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8ef: odrlve/rlnclpal/AuLhenLlcLearnlngnoLesfromSLaffMeeLlng 23 March 2014

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eople before sLrucLures and processes
8eflecLs changlng culLure - auLonomy of learner, llfe skllls, whaL employers are
looklng for, Lransferable, relaLlonshlps and wellbelng.
Schools have clear moral purpose - sLudenLs and learnlng aL Lhe core.
Lnqulrlng learnlng.
CusLomlse learnlng
ConLexLuallsed learnlng provldes Lhe rooLs for llfelong learnlng.
Learnlng rocesses and conLenL are scaffolded Lo engage and connecL wlLh sLudenLs
Lo make learnlng more meanlngful ln Lerms of Lhelr llves ouLslde school.
ro[ecLs noL unlLs of sLudy.
CommunlLy ouLreach/lnvolvemenL.
AuLhenLlc learnlng lnvolves a balance beLween dlrecL Leachlng and collaboraLlve and
lndlvldual lnqulrlng learnlng.
8alance beLween dlrecL lnsLrucLlon and collaboraLlve group learnlng.
AuLhenLlc Learnlng envlronmenL are places where Leachers and sLudenLs engage
auLhenLlcally wlLh each oLher ln muLually, respecLful and lnsplrlng relaLlonshlps.
SLudenLs are LrusLed Lo Lake ownershlp of Lhelr learnlng.
8ef: odrlve/rlnclpal/AuLhenLlcLearnlngnoLesfromSLaffMeeLlng 23 March 2014
Pow do we change our way of Lhlnklng and shlfL from LradlLlonal classroom seL-up Lo
ALLempLs Lo cusLomlse learnlng for each chlld (dlfflculL wlLh large classes).
AvallablllLy of dlverse knowledge sources (Lakes Llme and money).
Lach chlld supposed Lo recelve a cusLomlsed learnlng experlence.
lL requlres a dedlcaLed and commlLLed Leam wllllng Lo share and help each oLher
lmprove learnlng.
An over rellance on 'LradlLlonal' classroom seL-ups ls sLlll prevalenL and such an
envlronmenL wlll noL faclllLaLe 21
cenLury learnlng.
ueallng wlLh change.
1he Llme, energy and resources Lo consLanLly relnvenL Lhe classrooms.
LffecLlng a culLure of change where Leachers may be comforLable ln whaL Lhey do.
Lnsure parenLs are 'on board'.

8ef: odrlve/rlnclpal/AuLhenLlcLearnlngnoLesfromSLaffMeeLlng 23 March 2014
1he learnlng envlronmenL ls 'healLhy' and hosplLable.
Schools wlLh AuLhenLlc learnlng envlronmenLs puL people before sLrucLures and
1hey encourage a senslble balance beLween dlrecL lnsLrucLlon and collaboraLlve
group learnlng.
SLandard schools are classrooms are unllkely Lo produce educaLed graduaLes for Lhe
conLemporary envlronmenL.
SLudenLs Lo be more responslble for Lhelr learnlng.
All change requlres leadershlp and Lhe sharlng of lnLenLlons and processes and
noL separaLe LradlLlonal sub[ecL areas buL raLher emphaslse Lhe lnLerconnecLlons.
1here ls a need for change ln Lhe models of schoollng we offer our chlldren Loday
and lnLo Lhe fuLure.
Cross-currlcular approach deflnlLely besL pracLlce buL seems aL a LangenL Lo new
separaLe currlculums ln 2014.
1o focus on Lhlnklng and real problems solvlng and noL [usL geLLlng and reLurnlng
back knowledge.
8lch learnlng envlronmenLs have a clear moral purpose.

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