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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date 4/29/14 Cory Doot Subject/ Topic/ Theme Adaptations Grade ____freshmen____________

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This is the first esson in my unit p an! These acti"ities #i $et the students ac%uainted #ith ho# anima s chan$e &adaptations' and #hy &natura se ection'! This esson #i a so introduce some of the "ocabu ary to the students!

Learners will be able to#

Students #i Students #i Students #i Students #i be ab e to identify adaptations an anima has! be ab e to describe the habitat an or$anism mi$ht be found in- $i"en adaptation it has! understand that chan$es in the body to fit a ocation &adaptations' come about throu$h natura se ection! app y this /no# ed$e to fashion a fish that #i be ab e to sur"i"e an en"ironment

co$niti"e( ) * Ap An + C,

physica de"e opment

socio( emotiona

*-Ap-An-+ A.- + )- * Ap- C

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
14!2C Gi"e e0amp es of #ays in #hich $enetic "ariation and en"ironmenta factors are causes of e"o ution and the di"ersity of or$anisms! 13!2d +0p ain ho# e"o ution throu$h natura se ection can resu t in chan$es in biodi"ersity! 13!1e +0p ain ho# natura se ection eads to or$anisms that are #e suited for the en"ironment &differentia sur"i"a and reproduction of chance inherited "ariantsdependin$ upon en"ironmenta conditions'! &.ote# 4rite as many as needed! 5ndicate ta0onomy e"e s and connections to app icab e nationa or state standards! 5f an objecti"e app ies to particu ar earners #rite the name&s' of the earner&s' to #hom it app ies!' ,remember- understand- app y- ana y6e- e"a uate- create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

They shou d a ready /no# that there are a ot of "ery different p aces for anima to i"e on earth! They shou d a so be ab e to perform basic co orin$- cuttin$- and construction for ma/in$ a fish!
Pre-assessment (for learning):

The students #i cut out anima s and try to find an adaptation and cate$ori6e it!
Formative (for learning):

Outline assessment activities &app icab e to this esson'

As the students present their fishes the teacher #i see ho# much understandin$ they ha"e!
Formative (as learning):

4hen p ayin$ the fish simu ator- the students #i recei"e feedbac/ #hen they do some thin$ ri$ht or #ron$! Summative (of learning'7 4hen the students finish the simu ator the teacher #i see #hat /ind of fish traits they chose and ho# #e that fish sur"i"ed!
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation 8ro"ide options for perception( making information perceptible The information #i be presented ora y to the c ass by peers- and "isua y Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression 8ro"ide options for physica action( increase options for interaction There are a ot of physica acti"ities in this esson- from constructin$ a fish to p ayin$ #ith a simu ation- to cuttin$ out pictures from a ma$a6ine! 8ro"ide options for e0pression and communication( increase me ium of e!pression Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement 8ro"ide options for recruitin$ interest( choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats 1oth the simu ation and the fashion a fish ha"e the students ma/in$ choices and by ha"in$ them present as a $roup o#ers the ris/ 8ro"ide options for sustainin$ effort and persistence( optimize challenge, collaboration, mastery-oriente fee back

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

8ro"ide options for an$ua$emathematica e0pressions- and symbo s( clarify & connect language

4hen the students fashion the fish they are ab e to ma/e it 2D or dra#n out and then they #i present it to the c ass ora y!

Durin$ the simu ation they are ab e to ma/e it harder by pic/in$ adaptation that are uncommon


8ro"ide options for comprehension( activate, apply & highlight

8ro"ide options for e0ecuti"e functions( coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

8ro"ide options for se f(re$u ation( e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

( ( ( ( ( (

They are ab e to monitor pro$ress and modify strate$ies in the simu ation! 5f they aren9t doin$ #e they can chan$e an aspect of the fish! The #ebsite( http7//sea!shedda%uarium!or$/sea/bui dafish/f ash!htm A computer Art supp ies &scissors- mar/ers- paper- $ ue tape:etc!' )an$er ric/ ma$a6ines The "ideo( https7//###!youtube!com/#atch;"<=pG$(m>#y=4 ?ashion a fish cards

How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime 67min Com!onents /otivation &openin$/ introduction/ en$a$ement'

The room #i be set up #here- either des/s are put to$ether in $roups of 4 or- if the room has ab tab es there #i be 4 to a tab e! This si6e ma/es for $ood co aboration and a o#s for the more e0pert students to he p the others in the $roup!

