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Up to 22.5% increase in yield This test was conducted on Cauliflower at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore ‘Tst: Cartmp Hydrochloride (CH) & Bacillus Tiuringiensis (Bt) were sprayed separately at recommenced concentration alone and these insecticides were sprayed in combination with APSA-8 0st reconmmendest concentyntion (5 ml of APSA-80 in 15 liters of insecticitle spray solution) for control om the pest (Diamondowck Moth - Plveella. Xylastelta). Restelt I: Application of Cartep Hytrnchloride (CH) & Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bi) initividuadiy in combination with APSA-80 showed significantly better control on pest (disease) by reducing the larval population. In case of Carinp Hyiiracbloride (CH) + APSA-80, the pest got resicced by 24.6% over the application of Cartup Hyitvochtovide (CHD only and 89.54% over the control treatment. In case of Bacitius Thuvingiensis (Bz) + APSA.80, she pest gor veducest bby 31.8% over the application of Bacillus Thuringicnsis (Bi) only asud 88.29% aver the control treatment. Effect of APSA 8 (Senl/154} withinsedicae on the eld of Cauliflower Cauliflower Yietd- a Cenap arcnirise Sean Tring an elo Eos otimedcides daw Ota Son ‘APSA80 on control over pest ION de {Biomondsack moth) dior ar P eck second appliedion neon: Cone Hered fe “i Redicion aver control Larval populeion after 14 days Result 2: Better disense control restlted in to 14% c 22.5% increase in yield with Casiap Hydvochioride (CH) + APSA-80 asud Bacillus Thuringiensis BY) + APSA-80 respectively as compared 10 the application of these pesticies ony.

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