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Los Verbos de Raz que Cambia


Me llamo ____________________

*Remember in Spanish there are three types of verbs: those that end in ______, those that end in ________, and those that end in _______. *Verbs are either _______________ or _________________. *We have already learned how to conj !ate re! lar "R, #R, and $R Verbs by droppin! the "R%#R%$R endin! and by addin! the appropriate endin!s to the verb stem to match the s bject. &oo' at the followin! e(amples of verbs we have learned:

*Some verbs are irre! lar, meanin! they brea' the r les. )ne irre! lar verb we have learned is:

** !ar is an e ______________ ___________________. +his means when yo conj !ate it, the stem chan!es from an , - to a , e- in all forms b t the nosotros and vosotros forms. .o still add the re! lar verb endin!s j st li'e yo wo ld with any other re! lar verb, the stem j st chan!es/ Many other verbs in Spanish also have stems that chan!e from o e when conj !ated. 0or e(ample: 1ormir: ___________________ Volver: ___________________ 3oder 45infinitive6: ____________________ "lmor2ar: _______________________ &lover: __________________________

*&et7s try conj !atin! those verbs in verb charts. 8ircle the ,boot- shape where the stem chan!es. Remember that some of these are 9ar verbs, some are 9er, and some are 9ir//

E IE STEM CHANGERS *o e stem chan!ers aren7t the only type of stem chan!er. +here are also verbs whose stem chan!e from ,e- to ,ie- in all forms e(cept nosotros and vosotros. .o 7ve already learned two. See how well yo remember ,: erer- below:

Some other eie stem chan!ers are: Venir 4yo;!o6: ______________________ #mpe2ar 45a5infinitive6: ___________________ Merendar: __________________ 8errar: _____________________ tener 4yo;!o6: ________________________ #ntender: _______________________ 3ensar: __________________________ 4pensar : e<=to thin' that<6 4pensar en<=to thin' abo t<6

*&et7s try conj !atin! those verbs in verb charts. 8ircle the ,boot- shape where the stem chan!es.

.o 7ve learned a lot this year/ +hin' abo t all the thin!s yo co ld say to describe this hamster:

#l hamster es m y !ordo. #l h>mster es marr?n. #l h>mster tiene hambre. &e ! sta la comida. +iene ojos ne!ros. #l h>mster tiene na madre. S madre tambiAn es !orda.

#l #l @ #l #l #l

h>mster va a comer por la tarde. h>mster no tiene ropa. iere comer. h>mster es simp>tico. h>mster come m chas verd ras. h>mster no habla espaBol

LOS QUEHACERES ,&os : ehaceres- are _____________________ in Spanish. Cere7s how to say some chores aro nd the ho se. Dnderline the verb in each of the followin! e(pressions:

la ar los !la"os# to wash the dishes &a$er la $ama# to ma'e the bed lim!iar el ba(o# to clean the bathroom arre)lar mi $uar"o# to strai!hten p my room !o'er la mesa# to set the table

$or"ar el $%s!ed# to c t the lawn $o$i'ar# to coo' !asar la as!iradora# to vac m

$uidar a los &erma'os: to ta'e care of my siblin!s

Remember that _______________ and _________________ both are yo;!o verbs, meanin! that the 9yo form will end in 9!o. #very other verb above is a re! lar 9ar verb/

8hoose the correct form of each verb to complete the sentence.

E.6 .o 4haces%ha!o6 la cama todos los dFas. G.6 Mis primos y yo n nca 4arre!lo%arre!lamos6 n estros c artos. H.6 S sobrina siempre 4c idan%c ida6 a s s hermanos menores. I.6 Vosotros 4pasan%pas>is6 la aspiradora en la sala. J.6 Dstedes 4lavo%lavan6 los platos desp As de comer. K.6 " mF no me ! sta 4limpiar%limpio6 el baBo. L.6 Dsted 4p edes%p ede6 cortar el cAsped. M.6 .o 4ponemos%pon!o6 la mesa antes de comer. N.6 Oosotros 4cierran%cerramos6 la p erta desp As de entrar. EP.6 Mi tFa no : iere 4cocina%cocinar6 nada.

Q8?mo se dice en in!lAsR

EE.6 S ab ela c ida a s s nietos. _____________________________________________________ EG.6 .o no lavo los platos n nca. ______________________________________________________ EH.6 Q3 edes limpiar el baBoR .o no : iero. ______________________________________________

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