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COVER LETTER Joyce D. Hughes (980) 207-9851 ms. !hughes"gm#$ h&&'())ms !hughes.*ee+%y.

com To whom it may concern: I am interested in applying for a teaching position, on the elementary level, in your school district. As a 2013 graduate of laflin !niversity, I have student teaching e"perience on the fourth grade level, in an ur#an school district. This e"perience #etter prepared me for the wonderful world of teaching. At the present time I am employed at Allen#roo$ %lementary &chool in harlotte, ' where my role as a Teacher(s Assistant is comple". I wor$ with )at ris$* fourth grade students. This position re+uires me to focus a heavy amount of my attention on the importance of ma$ing the students feel loved and safe. I try my hardest to encourage them in everything they do as well as show intrigue in their interests. This allows me to reach them and create a special connection. I have also used student interests as analogies for teaching methods. I am challenged to #e creative, nurturing and most of all, patient. In 2011 a position as an Assistant ,irector of a -reschool ended a#ruptly #ecause of rental difficulties. I was left to create an avenue of income #ased on the e"perience I had. This situation allowed me the opportunity to grow as an individual, educator, leader and #usiness owner. I opened a small home child development preschool where I created the curriculum and taught students from ages 3 to . reading, writing, math, science, social studies, social s$ills and influential figures. All students were reading on a first or second grade level at the end of my program. %ach student showed much improvement in penmanship and math s$ills. I also polished and practiced my administrative and leadership s$ills. It is my goal to com#ine my range of e"perience with my a#ility to #e a compassionate, enthusiastic, intelligent teacher who will ma$e a positive contri#ution to your school district. I would welcome an interview and hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience. &incerely, /oyce ,. 0ughes & ertified Teacher

J O,C E D E -.E H / 0 H E 1 ms. !hughes"gm#$ 129 03ee4e 1&3ee& R$ch+u3g5 1C 29729 6o+$%e( (980) 207-9851 h&&'())ms !hughes.* 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7 CERT898ED ELE6E-T.R, 1CHOOL TE.CHER (0R.DE1 2-:) De!$c#&e! e%eme4&#3y &e#che3 eager to o#tain a teacher position on the elementary level where I can utili1e my education and e"perience to influence the lives of my students and #etter myself as a professional. 2ffer a proven trac$ record of commended performance teaching grades 34., with a passion for education and an unwavering commitment to optimi1ing student and school success. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7 CORE CO6;E-TE-C8E1 reative lesson plans urriculum ,evelopment lassroom 5anagement 6 ,iscipline &tandardi1ed Testing 7 &coring ,ata Analysis 8ong 7 &hort 9ange -lanning 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7 ;RO9E118O-.L E<;ER8E-CE Ch#3%o&&e 6ec=%e4+u3g 1choo% D$s&3$c&5 Ch#3%o&&e5 -C Te#che3 .ss$s&#4& 1&u!e4& Te#che3 :34.; :<rade =; Allen#roo$ %lementary &chool Allen#roo$ %lementary &chool 1072012 to present >72013 to 1272013

%arned high mar$s for the +uality and creativity of classroom teaching, lesson plans and instructional materials used in teaching diverse su#?ects :language arts, mathematics, science and social studies;. ,eveloped innovative approaches that are repeatedly held up as the model standard for #ehavior, classroom management and creativity. -resented su#?ect matter to students using lectures, discussions, or supervised role4playing methods. Taught general education students as well as individuals with learning challenges and special needs within a mainstreamed, inclusive classroom. onsistently commended for a#ility to redirect students e"hi#iting #ehavior pro#lems #y replacing disruptive, unproductive patterns with positive #ehaviors. %sta#lished positive relationships with students, parents, fellow teachers and school administrators7staff. -articipated in teacher4parent conferences regarding students( progress or pro#lems. Tutored and assisted children individually or in small groups in order to assist in mastery of assignments and to reinforce learning concepts presented #y myself or other teachers. <raded homewor$, tests, compute and record results using answer sheets or electronic mar$ing devices. 2#served students@ performance, and recorded relevant data to assess

progress. Attended daily data analysis meetings to strategi1e and develop ways to #etter engage students and increase their a#ility to perform. :Ages 34.; A65 hild ,evelopment A72011 to >72012

D$3ec&o3 ) Te#che3

reated individual curriculum for 3 children ages 3 to .. Taught each child to read on a 2 and 3rd grade level according to the ,oltch 8ist. :,ifference #etween consonants and vowels, rhyming words, alpha#etical order, opposites, prefi"es7suffi"es and punctuation; Taught each child math s$ills.:sort #y color, shape and si1e, patterns, to add :with regrouping;and su#tract dou#le and triple digit num#ers, count money and tell time.; Taught each child to perfect penmanship and spelling s$ills #y giving #iwee$ly spelling tests. &upervised play, instruction, lunch and nap . days a wee$ for A hours each day. Taught . senses, history of influential figures, manners and #asic social s$illsB science activities ma$ing sure to include fun and educational e"periences. C,ata availa#leC :Ages 24D; 3ids !niversity -reschool E72011 to A72011

.ss$s&#4& D$3ec&o3

reated monthly #udget 6 wee$ly report for ownerB supervised staff of > daily. onducted interviewsB consulted with the ,irector to choose +ualified candidates. onstructed wee$ly staff schedules and #iwee$ly food menus. %valuated, criti+ued and supervised lesson plan development of teachers. !sed creative methods of teaching #y integrating art, music, indoor and outdoor play with learning different s$ills and connecting with each wee$ly theme. :Ages .4E; %ducational onsulting &ervice 37200A to A7200A

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For$ed one on one with 3 clients with autismB using AGA :Applied Gehavior Analysis; in a home environment. Taught clients specific fine motor and gross motor s$ills that were designed to help with independence. ollected and recorded data on the information taught, learned and reviewed with each client. &upervised and tallied progress made over time. 5anipulated 6 controlled unaccepta#le #ehavior at home 6 in pu#lic places. &upervised appropriate play with toys, games 6 peers for acceptance at school 6 to increase the level of )normal* #ehavior. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7 ED/C.T8O- ) CERT898C.T8O-1 ) TR.8-8-01 ) OTHER 1?8LL1 laflin !niversity, 2range#urg, & GA in %lementary %ducation, 2013 &outh arolina Teacher ertification :<rades 24E; 2013 -roficient in 5icrosoft Ford, 5icrosoft -ower -oint, 5icrosoft -u#lisher, 5icrosoft %"cel and &mart Goard Technology. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H .DD8T8O-.L 8-9OR6.T8O)I5s. 0ughes( dedication to her students is e"ceptionalIconsistently #rings creativity and

innovation into her lesson plans and classroomIeffectively addresses different learning stylesI well respected #y teachers and staffI* J /. 0ol#roo$, =th <rade Teacher, Allen#roo$ %lementary &chool, harlotte, ' )I5s. 0ughes has provided great support to the =th grade teamIalways positive and committed to the studentsIwill #e a great teacher to some luc$y students one dayI&he is appreciatedK..* J . %llis, Lormer -rincipal, Allen#roo$ %lementary &chool, harlotte, '

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