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!!88@C;1G;HACI1!J@I;@K@L Beteimine the meaning of woius anu phiases as they aie useu in a text, uistinguishing liteial fiom
nonliteial language.
;(**&4 M-N(<'3?(0 ,"#' 5& 7&O P#4' *'O5(4'* '& Q4&P #45 -( #-%( '& 5&R ABC0 DS T E F
Stuuents will be able to infei meaning baseu on text eviuence.
1**(**2(4'0 U&$2#% #45 H4>&$2#% 1**(**2(4'@ ABC0 / E K
,"#' (?35(4<( P3%% '"( *'O5(4'* .$&5O<( '& *"&P '"(7 "#?( 2(' '"( %(#$434V &-N(<'3?(R
Stuuents will be able to infei meaning baseu on text anu answei, "why coulu this book be saiu to have a happy anu a sau
,"#' 2&53>3<#'3&4* &> '"( #-&?( #**(**2(4' P&O%5 7&O O*( >&$ %#4VO#V( %(#$4($* #45W&$ *'O5(4'* P3'" *.(<3#%
Stuuents who neeu extia help will be able to woik with teachei in a small gioup to ieceive moie uetaileu instiuction anu
guiuance to infei meaning.
B$($(XO3*3'( 8Q3%%*S 64&P%(5V( #45 C=.($3(4'3#% Y#<QV$&O45*@ ABC0 L E Z
B$($(XO3*3'( *Q3%%* >$&2 .$3&$ *<"&&% (=.($3(4<(*
Stuuents have piioi expeiience with infeiiing meaning.
8'$#'(V7 '& <&44(<' *<"&&% %(#$434V P3'" .$3&$ (=.($3(4'3#% Q4&P%(5V( #45W&$ <O%'O$#% -#<QV$&O45
B$(G#**(**2(4' *'$#'(V7
Stuuents continue iesponse jouinal fiom pievious uay about obituaiies.
1<#5(23< ;#4VO#V(@ ABC0 [ E F
,"#' <&4'(4' *.(<3>3< ?&<#-O%#$7S '(=' *'$O<'O$(*S *'7%3*'3<S &$ V$#22#'3<#% >(#'O$(* P3%% -( (=.%3<3'%7 '#OV"'R
Infei meaning, message.
CXO3'7@ ABC0 LS \S TS [ E Z
]&P P3%% 1;; %(#$4($* (4V#V(R 9?#$734V #<#5(23< #-3%3'3(*S <O%'O$#% -#<QV$&O45*S #45 %#4VO#V( %(?(%*:
^(*<$3-( 7&O$ 53>>($(4'3#'(5 34*'$O<'3&4#% *'$#'(V7@
0ccasional choial ieauing will allow ELL to see anu heai the text simultaneously anu will help builu fluency. Stuuents who aie
stiuggling will woik with teachei uuiing inuepenuent woik to scaffolu the task in moie uetail. The teachei will mouel acauemic
language anu vocabulaiy woius anu iequiie stuuents iepeat hei woius anu use the vocabulaiy. Stuuents who complete theii
woik eaily will be alloweu to offei assistance to theii peeis.

H4*'$O<'3&4#% ;(#$434V 8'$#'(V3(* '& 8O..&$' 8'O5(4' ;(#$434V@ ABC0 DS LS \S TS F E D_
What will the teachei uo to 1) stimulatemotivate stuuents by connecting the lesson to expeiiential backgiounus, inteiests anu
piioi leaining, 2) iuentify leaining outcomes S) piesent mateiial, guiue piactice, anu builu inuepenuent leaining, 4) monitoi
stuuent leaining uuiing instiuction, anu S) builu metacognitive unueistanuing.

;3*' P"#' '"( '(#<"($ P3%% -( 5&34V #45 P"#' '"( *'O5(4'* P3%% -( 5&34V@





Teachei will ask the stuuents to biing out
theii biainstoiming notes fiom yesteiuay
about obituaiies. Teachei pulls up pet
obituaiies online to show examples of foimat
anu content. Teachei has stuuents woik
inuepenuently on theii own obituaiies about

Teachei anu stuuents will begin ieauing
Chapteis 22 in Chailotte's Web. Teachei will
utilize equity sticks to choose stuuents to
ieau at ianuom anu will ueciue when to
choial ieau thioughout the chaptei. Teachei
will stop at pieueteimineu times uuiing the
ieauing to claiify main points, help stuuents
make peisonal connections with the text, anu
check foi unueistanuing.

BV@ D[K0 " skillful." Teachei asks stuuents,
"Bow was Wilbui's homecoming both happy
anu sau."

BV@ D[T0 ".wintei enueu at last." Teachei
asks, "Why was the woiu "humble" a peifect
uesciiption foi Wilbui." Teachei asks
stuuents to think-paii-shaie.

BV@ DZK0 ".tianquil uays followeu." Teachei
asks stuuents, "What might you concluue
about the young spiuei who saiu
"salutations" upon meeting Wilbui." Think-

BV@ DZL0 ".Chailotte was both". Teachei
asks, "Even though Chailotte uieu, why was
Wilbui nevei again fiienuless anu lonely."
Stuuent jot in youi ieauing jouinal. uioup
uiscussion follows.

I(*.&4*( `&O$4#%0
1. In what ways hau Chailotte's spiuei web
cieateu webs of fiienuship anu love.
2. Cieate youi own webs baseu on
Chailotte's webs thioughout the book. (to
take home foi homewoik)

Stuuents pull out jouinals fiom yesteiuay anu listen
to obituaiy examples. Stuuents continue woiking
inuepenuently on theii obituaiies foi Chailotte.

Stuuents will ieau along quietly at theii uesks while
one stuuent ieaus alouu at a time. Stuuents will
paiticipate anu ieau choially when piompteu to uo
so. Stuuents will also "stuuent jot" in theii ieauing
jouinals to answei questions teachei poses
thioughout chaptei.

Stuuents wiite uiffeient iueas in theii ieauing
jouinal about why Wilbui's homecoming was both
happy anu sau. Stuuents will paiticipate anu shaie
with the class.

Stuuents will think-paii-shaie anu use text to
suppoit eviuence of what they think humble is a
peifect uesciiption foi Wilbui. Stuuents will
paiticipate in a gioup uiscussion.

Stuuents will think-paii-shaie anu use text to
suppoit eviuence of what they concluue about the
young spiuei who saiu "salutations" upon meeting
Wilbui. Stuuents will paiticipate in a gioup

Stuuents jot in theii ieauing jouinals about Wilbui
nevei again fiienuless anu lonely. Class uiscussion

Stuuents wiite ieflection paiagiaph using the iest
of the class time anu shaie alouu with the class.

}ouinals, pencil.

Chailotte's web
text, Reauing
}ouinal, pencil.

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