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Library Goals for Vaughan Elementary School 2013-2014

Goals and Strategies for 2013-2014

Goal 1: Increase teacher/librarian collaboration over curriculum instruction and TA Teks implementation. Support to Campus Improvement Plan: Provide common instructional planning time for grade level teachers to collaborate, study student data, and plan with instructional specialists for increased student achievement. Collaborating with teachers Strategy 3: Promote any collaborative projects done by posting on the library webpage, Twitter, Facebook, and/or the school newsletter weekly. Goal 2: Promotes reading initiatives that encourage learners to read, write, view, speak, and listen for understanding and enjoyment. Support to Campus Improvement Plan: Increase student achievement by increasing access to resources and increasing engagement through student-directed learning. Strategy 1: Communicate with teachers in monthly meetings about developing and implementing reading initiatives and programs schoolwide, communitywide, and statewide. (genre reading, Vikings Caught Reading, ALLen Reads, Bluebonnet) Strategy 2: Provide reading material for state and local reading programs. Strategy 3: Hold weekly book club meetings with students and teachers to provide reading time, book discussion groups time, student display creation time (computer availability). Strategy 4: Communicate with parents to encourage involvement via library webpage, library Facebook page, library and school Twitter feed, School district Strategy 1: Meet with grade level teams at least monthly for collaboration on technology implementation. Strategy 2: Collaborate and/or co teach at least 1 collaborative project per grade level each quarter. Strategy 3: Collaborate with teachers to integrate technology such as Web 2.0 tools into curriculum at least once per quarter for each grade level.

Promoting reading initiatives

Facebook page, Public library webpage. Strategy 5: Display student created work about the reading initiatives in the library, on the school and library webpages, on library Facebook page and Twitter feed, in the public library, on district Facebook page at least monthly. Goal 3: Increase parent and community awareness of and involvement in the library program. Support to Campus Improvement Plan: Improve parent interaction with the student learning process. Increasing Community Awareness and Involvement Strategy 1: Set up a PTA/library partnership where the librarian meets and plans with PTA board monthly to help the library and PTA work together for quarterly on programs and announcements that promote students utilizing the library and its resources. Strategy 2: Redesign the library webpage to provide easier access to electronic databases, Web 2.0 tools, school events, and student work displays by January with continual updates as needed. Strategy 3: Connect with the public librarys childrens librarian to partner on childrens programs at/for both libraries (reading initiatives, student work displays, and author events). Strategy 4: Initiate increased after school hours till 4:00 and hold quarterly parent/student technology night in conjunction with PTA nights to instruct parents on Web 2.0 technologies.

Special Projects
Project 1: Plan and implement a community book Mailbox program for the sharing of books. Timeline: Initiate Spring 2014. Expense: Approximately $100 (for mailbox construction materials and starter books) Funding Sources: PTA - $100 and/or local business donations Publicity: Photos and swap instructions in community

newspaper, district Facebook page, school webpage, library webpage, library Facebook page, library Twitter, public library board and webpage.

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