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Aima Ijaz Roll#6721

Assignment 7
Question 1
Explain different groups of Montessori math exercises and how the directress
should efficiently present exercises through sequential and parallel work in
various groups.
E!"#$A% MA&E#$A% $ MA&'MA&$(A% MA&E#$A%
The Sensorial Material is mathematical material. It is exact. It is presented with exactness
and will be used by the child with exactness. The activities call for precision so that the child
can come into contact with the isolated concepts and through repetition, draw from the essence
of each and have a clear abstraction. These concepts help the child to order his mind. He is able
to classify experience. Clear perception and the ability to classify leads to precise conclusions.
The Sensorial wor is a preparation for the study of se!uence and progression. It helps the child
build up spatial representations of !uantities and to form images of their magnitudes such as the
"in Tower.
The #xercises in arithmetic are grouped. There is some se!uential wor and some parallel
)#"*+ 1 ,!*M-E# &'#"*)' &E!.
The experiences in this group are se!uential. $hen the child has a full understanding of
numbers through ten%numbers rods&sand paper numbers&spindle box&cards and counter&golden
and coloured beds bar'. In this group, the child builds the basic concept of numbers, but also
recogni(es the relationships between !uantity and numerals.
)#"*+ /,0E($MA% 1&EM.
The decimal system can be introduced when the child has a full understanding of numbers
through )*. The focus here is on the hierarchy of the decimal system and how the system
functions. It also starts the child on the exercises of simple computations, which are the
operations of arithmetic. It has four operations of arithmetic .i.e.addition, multiplication,
subtraction and division. They are introduced at this level.
)#"*+ 2,("*!&$!) -E1"!0 &E!.
The third group will be started when the decimal system is well underway. +rom then on,
these exercises will be given parallel to the continuing of the decimal system. This third group,
Counting beyond Ten, includes the teens, the tens, and linear and sip counting.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
)#"*+ 3,MEM"#$4A&$"! "5 A#$&'ME&$( &A-%E.
The fourth group is the memori(ation of the arithmetic tables. This wor can begin while the
later wor of the decimal system and the counting beyond ten exercises are continued.
)#"*+ 6,+AA)E &" A-&#A(&$"!.
The fifth group is the passage to abstraction. The #xercises in this group re!uire the child to
understand the process of each form of arithmetic and to now the tables of each operation.
There is again an overlap.
The child who nows the process and tables for addition can begin to do the addition for this
group. He may still be woring on learning the tables for the other operations and these will not
be taen up until he has the readiness. The exercises in the group for passing to abstraction,
allows the child to drop the use of the material as he is ready. He can then begin to wor more
and more with the symbols on paper, without using the material to find the answers.
)#"*+ 7,5#A(&$"!.
The sixth group of materials, fractions, can wor parallel to the group of maing
abstractions and the early wor with the fractions can begin with sensorial wor.

