=pV@z.t A2+8<A85Z>" ;>Bn"t(%/ A85httpA2+8<A2+2@A2+2@me$!a& c$n.t#!pa$v!so#.comA2+2@me$!aA2+2@photo&sA2+2@00A2+2@*CA2+2@+$ A2+2@C2A2+2@lu#ay&'A85httpA2+8<A2+2@A2+2@www.t#!pa$v! A2+2@<tt#act!on6Rev!ew&',07,/&$*0/02*&Rev!ews&:u#ay6-ave#ns&:u#ay6V!#'!n!a.html A85++0A85872 =slan$s: https://www.'oo' )=!slan$s3#lz=*-*4 Z56en0S+,*0S+,*3espv=2*03es6sm=783sou#ce=lnms3tbm=!sch3s a=.3e!=%#0407D:Ec7=%<e*!oF/-'3ve$=0-<o16<0o<'3b!w=*8,,3b!h=,,7?"ac#c=63! m'$!!=63!m'#c=(Gw2B2 5wD,7l A2+8<A85l9c89Fm28409E A85httpA2+8< A2+2@A2+2@www.eyesona"#!ca.netA2+2@a"#!can&sa"a#!&seychellesA2+2@no#th&!slan$ A2+2@contentA2+2@b!nA2+2@!ma'esA2+2@la#'eA2+2@Bo#th=slan$600/.jp'A85httpA2+8< A2+2@A2+2@www.eyesona"#!ca.netA2+2@a"#!can&sa"a#!&seychellesA2+2@no#th&!slan$.htm A85,+0A85/82

Revised 1.20.14

Revised 1.20.14

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