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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Sara Martinie and Peri denDulk Date 4-4-14 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Animal abstraction with Zentan le !rade ""#th""""""""""""""

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan" $ow that the students ha%e learned the techni&ues and applied/practiced them with their landscapes' the( can be in their )inal project* This lesson will be the be innin o) the )inal project' and the( will not be usin watercolors' but it will be the base )or later lessons* Learners will be able to#
.reate a realistic outline o) their )a%orite animal +eco ni0e 0entan le techni&ues' and identi)(/incorporate the ones that the( like the best* Take their animal and use 0entan le desi ns to create an intricate and uni&ue animal*
co niti%e+ , Ap An - ./ ph(sical de%elopment socioemotional

Ap ,' Ap .r

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#'ic igan Common Core (tandard )*# All students will a!!l+ s,ills and ,nowledge to create in t e arts.
1$ote# 2rite as man( as needed* 3ndicate ta4onom( le%els and connections to applicable national or state standards* 3) an objecti%e applies to particular learners write the name1s5 o) the learner1s5 to whom it applies*5 /remember' understand' appl(' anal(0e' e%aluate' create

II. -efore +ou start Identif+ !rere.uisite ,nowledge and s,ills.

-6ow to draw basic animal shapes' and the understand the en%ironments o) their )a%orite animals*
Pre-assessment (for learning): There will be a discussion about zentangle, and which students have used the techniques before. We will discuss what it ta es to ma e a good design, and how to ma e sure it is not too bus!. "ormative (for learning): The students will as questions if the! do not understand, and in wal ing around it is seen that the! are not correctl! following directions.

Outline assessment activities 1applicable to this lesson5

"ormative (as learning): The students will create #art of the design first in #encil so that the! can now if the! li e the design. This allows them to e$#eriment safel! before moving on to shar#ie, the! must assess their wor before continuing. f the! drawing isn%t going well, the! have to now that, and then decide where to go from there. The! have three o#tions, start over, as for hel# from classmates, or as for hel# from a teacher. &ummative (of learning57 'f the student creates an animal that is about as big as the #a#er, that is covered in zentangle designs that are com#leted neatl! and traced with shar#ie.

/ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" / at will it ta,e 0 neurodevelo!mentall+1 e2!erientiall+1 emotionall+1 etc.1 for +our students to do t is lesson"

Provide 'ulti!le 'eans of 3e!resentation Pro%ide options )or perceptionma ing information #erce#tible The lesson will be e4plained %erball(' and with an e4ample on the screen %ia the document camera* Also' the students will ha%e the ad%ance or ani0er to re)er to i) the( missed an( steps o) the e4planation*

Provide 'ulti!le 'eans of Action and E2!ression Pro%ide options )or ph(sical actionincrease o#tions for interaction -The( will use di))erent tools throu hout the lesson' such as pencil' sharpie' and scissors*

Provide 'ulti!le 'eans of Engagement Pro%ide options )or recruitin interest- choice, relevance, value, authenticit!, minimize threats -The students are able to make a lot o) choices toda(' the( chose their animal' how it will look' and which 0entan le desi ns the( like* -The outlines o) the animals will be &uite simple because the( need to be cut out' this allows )or the students who aren8t at ood at drawin to create easier animals without the threat o) thinkin the( aren8t doin as well as other kids*


Pro%ide options )or lan ua e' mathematical e4pressions' and s(mbols- clarif! ( connect language

Pro%ide options )or e4pression and communication- increase medium of e$#ression

-The breakin down o) the word 0entan le would be help)ul )or the kids to understand* -Also' ke( concepts )or the lesson are shown with the document camera' and with words*

-3n 0entan le desi ns' (ou can portra( an( )eelin ' chaos' order' an er or calm* This hu e ran e o) emotion allows the students to e4press themsel%es* Also' choosin their animal is another medium that the( can e4press themsel%es with*

Pro%ide options )or sustainin e))ort and persistence- o#timize challenge, collaboration, master!-oriented feedbac

-The students can choose to either cop( one o) the animals )rom the packet' or draw one )rom their heads* 3t is )ar easier to cop( down an animal than to draw it )rom (our mind' but di))erent le%els are necessar( in the classroom* -6ow the students are seated in the room calls )or a lot o) support within the roups' that the( will help each other as the( need it*
Pro%ide options )or sel)-re ulatione$#ectations, #ersonal s ills and strategies, self-assessment ( reflection

Pro%ide options )or comprehensionactivate, a##l! ( highlight

-The slideshow be)ore the lesson helps the students breakdown the process' the( aren8t just i%en a picture and told to replicate it* The steps allow them to acti%ate back round knowled e*