Question /
Explain the exercises which ena8le the child to count till 1999:
,iner exercises helps the child learn to count till )*** ,along with getting familiar with the
decimal system relationships, including the concepts of s!uares and cubes of numbers. ,inear
counting is presented in two stages. In the first stage, the child learns to count till )**,and in the
second stage he masters counting till )***.
To consolidate the child-s nowledge of counting. .p until now, he wored with tens and
hundreds in the decimal system. $ith these exercises, he becomes familiar with the se!uence of
numbers from ) through ),***. Counting is a restful activity and tends to become mechanical.
Through repetition, the child establishes the mechanism of counting.
$hen the two chains are placed parallel to each other, they show in a striing and sensorial
way the difference between the s!uare and the cube of ten. In this way, the decimal system
relationships are further established by the child.
+resentation 1;
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
The hundred chain consisting of )* bars of )*.
The hundred s!uare
Containers having arrow labels/
0 1reen labels mared ) 2 3
0 4lue labels mared )* 2 3*
0 5 red label mared )**
0 5 large si(ed mat or runner.
The )** Chain
4ring the child to the chain cabinet.
Show the child the bars on the shelves and discuss with the child if he has seen bars lie these
4egin counting with the child starting from the unit to the )* bar.
Have the child unroll the runner 6ust a little ways.
Show the child how to hold the )** chain by both ends and have him lay it vertically at the
bottom of the mat.
Have him place the tray below the )** chain.
Slowly fold the chain together to create the hundred s!uare.
7otice that it loos lie the hundreds s!uare.
"lace the hundreds s!uare on top of the folded ten chain to show that they are the same.
8emove the hundred s!uare and have the child gently re0straighten the ten chain.
Tae out the unit ticets %green' and tell the child what they are called. ,ine them in a vertical
line to the left of the ten chain.
Show the child the ten ticets %blue' and place in a vertical line above the unit ticets.
,abel the first ten by using the unit ticets and placing them on the left of the chain.
Count with the child ))09*. 5t the 9* mar, place the ticet that has 9* on it to the right,
counting by units: continue placing the ten ticets until you reach )**. Have the child place the
red )** ticet next to the )**. Tell the child/ ;<ou have 6ust counted to )**.=
5s, ;How many beads are in this chain>= %)**' "oint to the hundred s!uare, ;5nd how many
are in this>= %)**' Count with the child all of the ticets/ ), 9, ?, @, A, B, C, D, 3, )*, 9*, ?*, @*,
A*, B*, C*, D*, 3*, and )**.
Then count bacwards/ )**, 3*, D*, C*, B*, A*, @*, ?*, 9*, )*, 3, D, C, B, A, @, ?, 9, ).
Have the child replace the ticets into their correct envelop and then replace the rest of the
material of the 9* bead.
+resentation /;
5 thousand chain consisting of )** bars of )*
Ten s!uares of hundred
The thousand cube containers having arrow labels/
1reen labels mared ) 2 3
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
4lue labels arrowed )* 2 33*
8ed labels from )** 2 3**
5 large green label mared ),***
5 large si(ed mat or runner
Tell the child that today we are going to loo at an even longer chain than the )** chain.
Have the child unroll the runner all the way.
Show the child how to hold the )*** chain.
The directress carries the chain to the runner, with all of the strands laid out straight.
Have the child bring over the cube and the large box on a tray over to the runner. 5lso bring
over the hundred s!uares.
Tell the child that you are going to try to fold the chain 6ust lie you did with the )** chain.
Mae a hundreds and as the child what you made. "lace a hundred s!uare next to the one you
6ust made.
8epeat until the whole chain has been folded in hundred s!uares. %The child can begin to mae
them after a while'
"lace each of the hundred s!uares next to the hundred s!uare you have made with the child.
Then place the hundred s!uares on top of the hundred s!uares you and the child have made.
Count with the child to see how many hundred s!uares there are.
Have the child place each hundred s!uare on top of each other.
7otice that it loos 6ust lie the cube. $hen we have )* hundred s!uares, we now that we have
)*** beads.
"lace the cube next to the ten hundred s!uares %placed on top of one another' to show this to the
Have the child gently pull the ),*** chain straight. %Have him eep the chain near the left side
of the runner'.
Have the child lay out all of the ticets.
Count each bead and place the correct ticet when needed as in "resentation ). $hen you get to
)**, place the ticet as well as a hundred s!uare next to the )**th bead. 8epeat this for every
hundred. %#ven at the ),***th bead'
5t the ),***th bead, also place the cube.
Stand at the beginning of the runner and wal all the way to the end. Stand at the end and loo
at the wor of the child.
1o bac to the beginning and count/ )**, 9**, ?**, @**, A**, B**, C**, D**, 3**.
5s the child how many he had at the end/ )***.
1o bac to the beginning and count the tens. )*, 9*, ?*, @*, A*, E )**, ))*, )9*, E @**, @)*,
@9*, E 3D*, 33*, )***.Then have the child count by tens bacwards.
5s the labels have to be placed at the end of each bar, the child easily perceives he has made a
mistae in counting.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Then child can then put the material away.
Question 2
+rint <0ot )ame paper ,from the link given 8elow. and send three solved
pro8lems= each carrying four addends.
0ot game
0 S!uared paper inserted into a frame of ground glass or slate with columns headed ), )*, )**,
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
),***, and )*,***. The columns are divided into small s!uares so that there are ten in each
hori(ontal row. 5t the foot of each column are two spaces, the upper one for carrying figures,
the lower one for the result. There is a blan column at the right side where the problem to be
done is written.
0 5 good lead pencil
0 5 purple or orange pencil
0 5 ruler
tage A
Invite a child to come and wor with you. Introduce him to the new paper and have him bring it
over to the table.
Show the child the different columns on the paper and introduce the child to the new number of
Tell the child you are going to write an addition problem and write one on the right side of the
Have the child choose at least three more @0digit numbers.
Fnce all add0ins have been written, draw a line with the ruler and write in a plus sign.
,oo at the first number and write a dot in the units column for each unit in the first number.
8epeat for the tens, hundreds and thousands.
8epeat for each add0in until the whole grid is filled with the appropriate amount of dots.
Then count the first row of dots in the units from left to right. $hen you get to ten dots, cross it
out and mae an orange dot in the first bottom large s!uare. 5s you do so, say/ ;This represents
one ten.=
Continue counting the units in this same way. %Crossing off each ten units and maring with an
orange dot.'
$rite the number of units left in the second bottom s!uare.
,oo at how many orange dots you have in the units column. Mar that amount in a number in
the tens column. Tell the child, ;I am carrying over 9 tens.=
5lso place two orange dots next to the last pencil dot in the tens column.
8epeat in this way for the tens column, the thousand, and the )* thousand columns. 5lways
carrying over what needs to be.
8ead the answer with the child, emphasi(ing the ten0thousand number. #.g. Thirty0two
thousand, one hundred and fifty two.
Have the child write the answer under the problem on the right side of the paper and show the
child where we place the comma to separate the thousands.
8ead the whole problem with the child.

Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
tage -
This is to be done in the same way as in Stage 5, but this time have the child mae the dots for
all of the units, then all of the tens, then all of the hundreds, and then all of the thousands. This
is to be done from the top unit to the bottom unit.
0 To give the child further understanding of addition in the decimal system and to give him a
sense of an ability to wor with large numbers.
0 To emphasi(e the fact that in each category, there are never combinations that come to more
than 3, so that it is 6ust as easy to add tens of thousands together as it is units.
0 The maing of tens focuses on the child-s attention on the process of carrying.
0 To further familiari(e the child with the different categories.
0 5 first abstraction in the decimal System.
Question 3
Explain the presentations of Multiplication 8oard and 0ivision 8oard in your
own words. Also make illustrations.
The multiplication bead board is used for practice with the multiplication tables )x) though
)*x)*. The box consists of a perforated multiplication woring with )** holes in rows of ten
arranged in a s!uare, a box with small plastic cards numbering )0)* which represent the
multiplicand, a red disc which mars the multiplier and a box of )** red beads. 5t the left side
of the board is a window with a slot for the insertion of the cards.
To give practice in multiplication leading to the memori(ation of the essential multiplication
A )&9 0 B years
5 perforated board with )** holes in rows of )* arranged in a s!uare. 5t the left side of the
board is a window with a slot for the insertion of the cards.
5 red, wooden disc.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Tables of multiplication
5 set of cards from ) to )*
tamp )ame
0 ,arge !uantities of wooden s!uares of e!ual si(e about ) inch s!uare lie stamps/
#ach stamp of ) is green mared with G)-.
#ach stamp of )* is blue mared with G)*-.
#ach stamp of )** is red mared with G)**-.
#ach stamp of )*** is green mared with G)***-.
0 5 pencil and ruler
0 Special grid paper
This material is more symbolic, so this wor is moving from the concrete to the more abstract.
$ith this material, we will introduce writing the problem and will therefore introduce the
symbol for writing the problem. This wor will be all individual.
Invite the child to come and wor with you.
Show the child the material and have him first bring over the paper needed. Then show the child
the material and have him bring over the box of wooden tiles as well as the tray from
Introduction to Huantity.
Show the child the ) green tile and show the ) unit to the child. Tell the child that it is the same
as the unit bead.
Show the child the blue tile and have him read the G)*- written on it. Tell the child that this is
6ust lie the ten0bar.
8epeat for the tiles of )** and )***.
Io a Three "eriod ,esson with the ), )*, )**, and )*** tiles.
Show the child that when we tae out the ) tiles, we place them directly in front of the
compartment where the other )-s are.
Tell the child that you are going to tae out A. Tae out A of the ) tiles and place them all in
front of the ) compartment.
"ut them bac and give the child a few numbers to tae out. Such as mae ? tens, or A hundreds,
or 9 thousands.
Then give the child a larger number.
Say, ;7ow we are going to mae a larger number. This number will have ? units, A tens, 9
hundreds, ) thousand.
5s you give the child each number, have him tae out the appropriate tiles.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Count to chec the final product and then have the child put the tiles bac into their
+resentation 1; Addition
To be done directly following the Introduction.
Static 5ddition
Show the child the paper on which we write our problems.
Tell the child that the first column is where we write the units. The second column is where we
write the tens, the third column is where we write the hundreds, and the fourth column is where
we write the thousands.
$rite a number, such as )A9@ and read it with the child as/ @ units, 9 tens, A hundreds, and )
thousand. Then read it/ )A9@.
Have the child create the number using the tiles.
Tell the child that we are going to mae another number.
Show the child that you will write this new number below the first number on the piece of
$rite/ )9@) and read it with the child as before.
Show the child that we will place the tiles for this number a little below the other tiles.
Have the child create this number using the tiles.

