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Dear Sir / Madam, We are students of Masters of Business Administration. We are conducting a research study on the impact of internet usage on students performance as part of our end-term project of the course Business Research . We !ou"d #e $ery gratefu" if you cou"d spare % minutes and gi$e response to the fo""o!ing &uestions.

Impact Of Internet Usage On Students Performance

A. Perceived usefulness /Internet skills
Please circle your response using the following scale. Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Disagree Agree ! " # $ a. =rom home #. =rom office c. =rom schoo" d. =rom a pu#"ic termina" /e.g. cy#ercafB1 e. =rom other p"aces
Daily .eekly /wice a 0onthly Never 0onth

'. (ou fee" comforta#"e !hi"e using the computer.

! ! " " # # $ $

). (ou fee" comforta#"e !hi"e using the *nternet. +. *nternet can significant"y increase the &ua"ity of my studies.
! " " # # $ $

9. 5o! many hours do you use the internet6

<-' )-+ +-, ,-% 8 or more

,. My *nternet s-i""s are high.


D.Internet facilities
'. *s internet faci"ity a$ai"a#"e at campus6
+es No

%. Social pressure
(our instructors encourage for the use of internet during studies.
! " # $

&. Internet usage

'. Most of the time * use internet for.
/prioriti0e from ' to % as 'most important ( $ 'least important1

22 *nformation 22 3ommunication 22 Schoo" Wor22 3hatting 22 4ther /specify122222222222222222

). *n your opinion, !hat is the sing"e most critica" issue facing !hi"e using the internet6 =i"tration of re"e$ant information Speed/#and!idth 5ard!are/Soft!are :aying for on"ine ser$ices
4ther /specify122222222222222222222222

,. Please tell us a-out yourself.

'. ;ame

Please ) * appropriate option.

). 5o! "ong ha$e you #een using the *nternet6

7ess than 8 months 8-')month +-8 years Se"f Schoo" Morning Morning '-+ years 9 years or more :arents 4ther /specify1 Afternoon Afternoon 4ffice 2222222222222 ;ight ;ight

). >mai"

+. Most"y !ho pays for your *nternet access6 ,. When do you use the *nternet most"y6 %. What time do you prefer to use the *nternet6

+. ?ender ,. Age /(ears1 %. Discip"ine 8. Academic




=ema"e )% or more >ngineering M3S MA )


@nder )< )<-),




9. 3?:A / A

Thank you for your cooperation.

8. 5o! fre&uent"y do you access the internet from the fo""o!ing p"aces6

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