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Dawn Johnson Tudor Observation Date: 2/20/14 English/Language Arts

Core Standard 1: Phonological Awareness (Demonstrates awareness of sounds) Rate: 1.5/6 Responds to sounds in the environment. Tudor does have some characteristics from category 2 but not all of the traits and this is why he is placed between 1 and 2. Tudor climbed up the stairs on the classroom climber and I walked up behind him and shook a shaker three times. After the third time he turned his head towards me and looked directly at the shaker then at me, while other background noise filled the environment. Seen in the picture on the left.

Core Standard 2: Print concepts, phonics, and word recognition (Demonstrates awareness of symbols) Rate: 0/6 No Evidence Tudor was placed at 0 because he only had one characteristic for level 1 which was reacts to pictures of familiar people. On the right, I gave Tudor a picture of his family and he pointed to his mother and smiled then looked back at me. This is the only characteristic that was shown for this core standard. Learning goal: For Tudor to be able to identify familiar pictures around the classroom or in books rather than just when they are pointed out for him.

Dawn Johnson Tudor Observation Date: 2/20/14 English/Language Arts

Core Standard 3: Informational Texts (Uses print for pleasure and information) Rate: 0/6 No Evidence Tudor was placed at 0 because he only had one characteristic for level 1. On the left, I handed Tudor the book Snow and he placed it on the floor. On the right, Tudor explored the book while he opened and shut it five times and then crawled away. Learning Goal: For Tudor to look at the pictures in the book for several minutes.

Core Standard 4: Reading Literature texts (Comprehends details, events and main ideas) Rate: 0/6 No Evidence Tudor was placed at 0 because he only had one characteristic for level 1. On the left, Tudor listened to a lab student read Black Dog, Black Dog. He sat and listened to her read the entire book, which was six pages long. Learning Goal: For Tudor to react to a story that is being read.

Dawn Johnson Tudor Observation Date: 2/20/14 English/Language Arts

Core Standard 5: Writing Standards- Text types and purposes, production and distribution of writing, research to build and present knowledge (Writing for a specific purpose and audience) Rate: 1/6 Intentionally makes marks or scribbles On the right on February 20th, I placed Tudor in a highchair and had him draw on a piece of fabric. I gave him the marker and he drew long horizontal straight lines. He first drew a line on the fabric and then on the tabletop. After he noticed the vibrate blue color on the tabletop he then continued to draw on the tabletop. I would redirect him to draw on the fabric square but he continued to make marks on the tabletop. Learning Goal: For Tudor to draw different shapes.

Core Standard 6: Learning Conventions conventions of standard English, printing, capitalization, punctuation, vocabulary acquisition (Uses writing implements) Rate: 1/6 Grasps writing tools On the left, I placed an orange maker on the tabletop of the highchair. He held the marker with the writing part facing down and the end of the marker facing up. He held the marker facing down with all fingers wrapped around the end part of the marker. He then made small orange marks on the tabletop. Learning Goal: For Tudor to make lines on the piece of paper when asked.

Dawn Johnson Tudor Observation Date: 2/20/14 English/Language Arts

Core Standard 7: Listening and speaking (Demonstrates receptive language) Rate: Between 1 and 2 / 6 Responds to cues in the environment/Responds to familiar gestures and words Tudor demonstrated evidence from of all the skills in category 1 and half of category 2, this placed him between 1 and 2. In the picture in the top right corner, Tudor looked at the book that Miss Davidson read to him. He looked at each page while she read it out loud. In the picture to the right, Tudor played with the stackable blocks. Miss Morgan, a lab student, asked Tudor to hand her the red block while she held out her hand. He then proceeded to hand it to her.

Core Standard 8: Speaking and Listening (Demonstrates expressive language)

Rate: 0/6 No Evidence

Tudor was placed at 0 because he only had evidence from one skill from category 1. On the left, Tudor looked at me while I talked to him. I spoke ba ba ba ba to him and he smiled back and spoke ba ba ba ba back to me. Learning Goal: For Tudor to be able to use full single words to communicate with another person.

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