Tell him that we will see how much we have all together.
Tell the child that we show this by using the addition sign. Show the child the sign and where to
place it on the paper.
Then draw a line under the last number using the ruler.
Have the child count all of the units/ @ J ) K A
$rite in A under the units on the paper.
Have the child count the tens, hundreds, and thousands, each time writing the answer down.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
8ead the final answer with the child/ $hen we have )A9@ and we add )9@) we get 9CBAL
5llow the child a turn with another example. 1uide him with !uestions.
Iynamic 5ddition
Have the child construct and write the first add0in, first the units, tens, hundreds, and then
Have the child write another add in, but guide the child so that there will be a need to change the
Have the child construct the two numbers using the tiles.
Count all of the tiles and notice that you are going to need to change some of the tiles. Have the
child do (hart 1

Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Show the child the material and have him bring it to the table.
Show the child the numbers along the top of the board. Tell the child, ;These numbers tell us
how many times to tae a number.=
Show the child how to slide the card %@' into the slot on the side of the board.
Tell the child, ;This tells us we will be doing the table of @.=
"lace the little red disc above the ) at the top of the board.
Say, ;This tells us we need to tae @ one times.
.sing the red beads, place @ one times in a vertical line.
Have the child count how many beads there are on the board.
Tell the child, ;@ x ) is @= Have the child write the answer on the paper next to the e!uation.
Move the disc over above the 9.
Tell the child, ;$e now need @ two times. 4ut we already have @ one times.=
Have the child place the red beads in a vertical line next to the first four.
Have the child count the total number of beads on the board.
Say, ;@ x 9 is D=.
8epeat in this manner. $hen the child reaches @ x @, have him say the e!uation with you.
If the child is maing the table with ease, when he reaches @ x D show him that @ x C was 9D.
Count from 9D up four more. 8epeat in this way until he has finished the board.
Have the child read all of the e!uations and answers written on the piece of paper.
The child can chec his wor on Multiplication Chart ).
Control of #rror
The child checs his wor with Chart ).
Question 6
'ow is the stamp game introduced to the child: Also explain how
su8traction pro8lems can 8e solved with the stamp game.
,arge !uantities of wooden s!uares of e!ual si(e about ) inch s!uare lie stamps/
#ach stamp of ) is green mared with G)-.
#ach stamp of )* is blue mared with G)*-.
#ach stamp of )** is red mared with G)**-.
#ach stamp of )*** is green mared with G)***-.
5 pencil and ruler
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Special grid paper
Invite the child to come and wor with you.
Show the child the material and have him first bring over the paper needed. Then show the child
the material and have him bring over the box of wooden tiles as well as the tray from
Introduction to Huantity.
Show the child the ) green tile and show the ) unit to the child. Tell the child that it is the same
as the unit bead.
Show the child the blue tile and have him read the G)*- written on it. Tell the child that this is
6ust lie the ten0bar.
8epeat for the tiles of )** and )***.
Io a Three "eriod ,esson with the ), )*, )**, and )*** tiles.
Show the child that when we tae out the ) tiles, we place them directly in front of the
compartment where the other )-s are.
Tell the child that you are going to tae out A. Tae out A of the ) tiles and place them all in
front of the ) compartment.
"ut them bac and give the child a few numbers to tae out. Such as mae ? tens, or A hundreds,
or 9 thousands.
Then give the child a larger number.
Say, ;7ow we are going to mae a larger number. This number will have ? units, A tens, 9
hundreds, ) thousand.
5s you give the child each number, have him tae out the appropriate tiles.
Count to chec the final product and then have the child put the tiles bac into their
+resentation /; u8traction
Invite the child to come and wor with you.
$rite a first number and a second number. Introduce the new subtraction sign.

Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Have the child construct the first number.
Tell the child that we are going to tae ? units from the four units constructed.
Have the child move ? units off to the left side of the table.
Count how many units you have left and write the answer.
Have the child tae 9 tens away from the A and move them off to the side of the table. Count
and then write how many tens are left.
8epeat for the hundreds and thousands.
8ead the answer with the child.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
$rite a first large number and a second number under it. Mae sure that this will lead to
dynamic subtraction
Have the child create the first number.
5s the child how many units are we going to tae away/ ? units. 4ut as the child becomes
stuc, say that we are going to have to change one of the tens for units. Tae out ten units and
replace it with one of the ten tiles.
Then have the child tae ? units away from the now )9 units. "lace the unneeded tiles off to the
side of the table.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Have the child write how many units he has left.
8epeat for the tens, hundreds, and thousands. Change when needed. 8ead the final problem
with the answer with the child.
8epeat until the child feels comfortable to wor alone.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721

8ead the finished problem with the child.
5llow the child a turn with another example. 1uide him with !uestions.
The child wors alone, creating his own problems.
+resentation /; u8traction
tatic u8traction
Invite the child to come and wor with you.
$rite a first number and a second number. Introduce the new subtraction sign.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721

Have the child construct the first number.
Tell the child that we are going to tae ? units from the four units constructed.
Have the child move ? units off to the left side of the table.
Count how many units you have left and write the answer.
Have the child tae 9 tens away from the A and move them off to the side of the table. Count
and then write how many tens are left.
8epeat for the hundreds and thousands.
8ead the answer with the child.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
0ynamic u8traction
$rite a first large number and a second number under it. Mae sure that this will lead to
dynamic subtraction.

Have the child create the first number.
5s the child how many units we are going to tae away/ ? units. 4ut as the child becomes
stuc, say that we are going to have to change one of the tens for units. Tae out ten units and
replace it with one of the ten tiles.
Then have the child tae ? units away from the now )9 units. "lace the unneeded tiles off to the
side of the table.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Have the child write how many units he has left.
8epeat for the tens, hundreds, and thousands. Change when needed.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
8ead the final problem with the answer with the child.
8epeat until the child feels comfortable to wor alone.
The child wors alone, creating his own problems.
+resentation 2; Multiplication
tatic Multiplication
Invite the child to come and wor with you.
Create a problem.

Introduce the new multiplication symbol to the child. ;This is a new symbol for multiplication.
It is called the Gtimes- symbol.=
8ead the problem with the child/ 9)9? times ?.
Have the child create 9)9?.
8ead with the child and say, ;<es, this is 9)9?. 4ut we want 9)9? three times. ,ets see you
mae this number a total of three timesL=
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Have the child create 9)9? three times.
Slide all of the tiles from the same category up together to create only four rows.
Have the child count all the units and then fill in the answer on the paper.
8epeat for the tens, hundreds, and thousands.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
0ynamic Multiplication
Invite a child to come and wor with you.
Create a problem

8ead it/ 9B?A times A. Mae mention that we are going to tae this number A timesL
Tae out the sittles and place them in a vertical line with ample space between them.
Have the child create 9B?A to line up with the first sittle.
Have the child create 9B?A four more times.
Have the child count the total amount of units, changing when needed.
Count the total amount of tens, changing when needed.
Count the total amount of hundreds, changing when needed.
Fnce done, have the child count what is left and write the answer on the piece of paper.
The child wors alone as shown in the presentation
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
5lthough there is a limitation in the material, the child may multiply any number he wishes to.
+resentation 2; 0ivision
tatic 0ivision
Invite a child to come and wor with you and have him bring the material to the table.
Create a problem.

