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Reflection on SLCC library services

Event: SLCC library services guest lecture Date: Spring semester 2014 Location: SLCC OTA program Length of presentation: One hour Presenter: Melody

Missy Reynolds Modalities II April 25, 2015

Nothing is worse then when you are trying to find information for an assignment and go to the library and cant find what you are looking for! This has happened to me several times. That is why I am so grateful that Melody from Jordan Campus Library came and spoke to us about the library services. Little did I know then how much work was ahead of me and that I would need the services that she was teaching us about. I learned that a library is more then just books, movies and magazines. It has so many more other services that will aid in my college career. She taught us about how to find books and media using the online catalog. When I was in elementary school computers were not used so I learned how to find a book using the library index (Dewy Decimal System). So looking for books now was a little foreign to me. It is so nice and convenient to just sit down at a computer and find the exact book or a list of books that is needed. Also she gave us search tips such as using obvious keywords in a title and avoiding common words like: the, a, of, in, and with.

She also taught us how to find a journal of other online material. This was especially useful information because there was an assignment that we had to find an evidence-based article from AJOT to read and present on. I learned that there are different databases to look for specific information of a type of journal, book or media. Melody gave directions on how to find these. For example I learned that the database EBSCO is for finding specific journals. This will be useful when I am working with a client and I want to find different interventions or ideas on what to base my treatments on. I read an article about how effective art therapy is for parents that have babies in the NICU. The OTs that conducted this study put together a scrapbooking class for the parents to come to during the stay of their baby. She interviewed them and had them fill out a survey before and after the scrapbooking class. The results were that the majority of those that participated in the study found a reduction in their stress level. After reading this article I thought that there are many modalities of intervention that I can learn from journal articles. Melody also taught us about knowing how to tell if a source is credible or not. She showed us CAPOW it means C-currency, A-authority, P-purpose, O-objectively, Wwriting style. I could see how embarrassing it would be to use a source that is not creditable! I know for the rest of my college years, which is soon coming to an end I will be able to use the library services. After I graduate I still will find this information useful. I will need this information for my continuing education or even just to help my children or future clients or students on how to use library services.

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