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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Marissa Ritter

Date Subject/ Topic/ Theme Wrap Up Lesson/Writing Poetry Grade ___th_________
I. Objectives
How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan"
This !esson "i!! be a "rap and accumu!ation o# the past #our !essons in this unit$ %t "i!! asses students& understandings o# types o# poems and perspecti'es in poems$
Learners will be able to#
R U )p )n * +,
+reate a hai-u
Use #igurati'e !anguage in a poem
+reate a poem o# their choice to portray the perspecti'e o# a s!a'e
Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
)RT$.)$$%$/ Use materia!s0 techni1ues0 media0 techno!ogy0 and processes to communicate ideas and e2periences$
)RT$.)$%%$$3 Se!ect and use subject matter0 symbo!s0 and ideas to communicate meaning$
W$$4 Write narrati'es to de'e!op rea! or imagined e2periences or e'ents using e##ecti'e techni1ue0 descripti'e detai!s0 and c!ear e'ent se1uences$
L$$ Demonstrate understanding o# #igurati'e !anguage0 "ord re!ationships0 and nuances in "ord meanings$
W.5.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or
two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
56ote# Write as many as needed$ %ndicate ta2onomy !e'e!s and connections to app!icab!e nationa! or state standards$ %# an objecti'e app!ies to particu!ar !earners
"rite the name5s7 o# the !earner5s7 to "hom it app!ies$7
,remember0 understand0 app!y0 ana!y8e0 e'a!uate0 create
II. 'efore (ou start
Identif( !rere)uisite
*nowledge and s*ills.
Understanding o# #igurati'e !anguage
Understanding o# hai-us0 !imeric-s0 and acrostics
Understanding o# s!a'es in the ear!y /9
century in the United States
Outline assessment
5app!icab!e to this !esson7
Pre-assessment (for learning):
Formative (for learning):
Formative (as learning):
Summative (of learning7:
Students "i!! create a hai-u on a topic o# their choice as an art project$
Students "i!! "rite a poem o# their choice in the perspecti'e o# a /9
century s!a'e$
+at barriers migt tis
lesson !resent"
+at will it ta*e ,
e.!erientiall(- emotionall(-
etc.- for (our students to do
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Action and E.!ression
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Pro'ide options #or perception(
making information perceptible
I will explain the activities to
students and have written
instructions available
Pro'ide options #or physica!
action( increase options for
Students will be standing while
the complete their art pro!ect"
Students will walk between each of
the two stations
Pro'ide options #or recruiting
interest( choice# relevance# value#
authenticit# minimi$e threats
Students will freel chose an
topic to write a haiku about"
tis lesson"
Pro'ide options #or !anguage0
mathematica! e2pressions0 and
symbo!s( clarif % connect
Pro'ide options #or e2pression and
communication( increase medium
of expression
Students "i!! "rite a poem o# their
choice and a hai-u 5my chosing7$
Students "i!! "rite and a!so use art
to communicate their poetry$
Pro'ide options #or sustaining
e##ort and persistence( optimi$e
challenge# collaboration# master-
oriented feedback
Students may co!!aborate on
their art projects$ % "i!! gi'e
#eedbac- on the art projects as
they are "or-ing on them$
Students may approach me i#
they "ant immediate #eedbac-
at either station
Pro'ide options #or
comprehension( activate# appl %
Students "i!! app!y e'erything
"e ha'e !earned in the past
#our !essons to create t"o
Pro'ide options #or e2ecuti'e
#unctions( coordinate short % long
term goals# monitor progress# and
modif strategies
Pro'ide options #or se!#(regu!ation(
expectations# personal skills and
strategies# self-assessment %
Students will have instructions of
what the are to do" &he must
follow the instructions and
strategi$e to complete both
/aterials1wat materials
$boo*s- andouts- etc& do
(ou need for tis lesson and
are te( read( to use"
+onstruction paper o# a 'ariety o# co!ors
)rt supp!ies such as mar-ers0 co!ored penci!s0 crayons0 and maybe paint
S!a'ery "riting prompts
%nstructions #or s!a'ery "riting prompts
%nstructions #or hai-u art project
How will (our classroom be
set u! for tis lesson"
The c!assroom "i!! be sp!it into t"o groups$ ;ne group "i!! "or- in the c!assroom0 "hich "i!! be
set up norma!!y$
The other group "i!! be "or-ing outside the c!assroom in tab!es set up in the sma!! common circ!e
do"n the ha!! "ay$
) #e" tab!es 54 to 3 depending7 "i!! be set up "ith the #o!!o"ing art supp!ies p!aced on each$
+o!ored Penci!s
Paint 5maybe7
)ny other art materia! that "ou!d a!!o" students to "rite and decorate$
There "i!! be no chairs at the tab!es outside the c!assroom$
III. 2e Plan
2ime Com!onents
3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities
for eac com!onent of te lesson. Include im!ortant iger order tin*ing )uestions and5or
minutes /otivation
% "i!! as- students to meet me in the poetry
% "i!! te!! them that "e ha'e spent a !ot o# time
!earning about "hat it ta-es to be a poet and today
"e ha'e the entire !esson to continue to be poets$
T"o acti'ities "i!! a!!o"s us to rea!!y use
e'erything "e ha'e !earned about using #igurati'e
!anguage in poetry and understanding others&
Students "i!! meet me in the poetry corner$
5the !argest
component or
main body o#
the !esson7
% "i!! e2p!ain each station to the students$
Station one "i!! be a "riting prompt acti'ity$ ;n the
tab!e "i!! be mu!tip!e copies o# the #o!!o"ing prompt$
Students may chose any #orm o# poetry that "e ha'e
Students "i!! !isten to the descriptions o# the
!earned about and "rite a poem #rom the perspecti'e o#
this person$
Slavery: Writing Prompt
Imagine it is '(') and ou are a slave dreaming of
freedom" &hink about what freedom would mean to ou
and our famil" *n the back of this sheet# write a poem
about how our life would change if ou were free"
Some +uestions to consider might be:
,ow do ou feel now as a slave-
,ow would ou feel if ou were free-
,ow might our life look different-
.hat comparisons or contrasts could ou make
between our life as a slave and our life as a free
.hat does our life as a slave look like now-
.hat would our life as a free person look like in the
Be sure to use figurative language in your poem and
portray the perspective of a slave.