Introduce the two new symbols to the child.
Have the child create ?B?B using the tiles.
Show the child the green sittle and place them in a row to the right of the tiles. #xplain to the
child that we are going to give each sittle the same amount of tiles.
Tell the child that when we divide, we always start with the thousands.
;1ive= each sittle a thousand tile.
7otice that there are no more )*** tiles to give.
;1ive= each sittle a )** tile. 7otice that there are more )** tiles. 1ive each sittle another )**
1ive each sittle a )* tile and notice that there are no more left to give.
1ive each sittle a ) tile until there are none left.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Tell the child/ ;In division, we always loo at what one gets, so lets see how many one sittle
Count what one sittle got, writing in the units, the tens, the hundreds, and then the thousands.

0ynamic 0ivision; no remainder
Invite a child to come and wor with you and have him bring the material to the table.
Create a problem/ BA9A&A
Have the child create BA9A using the tiles.
remind the child that when we divide, we start with the thousand.
;1ive= each sittle a thousand tile.
7otice that we have ) left over. Change it for ten hundred tiles.
;1ive= each sittle a hundred until there are no more hundred tiles. 7otice that there are none
left after we gave each sittle ? hundreds.
7otice that there are not enough ten tiles to give to each sittle. Change one ten tile into )* unit
tiles and then change the second ten tile into )* unit tiles.
1ive each sittle a unit tile until there are none left.
Count how many tiles one sittle has and write down the number each number at a time.
0ynamic 0ivision; remainder
Create a problem for the child/ BC?D&A
The procedure for this exercise is the same as in the above procedure for Iivision with no
remainder except for the end.
7otice with the child that there are some unit tiles left and not enough to give to each sittle.
Tell the child that these tiles are called a ;remainder=. Show the child how to write the
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721

0ynamic 0ivision; / level divisor
Invite a child to come and wor with you and have him bring the material to the table.
(reate a pro8lem;

Have the child create @AD? using the tiles.
Iiscuss how many units there are in )9 K 9 units.
"lace two green sittles at the top of the table.
Iiscuss how many tens there are in )9 K ) ten.
"lace one blue sittle at the top of the table to the left of the green sittles.
4egin by giving the blue sittle a tile of a thousand. Iiscuss with the child that if the blue sittle
gets a thousand tile, the green tiles must each get a hundred tile because the green tile is ten
times less than the blue tile.
1ive each green sittle a hundred tile for every thousand tile you give to the blue sittle.
$hen there are two thousand tiles left but only a hundred tile, change one of the thousand tiles
for ten hundreds. 1ive the last thousand to the blue sittle and two hundred tiles to the two
green sittles.
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
Continue in this manner, giving the green sittles ten times less that what you give the blue
Fnce all of the tiles that can be shared are shared, remind the child that in division, we always
loo at what one person gets. Have the child count the tiles for one of the green sittles, writing
in how many units, tens, hundreds, and thousands one sittle gets and have the child write in the
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721
0ynamic 0ivision; 2 level divisor
This is to be done in the same way as Iivision with a 9 level divisor. The hundred should be
represented by a red sittle.
0ynamic 0ivision; 2 level divisor with a >ero in the tens
5s above but since there are no tens, ;eep= the place of the ten by placing a blue circle where
the sittle would have gone. Tell the child that this ;holds= the tens spot. +rom time to time, as
the child what the ten would get if it was not a (ero.
Move the circle down before beginning to give out a new grouping of tiles. %The child should
answer that he would get )** times less than the hundred sittle.' See diagram for finished

0ynamic 0ivision; 2 level divisor with a >ero in the units
5s above but since there are no units, ;eep= the place of the unit by placing a green circle
where the sittle would have gone. Tell the child that this ;holds= the unit-s spot. +rom time to
time, as the child what the unit would get if it was not a (ero.
Move the circle down before beginning to give out a new grouping of tiles. %The child should
answer that the unit would get )* times less than the ten sittle.' Fnce the operation is complete,
remind the child that in division we always loo at what one gets so you will need to divide
what a ten sittle got into ten unit sittles. See diagram for finished product/
Aima Ijaz Roll#6721

The child can wor alone, creating his own division problems to solve as he was shown in the
To give the child the opportunity of carrying out individual exercises in the four operations.
"reviously, he needed the collaboration of other children to do these operations with the bead
material of the decimal system.
,ong division
5s above, and so become more familiar with all the steps involved in long division. The use of
this more symbolic material helps the child to move closer towards abstraction.
(ontrol of Error
The child-s growing nowledge.
To A )&9 years for addition, subtraction, multiplication and short division.
To B years for long division.

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