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Rashid (The Rosetta Stone)

By: Jaeda Francis

The Rosetta Stone, discovered by Napoleon Bonapartes men, during
the Invasion of Egypt, was one of ancient secrets and mysteries, yet full
of wonder. The intriguing Rosetta Stone, is different in many ways, and
can be compared to me in many ways. I can be compared to the Rosetta
Stone because, all of the Rashids qualities such as: the stone its self;
the 3 scripts; its discovery in Egypt; the scriptures engraved into the
stone; and its discovery by Napoleon Bonaparte.

The fact that the Rosetta Stone is made out of hard-stone basalt is that,
it has lasted until the sands of time to tell the history of the ancient
Egyptian civilization. And this hardness describes my ability not to be
easily shaken. For example, when I am at school, in Algebra Honors with Mrs. Bailey, she teaches
mathematics that is way out of my league at a fast pace. And so every day, I have to tell myself not to
give up because of something that is considered difficult. Also at home with my sister, she can
sometimes cause me to lose my cool, and be so frustrated with her. But, since I am not easily shaken, I
dont completely want hate her for life, because of what she has done. Plus, when someone tries to
make fun of me, or talk behind my back about something to be funny, I dont get petrified. Lastly, when
I am sometimes nervous in French class, before and during a speaking
presentation, I believe that my classmates are talking about me. But, when I am
done with my speaking, I get praises from my teacher and from my classmates,
that, You are very intelligent and an awesome student!

To travel the world is one of my dreams, and the fact that I know a lot about
many languages, and ancient culturesas well as the Rosetta Stone, really
describes me; also, because it was written in ancient Egyptian, Demonic, and
Greek. This feature expresses my fascination with many cultures and
languages. For example, I know a lot about ancient Roman Emperors such as:
Caligula, Nero, Claudius, Julius Caesar, Tiberius, Trajan, and the first Roman
EmperorAugustus Caesar. And that Caligula was considered, psychopathic blood hungry, and
that his childhood name means, Little Boots, in Latin. Plus, Nero, was known for playing the lyre
during the destructive, Fire of Rome, and then blaming it on the upstart Christians, burning them alive
in retaliation, according to the History Channel Documentary, Ancients Behaving BadlyNero. In
addition, I know about the lives of royals at court, and the lives of the poor by Kate Quinn in her books
such as: Daughters of Rome, Mistress of Rome, and Empress of the Seven Hills. I also know about the
different cultures such as, Indian and the language of the ancient Romans, Latin. To elaborate is that
in India they prefer boys to girls, and the Indian women there wear about 50 bangles on each arm for
good luck. To add on, I know bits of Latin that include, Gallia est omnis dvsa in
parts trs, which means in translation, All Gaul is divided into three parts,
from Julius Caesars memoirs in Chapter 1: Gallic Wars 1.1.1. (adapted).

Cleopatra has once called Egypt, the Pearl of my crown, and the Rosetta Stone
was discovered in Egypt, in 1799. The famous stele was found in the country where
I have always wanted to travel, live, and discover. To add on, I have an obsession
with anything Egypt; like for instance, I scaled-drawn, a picture of, the beautiful
one, Queen Nefertiti, and a picture of the Egyptian Goddess of justice, truth, and
order,Maat. In which all pharaohs are responsible to maintain in society.
Furthermore, I also have my room decorated like an Egyptian royal chamber, of
royal woman at court. Next, I also try to resemble the dressing styles of women and
girls during this dynastic period, wearing bright colors, jewelry, and cartouches. In
addition, during my spare time, I love to read about Egypt in its ancient and modern age; also about
the lives of seers and chief and minor wives of the Pharaohs, such as Ramesses the II (Great). As in
example, Michelle Morans Nefertiti, The Heretic Queen, Cleopatras Daughter, and Pauline Gedges
House of Dreams (Lady of the Reeds), House of Illusions, Child of the Morning, The Twice Born, Seer
of Egypt, & The Kings Man. Finally, I wish to travel to Egypt because I want to visit the Land of
Times Beginnings exploring the Egyptian Museum; take luxurious cruises down the Delta Nile, from
Aswn to Luxor; and dine on exquisite cuisine of Egypt, such as Koshary, Hamam mahshi (Stuffed
Pigeon), and Karkadeh. Lastly, I want to improve my Egyptian Arabic, for which I only know how to
say, (saBAH elKHEER) {Good Morning}, and (SHUKran) {Thank You}.

The Mediterranean Islands of Hellenic Civilization, and sandy beaches with azure, crystal waters, is
known today as Greece. On the Rosetta Stone, one of the languages encrypted in the basalt stele, was
Greek, and Greek is the official language of historic, beautiful Greece. Once a territory of Turkey,
gaining its independence on the 25
of March in 1821, its now a country of unmistakable beauty and
tourism. I have studied this country through many of my readings at the public library as an
intellectual and is now fascinated to learn, and one day travel to Hellas. I wish to visit because, I want
to explore all of its historic sites, and visit some of its most famous monuments, such as: The
Parthenon, The Acropolis of Athens, Mythos Beach, and The White
Tower of Thessaloniki. Also, I want to experience the exotic cuisine
of Greece such as: baklava, spanakopita, moussaka, tzatziki with
fresh baked pita bread, and Vasiloptia on New Years Day. In
addition, I want to acquire more knowledge in the Greek language,
for I can only say, /!
/? , . ? !
! , to my friends from Greece, who also
speak English, and German. Plus, I want to be able to
communicate with the native residents, without Google Translate.
All in all, my dream is to travel to Achaea, and preside in a villa, by the Ionian Sea, with windmills on
my left, the azure crystal ocean in front, and vineyards to my right, listening to the famous bouzouki,
and one of my favorite songs , (Peramenes Mou Agapes) {My past
loves}, drifting in the nearby distance.

Napoleon Bonaparte was under siege in the port-city of Alexandria, on the 24
of July, in 1798,
already having lost two battles. But, while two of his men hid in cover, they stumbled upon a basalt
polished stone and signaled Bonaparte of a new discovery. This new discovery was the Rashid, or
better known as The Rosetta Stone, now held in the British Museum. The fact that this remarkable
deciphered stele was discovered by the French forces, has lead me on a goal in life to visit France;
learn more about the French culture, to one day see my Francophone friends again in Angers. In
addition, I also want to travel to France because I am currently taking French I, and I want to excel at
it to a point where I can fluently speak any kind of
conversation. Plus, I want to taste authentic French cuisine
dishes such as crpes, quiches, mousse au chocolate, and
some of Frances famous croissants. Furthermore, I wish to
visit all of the monuments, sites, and museums there today,
such as: The Louvre Museum, the Notre-Dame Cathedral,
The Eiffel Tower, The Arc de Triomphe, and Angers. All in
all, I wish to experience the true daily life as a French
native, buying fresh from the markets; traveling by bicycle
around town touring the city, getting my portrait drawn by a
sketch artist; and enjoying myself with my long-time-no-see-

In a nutshell, I would compare myself to the Rosetta Stone because, this stele has a profound impact in
my life, and how it will affect me in my lifetime to come. Lastly, because this is an object that defines so
much more than my personalitiesit defines who I am as a foundational-principle-based person and
my goal to become an international cultured deified human being.

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