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Category: High carb meal for chimps Total Carbs: 210 grams Total Fats: 66 grams Total Sugars: 16 grams Makes: 108 ounces Serve in: Cups Prep Time: About 20 minutes

Ingredients: 3 ! cups tortilla 2 cups ground soy " cups taco seasoning 4 cups low fat shredded American cheese 2 cups shredded lettuce 2 cups tomato

Directions: 1. Toast the tortilla in a George foreman type grill . 2. Heat up the ground soy for about 2 minutes in the microwave. 3. Put the heated ground soy on the toasted tortilla, and then sprinkle a little bit of taco seasoning on it. 4. Sprinkle the shredded cheese on the tortilla. 5. Put shredded lettuce on tortilla and chopped up tomato slices. 6.After all that cook your quesadilla in a George foreman or Panini grill type utensil.

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