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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date David Vander Haak 4/22/2014 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Bacteria/Viruses Grade 10

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This is the ourth !esson in a unit on bacteria and viruses "but most!# on bacteria$% Students &i!! be inishin' up the !ab the# started in the irst three !essons( and this &i!! be the end o the content about bacteria% )o!!o&in' this

Learners will be able to#

,se data to make and support conc!usions% .va!uate the va!idit# o e1perimenta! resu!ts% ,nderstand that some bacteria are bad and can spread disease

co'nitive* + , -p -n . /0

ph#sica! deve!opment

socio* emotiona!

,(-p(-n -n(. +(,

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# '(.(' .va!uate the uncertainties or va!idit# o scienti ic conc!usions usin' an understandin' o sources o measurement error( the cha!!en'es o contro!!in' variab!es( accurac# o data ana!#sis( !o'ic o ar'ument( !o'ic o e1perimenta! desi'n( and/or the dependence on under!#in' assumptions% ').* Describe the structures o viruses and bacteria% CC++.ELA,LI-E.AC/.0H+-.1,(2.(.A 2ntroduce precise c!aim"s$( distin'uish the c!aim"s$ rom a!ternate or opposin' c!aims( and create an or'ani3ation that estab!ishes c!ear re!ationships amon' the c!aim"s$( counterc!aims( reasons( and evidence%
"4ote# 5rite as man# as needed% 2ndicate ta1onom# !eve!s and connections to app!icab!e nationa! or state standards% 2 an objective app!ies to particu!ar !earners &rite the name"s$ o the !earner"s$ to &hom it app!ies%$ 0remember( understand( app!#( ana!#3e( eva!uate( create

II. 'efore 3ou start Identif3 !rere4uisite 5nowledge and s5ills.

Ho& to make c!aims( support them &ith evidence( and justi # evidence%
Pre-assessment (for learning): Formative (for learning): /!ass discussion o resu!ts &i!! a!!o& the teacher to kno& i students made 'ood conc!usions rom their e1periment( and i in act the# discovered actors that a ect bacteria! 'ro&th% The second c!ass discussion sho&s the teacher i students are ab!e to trans er this in ormation to their o&n !ives% -!so( the teacher 'rades the !abs( to see ho& &e!! students desi'ned their investi'ations( carried them out( and dre& conc!usions% Formative (as learning): Students are &orkin' on the !ab( makin' their o&n conc!usions about ho& various actors a ect bacteria! 'ro&th% Students eva!uate their o&n &ork on the !ab &ith a rubric% Summative (of learning$6 Provide 9ulti!le 9eans of .e!resentation 7rovide options or perception* making information perceptible Students take notes on a 'uided note*sheet% Students or'ani3e in ormation in a Goo'!e Doc% 7rovide options or !an'ua'e( mathematica! e1pressions( and s#mbo!s* clarify & connect language Provide 9ulti!le 9eans of Action and E8!ression 7rovide options or ph#sica! action* increase options for interaction /o!!ectin' data rom the e1periment is hands*on% Provide 9ulti!le 9eans of Engagement 7rovide options or recruitin' interest* choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats The data students are co!!ectin' is rom an e1periment that the# desi'ned% 7rovide options or sustainin' e ort and persistence* optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

Outline assessment activities "app!icab!e to this !esson$

0 at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" 0 at will it ta5e 6 neurodevelo!mentall37 e8!erientiall37 emotionall37 etc.7 for 3our students to do t is lesson"

7rovide options or e1pression and communication* increase me ium of e!pression

Students are &ritin' data( c!aims and evidence in their !ab%

Students are e1pressin' a point o vie& in their &ritin' assi'nment%

Students are &orkin' to'ether on their !ab% 8usti #in' evidence is cha!!en'in'%


7rovide options or comprehension* activate, apply & highlight

Students app!# their resu!ts rom the !ab to determinin' actors that a ect bacteria! 'ro&th% 9aterials,w at materials $boo5s7 andouts7 etc& do 3ou need for t is lesson and are t e3 read3 to use" ;5or!d<s Dirtiest =an> video 7ermanent markers +u!ers ?aptops "161$