3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. @5n this esson #e are continuin$ our unit on The students #i sort the adaptations into7 8rotecti"e e"o ution! Today #e #i be earnin$ about co or/ camouf a$e- body shape/ form- mouth type/ adaptations! An adaptation is any trait that feedin$ beha"ior- reproduction and beha"ior- or other! increases an or$anism9s chance of sur"i"a in a particu ar en"ironment!A The students #i tape the pictures they found on the Acti"ity 17 The students #i oo/ throu$h board under the cate$ory that fits that adaptation! @ran$er ric/A ma$a6ines to find pictures of anima s that ha"e adaptations to cut out! The teacher #i #rite on the board fi"e cate$ories on the board for the students to sort the adaptations into7 8rotecti"e co or/ camouf a$ebody shape/ form- mouth type/ feedin$ beha"ior- reproduction and beha"ior- or other! )emember- anima s ha"e many different adaptations so on y pic/ one to focus on! BGo around and ha"e the students say #hat their adaptation #as &te0t e0p icit' andB4hat part of its en"ironment does it he p #ith; &te0t imp icit' B4hat is the "a ue of different adaptation; BCo# #ou d an anima fair in a habitat that isn9t #hat they are adapted for; B4hat /ind of adaptations can you thin/ of in humans; &e0perience based' (S/in co or- thumbs- resistance to diseases @.o# that #e ha"e a hand e on ho# adaptation he p an or$anism sur"i"e in an en"ironment- #e are $oin$ to fashion a fish!A The teacher #i put the students in $roups of t#o and pass out four cards- each #ith a different adaptation on them! B)emember that there are many different p aces The students #i ha"e to ma/e a fish that has the adaptations on the card- name it- and ma/e the habitat the fish #ou d i"e in based off the adaptations!


3evelo!ment &the ar$est component or main body of the esson'


a fish can i"e7 #eeds- a/e bottom- deep #aterbut a so in ri"ers and streams BAs the students are ma/in$ the fish p ay the music "ideo Adaptations! (The students #i isten to the music as they #or/- this son$ he ps students understand adaptations by usin$ came adaptations and it a so promotes automaticity &#ith the definition of adaptation! Dnce the $roups are done fashionin$ their fish they #i %uic/ y present to the c ass the fishes name and ho# its adaptations fit the en"ironment they put it in!

Dnce the $roups are done fashionin$ their fish they #i present to the c ass the fishes name and ho# its adaptations fit the en"ironment they put it in!

67169 min

Closure &conc usioncu mination#rap(up'

.o# #e are $oin$ to put a your earnin$ to use- and see if you can create a fish that can sur"i"e in the ocean #ith imited food and other fish tryin$ to eat you! The teacher #i $o around and oo/ at #hat /inds of fish the students and ma/in$ and record ho# many times they #in or ose!

The students #i use their computers to $o to the #ebsite http7//sea!shedda%uarium!or$/sea/bui dafish/f ash!htm ! They #i read the directions to bui d a fish to i"e and sur"i"e in the ocean! They #i ha"e to use #hat #e9"e ta /ed about to choose $ood adaptations for a habitat!

:our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. &4rite this after teachin$ the esson- if you had a chance to teach it! 5f you did not teach this esson- focus on the process of preparin$ the esson!' I was able to teac t is lesson and I t in* it went !rett( well. 2 e students seem ver( engaged in all of t e ands on activities. I also w at as*ed some ver( good clarif(ing )uestions. 2 is lesson was modified from a lesson I found in A)uatic +ild. 2 e boo* is geared for ages 6168- and t is one said it was for middle sc ool and ig sc ool. I t in* t is lesson ma*es for a fun first lesson of t e unit and gets t em to switc gears to organisms from t e !revious unit on 34A and 04A. Council for Environmental Education. $876;&. A)uatic wild. 4.!.# Aut or.


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