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Physical Education Standards Based Grading Criteria

Advanced Proficient Rubric Score:

S"AN#AR# !: #e$onstrate $otor s%ills and $ove$ent &atterns needed to &erfor$ a variety of &hysical activities' Rhythmic Skills 1.1 Identify and demonstrate square dance steps, positions, and patterns to music. 1.2 Create and perform a square dance. Combinations of Movement atterns and Skills 1.! "emonstrate basic offensive and defensive skills and strate#ies in team physical activities. 1.$ %pply locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills to team physical activities. 1.& "emonstrate fundamental #ymnastic'tumblin# skills. 1.( Create and perform a routine usin# fundamental #ymnastics'tumblin# skills, locomotor and nonlocomotor movement patterns, and the elements of speed, direction, and level. S"AN#AR# : #e$onstrate %no(ledge of $ove$ent conce&ts) &rinci&les) and strategies as they a&&ly to learning and &erfor$ance of &hysical activities' Movement Concepts 2.1 "escribe and demonstrate ho) movement skills learned in one physical activity can be transferred and used to help learn another. 2.2 +,plain rotation principles used in performin# various manipulative skills. 2.! +,plain ho) #ro)th in hei#ht and )ei#ht affects one-s performance and influences the selection of developmentally appropriate physical activities. Combination of Movement atterns and Skills 2.$ Identify characteristics of hi#hly.skilled performances for the purpose of improvin# one-s o)n performance. 2.& "ia#ram, e,plain, and /ustify offensive and defensive strate#ies in modified and team sport #ames and activities. 2.( "evelop and teach a team #ame that uses elements of spin or rebound, desi#nated offensive and defensive space, a penalty system, and a scorin# system.

Proficient 3 Student usually demonstrates critical elements of the skill. "evelopin# )ith moderate teacher or peer support.

Partially Proficient Student sometimes demonstrates some critical elements of the skill. *eeds more time to develop or requires considerable teacher #uidance.

Not Proficient ! Student demonstrates minimal or no critical elements of the skill. Movements are inconsistent and unreliable.

4 Student clearly and consistently demonstrates all critical elements of the skill. "evelopin# consistently and independently.

Student clearly and consistently demonstrates concept kno)led#e.

Student demonstrates evidence of concept kno)led#e.

Student demonstrates some evidence of concept kno)led#e.

Student demonstrates little or no evidence of concept kno)led#e.

S"AN#AR# 3: Assess and $aintain a level of &hysical fitness to i$&rove health and &erfor$ance'
!.1 %ssess muscle stren#th, muscle endurance, aerobic capacity, fle,ibility, and body composition usin# the State.mandated fitness test and'or other research.based fitness assessment tools. Refine individual personal physical fitness #oals for each of the five areas of fitness based on research.based standards. lan and implement a t)o.)eek personal physical fitness plan in collaboration )ith the teacher. articipate in moderate to vi#orous physical activity a minimum of $ days per )eek. eriodically assess attainment of, or pro#ress to)ard, personal physical fitness #oals, and make necessary ad/ustments to personal physical fitness pro#ram. articipate safely in moderate to vi#orous physical activity )hen conditions are unconventional 0)eather, travel, in/ury1.

Student clearly and consistently demonstrates all critical elements of the skill. "evelopin# consistently and independently.

Student usually demonstrates critical elements of the skill. "evelopin# )ith moderate teacher or peer support.

Student sometimes demonstrates some critical elements of the skill. *eeds more time to develop or requires considerable teacher #uidance.

Student demonstrates minimal or no critical elements of the skill. Movements are inconsistent and unreliable.

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S"AN#AR# 4: #e$onstrate %no(ledge of &hysical fitness conce&ts) &rinci&les) and strategies to i$&rove health and &erfor$ance'
$.1 "evelop a t)o.)eek personal physical fitness plan specifyin# the proper )arm. up, and principles of e,ercise for each the five components of health. related fitness. Identify and perform appropriate physical activities that can be completed in inclement )eather, )hile a)ay from home or school, and )hen a minor in/ury may require an alternate activity. Identify )ays to increase physical activity in routine daily activities. Identify and apply basic )ei#ht'resistance trainin# principles and safety practices. +,plain the effects of nutrition and participation in physical activity on )ei#ht control, self.concept, and physical performance. +,plain the different types of conditionin# for different physical activities.

Student clearly and consistently demonstrates concept kno)led#e.

Student demonstrates evidence of concept kno)led#e.

Student demonstrates some evidence of concept kno)led#e.

Student demonstrates little or no evidence of concept kno)led#e.


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S"AN#AR# *: #e$onstrate and utili+e %no(ledge of &sychological and sociological conce&ts) &rinci&les) and strategies as a&&lied to learning and &erfor$ance of &hysical activity'
Self Responsibility &.1 %bide by the decisions of the officials, accept the outcome of the #ame, and sho) appreciation of participants. &.2 2r#ani3e and )ork cooperatively )ith a #roup to achieve #oals. &.! Identify and evaluate three life.lon# physical activity preferences and determine self.responsibility for skill development, kno)led#e of concepts, and fitness benefits. Social Interaction &.$ Identify and re)ard the contributions of members of a #roup or team in accomplishin# a task or #oal. 4roup "ynamics &.& %ccept the roles of #roup members )ithin the structure of a #ame or activity. &.( "escribe leadership roles and responsibilities )ithin the conte,t of team #ames and activities. &.5 Model and encoura#e others to be supportive and inclusive of all ability levels.

Student e,hibits behaviors that are focused on the task, )orks continually )ithout intervention by the teacher, and is helpful to classmates as needed.

Student e,hibits behaviors that are focused on the task and )orks continually )ithout intervention by the teacher.

%t times the student e,hibits behaviors that are off.task. *eeds frequent reminders to stay focused on his or her )ork.

Student e,hibits behaviors that prevent him or her from learnin#.

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