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Basic Correlation/Regression Analysis in SPSS

1. Scatter-Plot
1) Prior to entering your data on the Data Editor screen (shown
below), you must define your variables on the Variable View
screen (not shown). Once your variables have defined your
variables ( as your !redictor and " as your criterion), enter the
data as shown below on the Data Editor screen.
2) #tart your analysis by creating a scatter !lot$ %ra!hs scatter
'fter clic(ing on %ra!hs and selecting #catter, you will be given
the o!tion to select the ty!e of !lot) shown on the ne*t !age.
+ighlight the #im!le scatter)!lot o!tion and clic( Define.
,) 'fter the #im!le #catter)!lot window a!!ears, move your
criterion variable into the " a*is slot and your !redictor variable
into the a*is slot (shown below). -lic( on O..
/) 0he scatter !lot will be !roduced and dis!layed on the Out!ut
2. Regression Analysis
'fter creating a scatter !lot, you should run a regression analysis.
0he regression analysis will !roduce regression coefficients, a
correlation coefficient, and an '1OV' table.
1) 2egin by selecting 'naly3e4egression 5inear (shown below).
6) Once the 5inear 4egression window a!!ears (shown below), move
your criterion variable into the De!endent slot and your !redictor
variable into the 7nde!endent slot. -lic( O..
&) 0he out!ut of the analysis is shown below. 0he 8odel #ummary
table re!orts the correlation coefficient as 4 (note it should be a
lower case r for bivariate correlation, but it isn9t). 0he 4 #:uare
statistic is in the second column and is also (nown as ;!ro!ortionate
reduction in error<or ;variance accounted for.<
0he second table is the '1OV' summary table that tests the null
hy!othesis. 7n the case of correlation the null hy!othesis is that the
correlation is 3ero. 7n this case we re=ect the null hy!othesis because
the p value is less than .>/. 7n this case the p value is .>>&.
0he final table !resents the regression coefficients. 5oo(ing at the
?n)standardi3ed -oefficients column you see 2 weights. 0he 2 weight
(@1&.@11) in the -onstant row is referred to as the intercept. 0he 2
weight ()&A.B@1) in the !redictor row (2irth Order) is referred to as
the slope. 1ote that the correlation will be negative when the slo!e
has a negative value. 0hese coefficients are used to form the
following linear regression equation.
y C@1&.@1 ) &A.B@*

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