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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date 4/29/14 Cory Doot Subject/ Topic/ Theme Biodiversity Grade ____9th____________

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This is the fourth esso! i! my u!it p a!" #ith this project the stude!ts $i tie to%ether a the thi!%s $e&ve ta 'ed about up i!to this poi!t" They $i have to use this '!o$ ed%e to research a ra!dom y assi%!ed a!ima from the Ga apa%os"

Learners will be able to#

.i!d reputab e sources o! i!e to research their assi%!ed a!ima " #or' i! a %roup to co!struct a fi!ished project *se %raphics to co!vey ideas

co%!itive( ) * +p +! , C-

physica deve opme!t

socio( emotio!a

+!/ , +1/ C +p/ C

0 0

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
B2"1c Summari3e the re atio!ships bet$ee! prese!t(day or%a!isms a!d those that i!habited the ,arth i! the past 4e"%"/ use fossi record/ embryo!ic sta%es/ homo o%ous structures/ chemica basis5" B2"1d ,0p ai! ho$ a !e$ species or variety ori%i!ates throu%h the evo utio!ary process of !atura se ectio!" B2"1e ,0p ai! ho$ !atura se ectio! eads to or%a!isms that are $e suited for the e!viro!me!t 4differe!tia surviva a!d reproductio! of cha!ce i!herited varia!ts/ depe!di!% upo! e!viro!me!ta co!ditio!s5" B2"2a Describe species as reproductive y disti!ct %roups of or%a!isms that ca! be c assified based o! morpho o%ica / behaviora / a!d mo ecu ar simi arities" B2"6B Describe the ro e of %eo%raphic iso atio! i! speciatio!" B4"6C Give e0amp es of $ays i! $hich %e!etic variatio! a!d e!viro!me!ta factors are causes of evo utio! a!d the diversity of or%a!isms" S7"11(12"4 ( 8rese!t i!formatio!/ fi!di!%s/ a!d supporti!% evide!ce/ co!veyi!% a c ear a!d disti!ct perspective/ such that iste!ers ca! fo o$ the i!e of reaso!i!% #9ST"11(12"9 ( Dra$ evide!ce from i!formatio!a te0ts to support a!a ysis/ ref ectio!/ a!d research" 49S(7S4(15/ 49S(7S4(25/ 49S(7S4(65/ 49S(7S4(45/ 49S(7S4(25 #9ST"9(12"2 ( #rite i!formative/e0p a!atory te0ts/ i!c udi!% the !arratio! of historica eve!ts/ scie!tific procedures/ e0perime!ts/ or tech!ica processes" 41ote# #rite as ma!y as !eeded" :!dicate ta0o!omy eve s a!d co!!ectio!s to app icab e !atio!a or state sta!dards" :f a! objective app ies to particu ar ear!ers $rite the !ame4s5 of the ear!er4s5 to $hom it app ies"5 -remember/ u!dersta!d/ app y/ a!a y3e/ eva uate/ create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

They shou d '!o$ $hat $e&ve ta 'ed about i! c ass a ready" They shou d a so '!o$ ho$ to fi!d %ood sources o! i!e"
Pre-assessment (for learning):

The pre(voya%e ;uestio!s

Formative (for learning):

Outline assessment activities 4app icab e to this esso!5

The teacher $i have to si%! off at certai! chec'poi!ts to ma'e sure the stude!ts are o! trac'"
Formative (as learning):

The stude!ts $i fi out the rubric themse ves a!d the! they $i compare it to the teacher&s" This $i promote meta(thi!'i!% i! the stude!ts so that they $i become better at se f(assessme!t" Summative (of learning5< The teacher $i %rade the fi!a project a o!% $ith the other parts/ such as the voya%e ;uestio!s"
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation 8rovide optio!s for perceptio!( making information perceptible The i!formatio! $i be prese!ted ora y to the c ass by peers/ a!d visua y o! the posters Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression 8rovide optio!s for physica actio!( increase options for interaction There are a ot of physica activities i! this esso!/ from co!structi!% a poster to %oi!% o! the =jour!ey> arou!d the room Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement 8rovide optio!s for recruiti!% i!terest( choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats The rea $or d e0amp es from the Ga apa%os shou d be i!teresti!% to the stude!ts/ especia y si!ce the bio o%y departme!t is offeri!% a trip there !e0t summer"