Station t"o "i!! be an art acti'ity$ ;n the tab!e "i!! be
construction paper and 'arious art supp!ies$ There "i!!
a!so be printed pages o# instructions "ith the #o!!o"ing
/reate a haiku on a sub!ect of our choice" In our
haiku# ou must use at least one tpe of figurative
language (a simile# metaphor# alliteration# hperbole#
onomatopoeia# or personification)" 0se a blank page to
brainstorm ideas for ou haiku and write our haiku"
.hen ou are finished# ou will create a piece of art
with it"
&o do so1
') Fold our construction paper into four e+ual
parts# hot dog stle"
2) .rite the title of our haiku on the first line
of our haiku on the first folded part of our
paper# the first line of our poem on the
second folded part# and the third line on the
third folded part"
3) 4ecorate our paper and haiku accordingl"
4ecorate it based off the topic of our poem"
If ou are writing about spring# ou could
draw flowers on our paper or the sun" If ou
are writing about our favorite sport# draw
the e+uipment used or our favorite sports
team5s logo"
% "i!! te!! students that e'en numbered students
"i!! begin at the "riting stations "i!! odd
numbered students "i!! begin at the art station$ %#
they #inish one station0 they mo'e to the ne2t$
;ther"ise0 % "i!! !et them -no" "hen they shou!d
be #inishing up and mo'ing onto the ne2t station$
Students "i!! head o## to their appropriate stations
% "i!! as- students to begin #inishing up and ma-e
sure that both their s!a'ery poem and their hai-u
are #inished$ % "i!! as- them to gather in the poetry
corner one !ast time$
% "i!! as- the c!ass as a !arge group one thing they
!earned about poetry$ We "i!! discuss these things
in !arge group$ 2O2AL
;our reflection about te lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement
for ne.t time. 5Write this a#ter teaching the !esson0 i# you had a chance to teach it$ %# you did not teach this !esson0 #ocus on the
process o# preparing the !esson$7
Preparing this !esson "as probab!y the most di##icu!t one to p!an since it "as the #ina! one$ % "anted a !esson that tied e'erything
in the unit together and a !esson that cou!d ser'e as a "ay to assess my students on their #ina! -no"!edge and gains "ithin this unit$ %
did not "ant to teach anything particu!ar!y ne" either$ Thus0 % needed to #ind acti'ities that "ou!d re#!ect my student&s understanding
and capabi!ities "ith the topics that % taught$
Since t"o acti'ities are in'o!'ed in this !esson0 the "riting prompt and the art acti'ity0 it may be di##icu!t to ba!ance both at one
time i# the c!ass is out o# contro!$ %n "riting this0 % "as re!ying on my students to be responsib!e and #o!!o" directions so that % cou!d
bounce bac- and #orth bet"een the t"o stations to obser'e ho" the students "ere doing$ %# the c!ass does not #o!!o" directions or has
di##icu!ty getting the tas-s done "ithout assistance0 then it may be bene#icia! to sp!it the !esson into t"o ha!'es: the #irst ha!# #or the
#irst acti'ity and then the second ha!# #or the second acti'ity$
)dditiona!!y0 the art acti'ity cou!d ta-e a"ay #rom the purpose o# assessment i# the materia!s and instructions are not proper!y
dea!t "ith$ %t "as my hope that the materia!s "ou!d be organi8ed and a'ai!ab!e and that the students "ou!d grasp the instructions
c!ear!y$ %# this is not the case0 then the !esson might ta-e more time "ith the art part than in the "riting poetry part$ )!so0 "ith the
"riting prompt0 students must be #ami!iar and -no"!edgeab!e "ith the topic ahead o# time$ Whi!e the prompt supp!ies much
in#ormation0 it "ou!d be bene#icia! #or them to ha'e an understanding beyond the prompt$ %# students ha'e not grasped these
historica! topics0 then their "riting piece "ou!d not accurate!y re#!ect their abi!ity to "rite in a di##erent perspecti'e$
To a'oid barriers0 ho"e'er0 % decided to ha'e an e2amp!e o# the art piece ahead o# time so to sho" them "hat their #ina! product
"ou!d !oo- !i-e$ This "ay0 students can ha'e a 'isua! o# "hat they are trying to aim #or and can #ocus more on their poetry$

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