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Question bank for BBA IV

1. Define Research and differentiate Market Research from Marketing Research. 2. What are the various methods of collecting data? 3. Questionnaire construction is much more of an art than science.Discuss.Write the steps involved in a questionnaire construction and discuss them using a suitable example. 4. How can sample size for research study be determined? Explain with the help of examples. 5. What is a) Exploratory b) Descriptive c) Casual research? Using examples show how they differ from each other. 6. Explain Probability and Non probability sampling methods. Also explain the various techniques used in both type of the sampling methods. 7. Explain different types of scales. Also explain how use of scaling could be helpful to a market researcher. 8. Discuss various types of reports used in business firms. 9. What is the difference between sampling and census? What is sampling error and standard error? 10. Write short notes ona) Cluster Analysis b) Factor Analysis c) Two tailed test d) Type I and Type II errors

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