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English 10 ~ English Literature

Teacher: Mrs. Theresa Register

School: Central Mountain High School, Room C-112
Phone: (570) 893-4646, ext. 4541
Course Description: Welcome to 10
grade English! This course focuses on reading,
writing, listening, and speaking skills. Integral parts of this course will include varied
composition assignments, literary analysis, critical thinking skills, and class
presentations. Students will actively participate in discussion on a regular basis, and
will be challenged with higher level thinking questions and projects.
Throughout the year we will be working with a program called Scholastic Read 180,
preparing for the Keystone Literature Exam, and focusing on academic vocabulary
through reading and writing activities. The Read 180 program involves students
working in both small and large groups, reading independently, as well as practicing
skills on the computer to improve their reading levels (lexiles) and writing levels.
Collaboration Between Social Studies and Language Arts Departments: In an
effort to address the academic standards associated with the Keystone Exams and
Common Core State Standards, social studies and language arts teachers will be
working collaboratively to enhance reading, writing, and thinking skills in our students.
Materials: Students will be provided with journals and folders to use for English
class. These materials will be kept in the classroom for student use. Students will
need a writing utensil and highlighter each day.
Homework: Homework is not given daily in this class but may be necessary due to
absences, poor use of class time, and other circumstances (i.e. more time needed to
complete an assignment). When work is given to complete at home, it is a part of the
student skills and knowledge assessment and must be completed. Homework is not
given as a way to learn new concepts, but allows students to finish what they may not
have had time to complete during class time for the above mentioned reasons or for a
extra practice. This work can also be completed before school or after school (make
prior arrangements with the teacher). New concepts will never be given as homework
and therefore homework will only be given if it is felt that the student can complete
the task on an independent level.

Grading: Class grading follows the grading guidelines set forth by the KCSD school
board and can be found in the student handbook. Students will be formatively assessed
through bell ringers, quizzes, diagnostic tests, tickets out the door, and benchmark
assessments that will not be graded. Students will have graded summative assessments
through tests, projects, and end of unit exams. This will reflect what students know
about the unit. The KCSD grading policy will be followed for late work.
Rules and Procedures:
1. Bring your materials to class everyday.
2. Be on time and try your best everyday.
3. Be respectful of yourself, others, and the classroom.
4. The use of electronic devices (cell phones, ipods, MP3 players, etc.) is not
permitted in C112. These devices should be turned off and away to avoid
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Violation: If device is handed to teacher when requested, then
the device will be returned at the end of the class period. If it is
not given up when requested, an immediate office referral will be
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and Reoccurring Violations: Devices will be turned into the
office and returned according to the KCSD policy.
5. Use the restroom before coming to class. If an emergency arises, you must
obtain a pass and leave all electronic devices (this includes cell phones, ipods,
MP3 players, etc.) on your desk while you are out of the room.
6. Food and drink are to be consumed in the cafeteria, not in the classroom.
Some exceptions will be allowed, as decided by the teacher.
Attendance Policy and Make-Up Work: Class attendance follows KCSD policies
listed in your student handbook. If you must miss class for any reason, please
contact me to inform me of your absence. The student, in cooperation with the
teacher, will be responsible for making arrangements to make up work in the event
of an absence. Students are responsible for any and all work missed while absent
from school.
Academic Honesty: An offense against academic honesty includes acts that
compromise the integrity of the educational process, including cheating and
plagiarism. Such acts are serious and will be handled through the CMHS discipline
policy. C112 procedure includes parent contact as well as the student redoing the
assignment by a teacher-established due date.
Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. ~ Brian Littrell

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