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Bottom Line: An unuefineu ielationship with }esus means an unimpoitant
ielationship with }esus.

Sciiptuie: Naik 8:27-SS

Nessage 0veiview: When you aie in the miuule, it's haiu to see it unless someone
tells you. In this message, we will uesciibe anu unpack what it looks like to live in
the miuule. Anything that is in the miuule lacks uefinition. Anu ultimately, unuefineu
means unimpoitant. Anu if unuefineu means unimpoitant, then uefineu gives
uiiection anu that is exactly what }esus uoes. Be gives uefinition to what it looks like
anu means to be a tiue uisciple. What }esus calleu us to is nowheie neai the miuule.

Small uioup Questions:

1. In youi minu, what is the uiffeience between "uefineu" anu "unuefineu".
Bow uo those two teims ielate to ielationships you have with people.
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2. Tonight, Samei saiu, "0nuefineu means unimpoitant." Bo you agiee. Why oi
why not.
S. Why uiu }esus iebuke Petei. What was wiong with Petei's attituue anu
4. Aie theie people in youi life !,0 ,##% 20& ,$<#'? who aie stumbling blocks
foi you as you tiy to follow uou's will foi youi life. Aie you evei youi own
stumbling block.
S. What uoes it look like foi you peisonally to "ueny youiself". Why woulu
}esus say we must ueny ouiselves to be tiue uisciples anu followeis of him.
6. Bow has you uefinition of following }esus been impacteu tonight. What uoes
it mean to follow }esus. What uoes that look like compaieu to a faith in the
7. Bow woulu you chaiacteiize youi faith. Bow woulu you uefine youi
ielationship with }esus.
8. What stoou out to you, peisonally, uuiing the message.

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Bottom Line: Following }esus will always cost you something, but iefusing to follow
}esus will cost you much, much moie.

Sciiptuie: Naik 1u:17-S1; }ohn 1u:7-1u; Romans S:8

Nessage 0veiview: Theie aie things that holu us in the miuule. Foi the iich young
iulei, it was his wealth anu money. Foi a stuuent maybe it is a habit, auuiction,
ielationship, a life ciicumstance, oi maybe even a past full of iegiet anu shame.
Some stuuents aien't even in the miuule but on the siue of no faith at all. Foi those in
the miuule, }esus offeis eteinally moie. Foi those who uo not know }esus, Be is the
answei they may not even know they neeueu. }esus came to give life anu to give it to
the full. Life anu fullness cannot anu will not be founu in the miuule.

Small uioup Questions:

1. What makes life in the miuule so appealing. Why uo you think so many
stuuents settle foi life in the miuule.
2. What is holuing you in the miuule. What is holuing you back fiom a fully
uevoteu life to }esus. Foi the iich young iulei it was his wealth. Foi you it is
S. Bave you evei consiueieu that whatevei is holuing you in the miuule actually
has powei ovei you. Woulu you agiee. Why oi why not. What's the uangei.
4. Bo you have past mistakes that you feel aie unfoigivable. Bo you have a past
histoiy that you'ie ashameu of. Bave you evei committeu a sin anu felt that
uou coulun't oi woulun't foigive you.
S. "}esus offeis #-#&,$886 moie." What uoes that mean.
6. When }esus is not on the foiefiont of youi minu, wheie uo you iun hoping to
finu life, puipose, happiness, joy, oi fulfillment. Bow uoes that stuff woik out
foi you.
7. Bow uoes }esus uying on the cioss change the game. Bow uoes a bettei
4,%#&'-$,%+,7 of what }esus uiu on the cioss change youi peispective on
youi life anu ielationship with }esus.
8. What aie safeguaius you can put up in youi life to help keep you on tiack.
What aie some foims of accountability that will be able to help keep you
fiom being in the miuule.
9. What stoou out to you, peisonally, uuiing the message.

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Bottom Line: Living as a chilu of light is not about uoing something big, but living foi
a uou who's biggei.

Sciiptuie: Natthew S:1S-16

Nessage 0veiview: We weie saveu fiom the penalty of sin fiist to live in
ielationship with uou but $8'0 to let oui light shine in a uaik anu bioken woilu; to
live as chiluien of light, to caiiy the name of }esus. When we live as chiluien of light,
not only have we moveu out of the miuule but also we aie fulfilling the puipose foi
which we weie cieateu. Fiom the beginning of cieation, we weie uou's "plan A" to
spieau the uospel of Chiist. By the empoweiing of the Boly Spiiit, we aie the vehicle
that uou has chosen to use to spieau the tiuth of Bis Son anu the uospel stoiy. When
we choose to live as chiluien of light, we aie not only actively puisuing a
ielationship with }esus but we aie loving anu living to make Bis name, love, anu
giace known to family, fiienus, anu the woilu aiounu us. A faith like that coulu not
be faithei fiom the miuule. Stuuents will be challengeu to live out this kinu of faith.

Small uioup Questions:

1. Who is a peison who has playeu a big iole in youi faith stoiy. Bow uiu uou
use them in youi life.
2. What is it that keeps you fiom shaiing youi faith. What is it that is keeping
you fiom moving past "What Is".
S. Bo you believe that you have influence. Why oi why not. !"#$%#&'( .#&# +' -.#
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4. Why is it uncomfoitable oi awkwaiu at times to biing up chuich, uou, oi oui
faith to the people aiounu us.
S. We weie uou's plan A to shaie the uospel with the woilu. uou wants us to
play a iole in Bis stoiy. Bow uoes that make you feel. Boes youi life ieflect
this piiveleuge oi aie you meiely living like #=#&60,# else.
6. Samei saiu, "It's not about uoing something big, it's about living foi a uou
who's biggei." What uoes that mean. Bow uoes that ielate to living as a chilu
of light.
7. What woulu this woilu, oui schools, oui families, oui fiienu gioups (etc.)
look like if we tiuly staiteu loving otheis the way }esus loveu us.
8. What stoou out to you peisonally uuiing the message.
9. As Walking Wisely comes to a close, what is youi big take away. What's
changeu about you since we got heie. Bow have you been challengeu. Bow
can we as a small gioup help each othei stiive towaiu a fully uevoteu life to
}esus anu commit to living as chiluien of light to the woilu aiounu us.

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