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"


8rovide optio!s for a!%ua%e/ mathematica e0pressio!s/ a!d symbo s( clarify & connect language

8rovide optio!s for e0pressio! a!d commu!icatio!( increase me ium of e!pression

The stude!ts are %ive! a ot of freedom $ith the project" They just have to hit the poi!ts o! the rubric/ a!d the! they $i prese!t it to the c ass ora y"
8rovide optio!s for e0ecutive fu!ctio!s( coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

8rovide optio!s for sustai!i!% effort a!d persiste!ce( optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

There is co aboratio! i! the %roup dy!amic for the project"

8rovide optio!s for comprehe!sio!( activate, apply & highlight

By doi!% the research o! the a!ima themse ves a!d havi!% to or%a!i3e it/ : hope the stude!ts $i reach a !e$ eve of comprehe!sio!" /aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use" ( ( ( ( ( (

8rovide optio!s for se f(re%u atio!( e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

This project is!&t due i! o!e c ass period/ they $i have to $or' to%ether $ith the %roup to set %oa s a!d dead i!es"

The rubric that the stude!ts fi out is a form of se f(assessme!t that $i he p them $ith se f( re%u ati!% by ma'i!% them thi!' about it"

Computers/ B?@D 8oster board 7ist of a!ima to dra$ from i! a hat 9at 8ri!ter for pri!ti!% pictures Aar'ers a!d co ored pe!ci s

How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime 67min Com!onents /otivation 4ope!i!%/ i!troductio!/ e!%a%eme!t5

The room $i be set up $here/ either des's are put to%ether i! %roups or/ if the room has ab tab es there $i be o!e %roup to a tab e" The stude!ts $i be a o$ed to spread out $he! ma'i!% the poster a!d meeti!% $ith the %roup

3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. Today $e $i be starti!% a project $here $e $i The stude!ts $i choose a part!er or %roup a!d a! =jour!ey to the Ga apa%os"> ?ou $i have a a!ima / a!d be%i! researchi!%" coup e days to $or' o! the project as part!ers or a %roup of three" ?ou $i ra!dom y choose a! a!ima from the Ga apa%os to become a! e0pert o!" +t the e!d $e $i ta'e tur!s jour!eyi!% arou!d the c assroom a!d oo'i!% at everyo!e&s a!ima s $hi e o!e member stays to e0p ai! the poster" .or the majority of this sectio! the teacher $i just be avai ab e for he p/ a!d $i be %radi!% the differe!t sectio!s as they %et tur!ed i!" The stude!ts $i be fo o$i!% the project out i!e 4+ +board5/ the research focus sheet/ a!d the rubric i! order to comp ete the assi%!me!t" 4see the attached sheets5


3evelo!ment 4the ar%est compo!e!t or mai! body of the esso!5


67169 min

Closure 4co!c usio!/ cu mi!atio!/ $rap(up5

@!ce the projects are a do!e the stude!ts $i prese!t to their peers" 7oo' arou!d at a the differe!t a!ima s a!d fi out the jour!a !otes a!d the! the post(voya%e ;uestio!s" The teacher $i co ect a the remai!i!% parts of the project"

The stude!ts $i ta'e tur!s stayi!% bac' to e0p ai! the poster $hi e the other part!er trave s arou!d the room ta'i!% jour!a !otes" @!ce the voya%e is do!e a!d both part!ers have toured the posters/ the %roup $i fi out the post(voya%e ;uestio!s" +t the very e!d/ a parts or the project shou d be tur!ed i! to the teacher

:our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 4#rite this after teachi!% the esso!/ if you had a cha!ce to teach it" :f you did !ot teach this esso!/ focus o! the process of prepari!% the esso!"5 I wasn;t able to teac t is lesson but I ave seen it be successful in bot onors and regular biolog(- as t is activit( is a ada!ted from Patti 0ic ardson and <rist( 'utler. 2 e students seem reall( e.cited about t is !roject- and t is e.citement translated into reall( nice !osters. I t in* t e aving to researc t e t ings t emselves and tie w at t e(;ve learned so far toget er in one !roject is a good indicator of t eir understanding of t e content.


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