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Unite 3 Assignment 6

Christel Ernstsen Unite 3 Assignment 6 Salt Lake Community College

Unite 3 Assignment 6 The argument of whether we should or should not allow homosexuals to teach our children is prejudice and it is a moral issue. There are many people who are not comfortable with homosexuals and the thought of their own child having to be around them scares some parents. The truth of this argument is homosexuals are in this world, not just a few but a lot of people are homosexual. Those parents who are prejudice or think that homosexuals are morally wrong, their children will have to grow up living, working and going to school with them, even if the teachers are not. Instead of raising your children in hate or fear let them make up their own minds as the world is different and our way of thinking changes. As it says in Invitation to the life span, "a child's personal experiences affect their thoughts and outlook on life. Such as children attending a multi-ethnic school are more able to go against prejudices". That means that children will be less likely to feel hatred towards someone who is homosexual if they are around homosexual people such as teachers, and students (whom the children are already interacting with). This would allow children to learn how to live with and understand people of different sexualities. Another example in Invitation to the life span suggests that children in middle school learn from three main things; their peer's culture, children's own experiences and empathy. Invitation to the life span says that "having empathy during those middle school years, means that there is a possibility for children to express moral judgment in noticing and defending people/ children of unfair rejection ". This is a time when your children are figuring people out as much as themselves, allowing them to be around homosexuals of peer and authoritative nature like teachers will help children create their own moral take

Unite 3 Assignment 6 on homosexuality and hopefully open them up to understanding differences in people and cultures creating less hatred. On top of allowing homosexual teachers in schools, and how it will not affect your child's sexuality there is homosexual couples being parents and raising children. There are several homosexual couples raising children about 34 percent of lesbian couples and 22 percent of gay male couples (The Marriage and Family Experience 12ed) and in an article written by Physiology Today research suggests that " children of homosexuals have no greater chance of turning gay than the child being raised by heterosexual parents." This research helps aide in the argument for allowing homosexual teachers in schools, by saying if children of homosexual parents are not being influenced to turn gay why would a teacher have that affect on students. Also found in the article of Physiology Today "science has proven that homosexuality is biological, and that no person chooses to be homosexual, then we can say that young people will find out what sexual orientation is natural to them". The only real influence I have found in my own reading on the influence of homosexual parents is their children might start to ponder their sexual orientation earlier in life. Since majority of people are heterosexual it is a good guess that children around homosexuals will turn out heterosexual themselves, meaning that a homosexual teacher will do no harm to a child's development. That kind of early involvement with people of a different lifestyles whether it be cultural, sexuality, or religion can only help create a more peaceful world with more understanding and empathy. For the second part of this essay, "would my opinion be different if a homosexual was a P.E. teacher for middle, or high school students?" My opinion would not be any different if that were the case. As an adult even a homosexual adult you can and do

Unite 3 Assignment 6 have the mindset that these children are not for your sexual arousment. A homosexual male adult sees a teenage boy naked this does not mean he will be aroused or have the desire to do anything. Human beings have the capability to be professional and separate themselves form that kind of lust. For instance there are many cases of heterosexual teachers having sexual interactions with their students. It would be no different if a homosexual teacher had sexual interactions with a child from the same sex, morally wrong. Both heterosexual and homosexual teachers or adults surrounded by teenagers needs to steer away from becoming too close to them in a effort to keep up barriers of trust and authority. There should be no prejudice of homosexual teachers in schools. From research the only affect homosexual teachers will have on your child is opening up their mind to other people around them and understanding differences. If they are your children's P.E. teacher, the likely hood of that homosexual teacher doing anything to your child is equal to that of a heterosexual teacher.

Unite 3 Assignment 6

Drexler, Peggy Ph.D. (2012). Gay Parents Raising Kids: How Will They Fare?. These Days, Gay Parents are No Novelty. Retrieved From http:// (28 February, 2014).

Stassen Berger, Kathleen. (2010). Invitation to The Life Span 2ed Edition. New York, NY: Worth Publisher.

Strong, Bryan. Cohen, F Theodore. (2014). The Marriage and Family Experience. Intimate Relationships in a Changing Society 12ed. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publisher.

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