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Katie DiMauro

Dr. Reynolds
MLD 2014
5 - 2 - 14
Interview Synthesis
Interview Date and Time: May 5, 2014 - 8:04-8:08 am.
Describe considerations for a music learner in the 21
century: I believe that as
technology can advance and develop, so can the way music is taught and learned. I
believe that programs such as Garage Band and Noteflight could be useful tools in the
classroom. I also believe that music students should be exposed to all genres and
periods of music, because it will give them a better understanding of the world around
them, and of other cultures.
Has this course changed your ideas about teaching and learning interactions? If
so, how? If not, how has it reinforced your previous ideas?: Yes, this course has
changed my ideas about teaching and learning interactions. I learned that when
teaching, a teacher doesn't have to talk constantly, or for the whole lesson. Some of the
most interesting musical moments of MLD, for me, were when we audiated notes or
whole songs in our heads. I had never experienced this before, and it really makes
sense. I also learned to let the students explore music, and ways to encourage students
to improvise, which is something I had little exposure to.
Synthesize considerations for preparing a life-long music learner: I think a way to
prepare students to be life-long music learners would be to make music learning more
accessible. I would do this by making sure that students have exposure to many
different ways to learn music. I think that maybe every student will not thrive if the only
way they are taught music is the usual system of music notation. I think if the musical
experience is more personal and creative, the memory of it will last longer with the
Which ideas this semester, in retrospect, seemed most challenging; and, how
have you assimilated those into your developing philosophy of music learning
and developing?: For me, the most challenging aspect of MLD was presenting in front
of the class. It really made me think though, that if I want my future students to be willing
to experience new things, I have to be willing to do the same. I also learned that as a
teacher, I will have to make sure that I am modeling and demonstrating correctly, if I
want my students to do the same. I found that I felt very awkward participating in the
Laban Flow presentation, but the more I thought about it, I realized that it helps to make
a student more comfortable in their surroundings, and with their fellow classmates. I
also think that it really helps with internalizing a beat or pulsation. While I was
uncomfortable at many points during the semester, I think that this class was a very
good experience for me, and I learned a lot.

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