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Fundamentally, I believe that teaching is a profession of exploration, inquiry and

communication. A teacher must have knowledge and a thirst for more to impart knowledge
and learning to his or her students. I believe that choosing to be a teacher presents one
with the obvious task, that of mentoring and leading others to new understanding, and
more than that, communicating the value in knowing. Teachers must be cognizant of the
learners unique qualities in order to accomplish this task. Merely spewing information at
people, specifically young people will not achieve the goal. To reach the goal, a teacher
must foster relationships with students and create environments in which learning can
occur. The successful teacher will find avenues to reach each student.
I believe that it is the responsibility of each teacher to explore ways to reach and
communicate with all students. The truly successful teacher believes that each of the
students in a class can and will understand and appreciate the knowledge that can be
attained. Becoming an effective and successful teacher is not an easy task. It takes
forethought, study, planning, vision, patience and reflection. Fundamentally, I believe that
teachers are facilitators of the transfer and acquisition of knowledge. The idea and goal of
empowering young people is at the core of every good teacher.
I believe that education is the single most important aspect in a persons life.
Through education the mind is shaped and through this process, perceptions of oneself
and ones role in the community are created and fostered. The teacher is an integral part
of this process. Teachers have an obligation to be diligent in their role ensuring that each
student succeeds not only as a student but also as a person.
I believe that all children can learn, each of them in their own way and to different
extents. All children should be treated equitably, regardless of their abilities, learning
needs or respective gifts. Schools and classrooms should be open, accessible and safe
environments for all students. I endeavor to provide all of my students with real and
empowering learning experiences regardless of their individual differences.
As a special education teacher, I will strive to provide curriculum and learning
experiences that will help all of my students grow and prosper in school. Throughout my
teaching career I have had a few things that I have tried to impart to all my students,
including those with special needs. I want my students to appreciate the importance of an
education and learning, to be motivated to achieve and overcome obstacles and to find
answers and advocate for themselves. I believe that my role as a special education
teacher puts me in an advantageous position to be able to facilitate my students
accomplishing these goals.
I support full inclusion and the education of all students in an appropriate,
diverse environment. I believe that when the school community functions as a team it can
provide truly meaningful and useful learning opportunities for all students, regardless of
their intellectual capabilities. I believe that inclusivity is a fundamental part of meaningful
discourse and the whole learning process that is the responsibility of modern schools.

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