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Christopher W.

Professor Corrie Byrne
English 1010
March 27, 2014

Casual Argument Essay: Global Climate Change

How would you like to live in a home that is beginning to fall apart, but only to go on about your day
and continue to neglect it until it all comes crashing down? Humans and animals both share this
beautiful planet that we call home. But this beautiful home of ours is being regularly and increasingly
torn apart by our own ignorant actions. These actions of ours have begun to unravel the very world in
which we live, causing a self-inflicted crisis known as Global Climate Change. Global Climate Change is a
severe dilemma and it is continuously becoming more evident that it is being caused by changes in the
reflectivity of earth's surface, the ever changing variety of energy from the sun reaching the earth, and
the daunting increase in greenhouse gasses.
One of the worst causes of global climate change and the inconsistent warming of the earth is,
when sunlight is emitted from the sun and it is either reflected or absorbed by the earth's surface. The
reason for this is because the sun's rays are either absorbed or reflected according to the dark and light
colors of the earth's surface. But the deforestation and urbanization of the terrain of the earth has been
damaging this effect by changing the way the earth's landscape visually appears. Therefore
deforestation and urbanization cause drastic climate changes in the specific areas in which they occur,
because of the constant changing of the visual appearance of the earth's surface. If the climate seems
strange or sporadic within the general area in which you live either deforestation or urbanization may
be to blame. Consequently this kind of human activity is continuing to change the earth's reflectivity.
Reflectivity and its effects may seem small when observed together as a whole across the earth; but it
has caused global change due to the sporadic climate changes in so many diverse areas. The constant
disregard towards how human activity causes the earth's surface to change is only strengthening global
climate change and its effects on the planet.
The ever changing variety of energy from the sun reaching the earth is also to blame for the
significant amount of climate change on the earth. Depending on the solar intensity found in the sun,
the earth may either be in a state of warming or cooling. Consequently these changes in the sun's
intensity have influenced climate change on the earth in the past. According to Hans Suess, a carbon-14
expert, the changes in the solar intensity "may supply conclusive evidence regarding the causes for the
great ice ages."(Changing) An example of this would be the "Little Ice Age" between the 17th and 19th
centuries. The "Little Ice Age" was caused by a period of low solar activity, therefore low solar intensity
means low temperatures and high solar intensity means high temperatures. These irregular periods of
solar intensity mixed along with other causes of climate change, randomize the changing of the climate
spread across the globe. As human's we may not be able to change nature's laws or the constant
irregular periods of solar activity of the sun, but we as citizens of this planet need to take control and
make a difference, where we can, in regards to global climate change across the planet.
The primary and most daunting cause of global climate change is the increase in greenhouse gas
emissions. Greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide create a blanket
around the globe; which traps heat released from the earth. This heat makes the earth warmer than it
would be under normal circumstances. This process is called the "greenhouse gas effect". According to
the EPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency, beginning around 1750 the Industrial
Revolution marked the start of human activities that would go on to drastically change the world's
climate, by adding many greenhouse gasses to the earth's atmosphere. Therefore human activities such
as land use, burning of fossil fuels, and industrial pollution all contribute to the greenhouse gas effect.
However we as humans must become aware as to how our daily activities affect our planet, according
Brenda Ekwurzel, a climate scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists. "We have not been able to
turn our emissions around. We still are increasing our emissions overall,"(Change) Which consequently
leads to concern that we are not doing everything we can in our power to help our environment, but not
all hope is lost. Greenhouse gas emissions can be lowered, but only by becoming more energy efficient
and switching out fossil fuels for fuels with more environmentally friendly fuels that contain less carbon
In conclusion, we as human beings must become more environmentally aware and concerned
towards the world in which we live, or we will only continue to destroy this planet. Therefore we can no
longer stand by and let the ignorant way that we live destroy our home. We must come to our senses
and create a more energy efficient society, and replace fossil fuels with more environmentally friendly
alternatives. We must take control of our responsibilities toward this planet and take action to create
change. We may not be able to control the laws of nature, but we can control how we affect the land in
which reside. The health and quality of living for you and those around you will only continue to degrade
and be affected by your choices and how you decide to treat the environment of this planet that we call
home. Don't let the planet fall apart; don't let your home come crashing down.

"Causes." Global Climate Change. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology,
n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
"Causes of Climate Change." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 18 Mar. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
"Changing Sun, Changing Climate." Changing Sun, Changing Climate. N.p., Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Mar.
"Greenhouse Gas Emissions Increase in U.S." Associated Press, 3 Dec. 2008. Web. 28 Mar.

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