Pro%ide options )or e4ecuti%e )unctions- coordinate short ( long term goals, monitor #rogress, and modif! strategies

'aterials4w at materials $boo,s1 andouts1 etc& do +ou need for t is lesson and are t e+ read+ to use"

-The oals are on the ad%ance -Students are constantl( sel) or ani0er' and sometimes all assessin to see how their work students need to see is what to is oin * The( know that when et done* Also' throu hout the the( look at the picture' what lesson' 3 will be sa(in how parts look ri ht' and what parts much time the( ha%e le)t' and need to be erased and done i%in a ballpark o) where the( a ain* ;should< be at* This will help them to know i) the( are eon track* .omin around and workin with students that are behind would be help)ul also* Paper' pencils' sharpies' scissors' ;how to< animal drawin sheets' and erasers*

How will +our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 5 e Plan 5ime 9#*: 'otivation 1openin / introduction/ en a ement5 Com!onents

The students will sit )our kids to a table' with si4 tables in the classroom' all )acin the document camera' or their desks as necessar( throu hout the lesson*



6evelo!ment 1the lar est component or

6escribe teacher activities A76 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in,ing .uestions and8or !rom!ts. -The ad%ance or ani0er will et the kids moti%ated because the( know what the( will be doin )or the da(' that it doesn8t hold an( surprises* -Also' the slideshow o) the di))erent steps o) the lesson will en a e them into the lesson* -Discuss what it means to 0entan le' and then -Participate in the discussion about 0entan le' what pro%ide e4amples within the slideshow* does it mean to start simple and row more and more intricate= ->irst' the( take their pencil and put their name and class on the back o) the paper' pre)erabl( in the -3n pencil' otherwise it will show throu h* middle*



main bod( o) the lesson5


-3 will be in the lesson b( speakin with them about pickin out their )a%orite animal' the( can either choose an animal )rom the packet in )ront o) them' or the( can draw )rom memor(* The( ma( not touch the packets (et' the( ha%e to wait until m( e4planation is done1important' otherwise the( won8t pa( attention5 -The demonstration will start with me drawin a simple outline o) an animal' remindin the kids to draw li htl( so that the( can erase i) the( need to* -3n order to keep the animals simple' tell them that the( will be cuttin out their animals' so the( don8t want to make it to complicated* Also' i) the( ha%e too man( details on the inside' then the desi ns that the( draw in sharpie won8t be as cool* -Draw the whole animal' and then mo%e on to sharpie* Make sure to &uickl( sharpie the whole thin ' (ou don8t want to loose their )ocus* --4plain Zentan le' how it is made up o) two di))erent parts' 0en' and tan le* The 0en part comes )rom a wa( o) meditation' it is meant to calm people' and rela4* The tan le comes )rom the intricac( o) the desi ns* 2hen (ou put it to ether' 0entan le is supposed to be an e4ercise that leads to intricate drawin s and a sense o) peace* ?e in to make 0entan le desi ns' usin a lot o) di))erent ideas so that the kids can start plannin what the( want to do* -An( &uestions= -2ork Time@

-Students ha%e to decide i) the( want to draw )rom the packet or )rom memor(* 6ow creati%e can the( be=

-2hat parts o) their animal are absolutel( necessar(= The students must e%aluate e%er( line*

-Students must be constantl( e%aluatin how complicated the( want each desi n to be' whether or not the( need to add another la(er* -6a%e the students done an( meditatin = 6ow can the( incorporate it into their art=



-:' A' 1' >ocus* Alri ht )riends' (ou onl( ha%e ->inish up the desi n the( are workin on' i%e about # more minutes be)ore (ou need to clean up* themsel%es clues as to how the( want the completed Don8t worr(' i) (ou aren8t )inished' (ou can work thin to look* on (our desi ns ne4t week* Closure ?:#?: -:' A' 1' >ocus* 3t is time to clean up )riends' so 1conclusion' please' be)ore (ou mo%e' listen to all the culmination' instructions* 3 need (ou to )lip (our paper o%er and wrap-up5 look to see i) (our name is still %isible on the back' we cut the paper' and 3 want to make sure (ou can still see (our name* 3) (ou can8t' please write it a ain* $e4t' 3 want (ou to throw awa( the scraps o) paper' but (our animals on the back table' strai hten the supplies' and then sit &uietl(* There is no need to wash the tables because we didn8t et them dirt( toda(* !o@ @our reflection about t e lesson1 including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement1 as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne2t time. 12rite this a)ter teachin the lesson' i) (ou had a chance to teach it* 3) (ou did not teach this lesson' )ocus on the process o) preparin the lesson*5


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