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SLonelelgh-8urnham School

laculLy ln-servlce, March 24, 2014

SupporLlng Lngllsh Learners ln Lhe Classroom

Lng||sh Learners
! Cne ouL of flve Amerlcans___________________________________________.
! 11 of sLudenLs __________________________________________________.

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! vldeo and dlscusslon: WhaL Lngllsh Sounds Llke Lo lorelgners
! CuoLes from Lngllsh Learners aL S8S

As adulLs ln Lhe S8S communlLy, we should be modellng naLural and rlch
language for our Lngllsh Learners. lor some sLudenLs, speaklng more s|ow|y or
pronounclng words more art|cu|ate|y may be beneflclal. We should also genLly
correcL sLudenLs when approprlaLe.
1lps for modellng rlch, yeL comprehenslble language:
o Speak arLlculaLely
o L|ther:
" Avold ldloms, flgures of speech, sarcasm, and advanced
" use auLhenLlc, rlch language, buL Lake Lhe Llme Lo explaln
whaL you 1/"''( 2/"& lmmedlaLely afLer
o 8epeaL lmporLanL phrases or ldeas
o Check for undersLandlng (noddlng yes and smlllng don'L counL!)

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Soc|a| Lng||sh lncludes Lhe Lypes of language we use on a dally basls Lo
meeL our soclal needs. MosL ofLen, Lngllsh Learners appear proflclenL ln soclal
Lngllsh because Lhey masLer lL qulckly. 1he senLence sLrucLure and vocabulary
lnvolved ln soclal Lngllsh ls slmple and easy Lo process.
Academ|c Lng||sh lncludes Lhe Lypes of language we use Lo express
formal academlc concepLs. Lngllsh Learners ofLen have a dlfflculL Llme learnlng
Academlc Lngllsh because of Lhe complex senLence sLrucLures and vocabulary. lL
ls also noL as frequenLly used as soclal Lngllsh, so lL ls hard Lo learn and
remember. Academlc Lngllsh musL be consclously developed ln read|ng, wr|t|ng,
speak|ng, and ||sten|ng.

SLonelelgh-8urnham School
laculLy ln-servlce, March 24, 2014
Introduc|ng a 1op|c
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Vocabu|ary ke|ated to Lng||sh Learn|ng
Iu|| Word Def|n|t|on |n our Cwn Words
Lngllsh as a Second
Language (LSL) (n.)

Lngllsh Learner (LL)

AffecLlve lllLer

! vocabulary acLlvlLles l mlghL llke Lo Lry:

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8u||d|ng 8ackground |s. r|or know|edge |s...

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! uld Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhls presenLaLlon acLlvaLe your prlor knowledge or bulld
! Choose a Loplc ln your sub[ecL LhaL you wlll begln Lomorrow. Pow can you bulld
background and acLlvaLe prlor knowledge for all your sLudenLs, especlally Lngllsh

SLonelelgh-8urnham School
laculLy ln-servlce, March 24, 2014
Wh||e 1each|ng our 1op|c
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! WhaL graphlc organlzers do you already use?
! Pow could you use a graphlc organlzer ln an upcomlng lesson?

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! WhaL LexL feaLures can help Lngllsh Learners undersLand Lhelr LexLbooks?

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! revlew Lhe 1exL
# llnd vocabulary, make predlcLlons
! Lncourage AccounLablllLy
# Ask/answer quesLlons, 1ake noLes uslng a graphlc organlzer,
Summarlze afLer readlng, CollaboraLe Lo bulld meanlng

A$53:55$%& B:/5#$%&5
! WhaL are Lhe challenges of asslgnlng LexLs for our Lngllsh Learners?
! WhaL sLraLegles seem feaslble ln your class Lo help Lngllsh Learners undersLand
your LexLs?

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! lf sLudenLs do noL use language, Lhey wlll noL |earn language as qulckly or deeply
as Lhey could.
! We musL develop Lhe language of our conLenL areas ln read|ng, wr|t|ng,
speak|ng, and ||sten|ng.

! Pow can l geL my Lngllsh Learners Lo parLlclpaLe?"
o Clve exLra walL Llme
o Ask all sLudenLs Lo wrlLe before sharlng
o Make clear expecLaLlons and rouLlnes for parLlclpaLlon

SLonelelgh-8urnham School
laculLy ln-servlce, March 24, 2014
)3#$7$#$/5 (*sLar* acLlvlLles LhaL could work ln your classroom)
! 1hlnk, alr, Share
! llshbowl ulscusslon
! uebaLe
! 8epeaL or summarlze wlLh a parLner
! lnLervlew
! Make a movle
! use manlpulaLlves (hands-on learnlng)

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! 8e lnLenLlonal ln creaLlng your learnlng envlronmenL. Croup sLudenLs ln a way
LhaL wlll help all Lo develop conLenL and language skllls. Croup accordlng Lo:
o language (slL nexL Lo someone wlLh a dlfferenL naLlve language Lhan you)
o Lngllsh proflclency (naLlve speakers wlLh non-naLlve speakers)
o lnLeresL or Loplc knowledge
A$53:55$%& B:/5#$%&5
! WhaL would you llke Lo Lry ln order Lo encourage language use ln your
classroom? (8eadlng, wrlLlng, speaklng, and llsLenlng)

After 1each|ng: Assessment
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! lf a sLudenL makes a language error, here's how you can correcL her:
o 8epeaL whaL she sald and subLly make Lhe correcLlon
o Can you say LhaL agaln? (l couldn'L hear you)"
o l undersLand whaL you mean. A beLLer way Lo say lL mlghL be."
**ou do not need to g|ve a who|e grammar |esson, or even know what the
error was. S|mp|y use your art|cu|ate Lng||sh sk|||s to mode| the correct form,
or prov|de an opportun|ty for her to se|f-correct.

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! Clve sLudenLs separaLe feedback on Lhelr conLenL knowledge and Lhelr language
! Lmphaslze Lhe lmporLance of correcL language for Lhe audlence (l.e. how
credlble ls your work lf lL has grammaLlcal errors?)
! WhaL are our dlfflculLles ln assessmenL?

SLonelelgh-8urnham School
laculLy ln-servlce, March 24, 2014
What w||| you take away from th|s presentat|on?


Lchevarrla, !ana, MaryLllen vogL, and ueborah ShorL. -"=$&0 H%&#/&# H%2D1/6/&5$;'/
<%1 4&0'$56 L/"1&/15J F6/ +9K>P -%./'. 8osLon: earson, 2013. rlnL.

Shrum, !udlLh L., and Llleen W. Cllsan. F/"36/1Q5 R"&.;%%=J H%&#/G#:"'$E/. L"&0:"0/
9&5#1:3#$%&. 8osLon: Pelnle, 2010. rlnL.

8eck, lsabel L., MargareL C. Mckeown, and Llnda kucan. ,1$&0$&0 O%1.5 #% L$</J S%;:5#
T%3";:'"1( 9&5#1:3#$%&. new ?ork: Cullford, 2002. rlnL.

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