7rovide options or e1ecutive unctions* coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

7rovide options or se! *re'u!ation* e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

Students have been &orkin' on this !ab one section at a time% The &ritin' assi'nment has been one bi' !on'*term 'oa!%

Students have rubrics or the !ab and the &ritin' assi'nment%

Same as !ast !esson% How will 3our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. - e Plan -ime 0600* 060@ 060@* 0610 Com!onents :escribe teacher activities A;: student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in5ing 4uestions and<or !rom!ts. /heck and 'o over the home&ork "the chapter 4 -sk an# Buestions the# have about the home&ork% stud# 'uide$% Sho& @*minute e1cerpt rom ;The 5or!d<s Dirtiest =an>Aa video on =rs% 5ri'ht<s computer% ,se this to transition into the !abA&a#s &e keep thin's c!ean% Te!! students to 'et out their computers( and open and inish their !abs% Hand back their 7etri dishes( rom &hich the# can 'et their data% Teacher &i!! !ike!# have to e1p!ain justi #in' the evidence a'ain "sa#in' &h# the evidence #ou 'ave is in act 'ood evidence to support the c!aim$% See C7D.2 )!ipbook or 'radin'% Discuss &ith the c!ass their resu!ts rom the second part o the e1periment6 5hat did #ou ind caused bacteria to 'ro& moreE 5hat caused it to 'ro& !essE 06@0* 1600 )inish the !ast t&o s!ides o the bacteria notes( inte'ratin' that &ith a discussion o the resu!ts rom the !ab% )irst( ta!k about communicab!e Students &i!! &ork throu'h their !abs rom observations o part t&o unti! app!ication o part 2 "the end o the !ab$% Dnce students inish the !ab( each one &i!! 'rade him/herse! based on the se! *assessment rubric ": is an -$% The !ab is 'raded on a point sca!e( not &ith a rubric( but the rubric 'ives an idea o &hat Bua!it# the teacher is e1pectin' or each section%

9otivation "openin'/ introduction/ en'a'ement$

0610* 0640

:evelo!ment "the !ar'est component or main bod# o the !esson$


diseases and transmission% - ter introducin' the concept( ask the c!ass or e1amp!es o non* communicab!e diseases and communicab!e diseases% Sort out &hich diseases are bacteria!( and &hich are vira!( sa#in' that &e &i!! ta!k about viruses on Thursda#% 1600* 160: Discuss &ith the c!ass the imp!ications o &hat the#<ve !earned toda#6 Based on &hat #ou ound in #our e1periments( &hat are some &a#s to prevent transmissionE Closure "conc!usion( cu!mination( &rap*up$ Students have the rest o the period to &ork on their ar'umentative &ritin' assi'nments%

160:* 1620

/our reflection about t e lesson7 including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement7 as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne8t time. "5rite this a ter teachin' the !esson( i #ou had a chance to teach it% 2 #ou did not teach this !esson( ocus on the process o preparin' the !esson%$ )or this !esson( 2 &as not in schoo! "the Tuesda# a ter .aster$( so 2 on!# 'ot to hear ho& it &ent% =rs% 5ri'ht to!d me that ana!#3in' the data rom the e1periment &ent &e!!% 5e are sti!! in this unit( and students on!# had to have their !abs in b# the end o the da# #esterda#( so 2 have not #et had a chance to !ook at the !abs to see ho& students &ere doin' in terms o makin' c!aims based on evidence% The preparation o this !esson "or the second part o the !ab in 'enera!$( ocused on havin' students take o&nership o their o&n !earnin'Athe#<re desi'nin' the investi'ations( carr#in' them out( and makin' conc!usions%


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