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Freeport Tutoring: ELA Lesson 3;

April 24, 2014

Academic Primary Learning Target: Fiction Writing; Descriptive Sentences

NYS Common Core Standards:

W.4.3 Write Narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

W. 4.5 With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.

Behavioral Objectives:
Student will be able to
Write three descriptive sentences, using Masterpiece Sentence Writing
strategy, about characters and settings of their own creation from previously
completed story map activity, using at least 3 descriptive words per

Lesson Objective: Students will utilize previously created characters and settings
to revise sentences to use more descriptive words by using Masterpiece Sentence
Writing strategy.

- Post-its
- Previously created Story-Maps
- Markers
- Computers with internet access
- Interactive post-it module:

Academic Language: Descriptive sentence, fiction, character, setting

Procedure: Students will revisit story maps created during the last tutoring session,
re-familiarizing themselves with the characters and setting they created. Teacher
will model, using her example from last week, masterpiece sentence writing to
create descriptive sentences. Students will then use this technique (with teacher
guidance if necessary) to revise their story maps to include more descriptive
sentences. Each student will share with the group their original and descriptive
sentence for assessment and critique.

Activating Prior Knowledge: Students will read the original cause/effect
statement and story maps which they created during the last two sessions. Students
will have the opportunity to discuss their imagined characters, settings, and stories
with the group.

Freeport Tutoring: ELA Lesson 3;
April 24, 2014

Modeling: Teacher will use story map model created during the last session to
model the outlining of fiction story concepts (attached) to explain and model
masterpiece sentence writing strategy using both physical post-its and online
interactive post its. (Strategy details attached to bottom of lesson plan). Teacher will
take 1 sentence about a character and 1 sentence about the setting to demonstrate
the creation of descriptive sentences.
So here we have a sentence from my story map from last week, The bunny was
angry with the magician during the show. The problem with this sentence is it
doesnt give a lot of information to our readers. The readers need information on
what the characters look like, how they move, how they behave, what our setting
feels like, and other descriptions. By adding more descriptive words, we can let our
audience know things about the nouns in our sentence; the bunny, the magician, and
the show. What words would you use to describe these things? [takes suggestions
and copies onto post-its, allows students to move post-its and insert the descriptive
words into the sentence, reading it aloud after each edit.]

Guided Practice: Each student will choose a sentence from their story map for
teacher guided masterpiece sentence writing practice. Teacher will ask guided
questions such as.
- What does the character look like? How do they move?
- How does the character behave? How would others describe him in one
- What does your setting feel like? Is it cold, hot, wet, dry?
- How does the setting smell? What does it sound like? Look like?

Independent Practice: Students will independently use the masterpiece sentence
writing (either interactive or tangible option) on their 3 chosen sentences from
their story map to create descriptive sentences on a topic included in their
independently created story map from last session.

Assessment: Students will share with the group 1 sentence of the 3+ sentences they
created. Teacher will note the number (3) and quality of the descriptive words to
gauge understanding of concept.

UDL Elements:

Multiple means of representation:
3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge: Students will revisit story maps
created during the last session to activate background knowledge. By revisiting
their story maps, they will re-engage their fiction/story writing process.

3.3 Guide information processing, visualization, and manipulation: Teacher will
introduce Masterpiece Sentence Writing and allow students to independently and
with guidance explore the strategy in creating descriptive sentences.
Freeport Tutoring: ELA Lesson 3;
April 24, 2014

Multiple means of Engagement:
7.1 Optimize individual choice and autonomy: By allowing students to create their
own characters, settings, and story lines, they have stake in the creation of their
fiction writing and descriptive sentences.

8.3 Foster Collaboration and community: While working as a small group in itself
fosters a sense of community, being able to share and receive feedback from their
peers is engaging, beneficial, and encouraging for students. Students will be sharing
their descriptive sentences at the end of the lesson to receive feedback from peers.

Multiple means of Expression:
5.2 Use multiple tools for construction and composition: In the creation of their
descriptive sentences, students will have the option of using tangible post its or
interactive, online post its using an interactive resource. Some students may find it
easier to type their sentences, while others may find it easier to write them.

6.2 Support Planning and strategy development: In this lesson, students will use
post-its and story map to help guide their thinking and planning.

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