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READING REPORT Students Name Teachers Name Course : Miguel Abanto Corrales : Lidia Jara : Intermediate 1 Time : 11:00


Where Men See White, Women See Ecru Summary (150 to 300 words) This article talk about the scientific reason of the color perception difference between men and women, neuroscientist and psychologists demonstrated throughout lots of experiments and studies that the main reason is a natural cause, because the men are better at perceiving movement objects in their field of vision, while women are more able to distinct between the different shades of color. This research was made possible by the cooperation of a group of men and women, who were studied about the neural mechanism to perceive colors. The research team gave them different visual test for determinate a common factor in the sense of visual perception. The study consisted in show them different kinds of bars flickering at computer screen. This study confirmed that men need slightly longer wavelength to see the same shade of color as women. Other reason to this difference is about the sex hormones, which can alter the normal development of the vision sense.

This format January 2012 Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos, salvaguardando la identidad del autor.

Personal Opinion (Min. 50 words for 150-word summaries | Min. 100 words for 300-word summaries) This topic is very controversial because throughout the years we ever differ in the perception of the colors. Its very interesting know that is because a natural causes and always will be of this form. Knowing this will save me future discussions with the sex opposite. Also It is very logical because since the first humans time this biological difference help the development of the civilization, the men with the skill of perceive quickly movement objects help them for the animal hunt and the women with the sensitive perception of the different shades of colors was perfect fort fruits recollection .

For Teachers Use

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