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MULTIPLE CHOICE TYPE. Read each test item carefully. Encircle the letter that represents the correct answer.

1. What is the rhythm or sound pattern of the poetic lines in Sonnet 43 of Elizabeth Brownings Sonnets from the
Portuguese? (Consider this line: I love thee to the depth and breadth and height)
A. anapestic hexameter C. iambic pentameter
B. trochaic pentameter D. spondaic tetrameter
2. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Analyzing the line of the sonnet, thee refers to:
A. The Little Portuguese C. Elizabeths dead brother
B. Robert Browning, Elizabeths husband-to-be D. the sonneteers mother
3. The repetition of the poetic unit I love thee at the beginning of lines 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 11 in Sonnet 43 is an evidence of:
A. the use of anaphora C. the use of anastrophe
B. the repetition of phrases D. the omission of rhythmic pattern
4. Which of these poems portray/s a development of love and relationship between the poet/ess towards his/her partner?
A. Wordsworths She was a Phantom of Delight C. The Ruined City (from an Anglo-Saxon Era)
B. Brownings Sonnets from a Portuguese D. Both A and B
5. What is the rhyme scheme of Henry Wordsworth Longfellows The Builders? (consider the end sounds of: great, rime,
Time, and Fate)
6. Crafty men condemn studies; simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but
that is wisdom without them and above them, won by observation. In discussing the various aspects of studies, Francis
Bacon employs what is known as the balanced style. In the given argument, the word crafty likely pertains to:
A. wicked people C. people who prefer practical knowledge and skills
B. the cymini sectores or the scholars D. philosophers
7. What are the three important uses of studies according to Francis Bacon?
A. for happiness, for truth, and for knowledge C. for judgment, for disposition, and for wisdom
B. for delight, for ornament, and for ability D. for personal, social, and transcendental inclinations
8. Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and
rhetoric able to contend: Abuena studia in mores! Abuena studia mores means:
A. Studies develop into habits. C. Studies lead to morality.
B. Studies build mores. D. Studies discuss norms.
9. Dean Doners Indian Burial is narrated using:
A. first person point of view C. omniscient point of view
B. third person limited point of view D. third person omniscient point of view
10. In Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle, what happens to Dame Van Winkle after Rips disappearance?
A. She divorces him. C. She declares him dead, and remarries.
B. She moves from the area to start a new life. D. She falls dead from the burst blood vessel.
11. What happens to Rip Van Winkle at the end of the story?
A. He returns to his home to live out the rest of his life before.
B. He moves in with his daughter and her husband.
C. He builds a cabin for himself and his dog high up in the mountains.
D. He moves into the hotel, and becomes a partner in the business.
12. In the same story, what is Rip Van Winkles one personality flaw?
A. He cannot carry on a conversation with anyone.
B. He cannot relax.
C. He is mean to his wife.
D. He helps everyone else before attending to his own business.
13. What important event in American history takes place during Rip Van Winkles sleep?
A. the Civil War C. the Mexican War
B. the Revolutionary War D. the French and Indian War
14. What makes Rip Van Winkle fall asleep in the mountains?
A. He has hunted hard all day. C. He has put in a hard days work.
B. He has sampled the strangers liquor. D. He has hit his head while hunting.



15. For how many years has Rip Van Winkle been asleep in the mountain?
A. for ten years C. for twenty years
B. for fifteen years D. for thirty years
16. In his Inaugural Address, how does John F. Kennedy set the tone of his speech?
A. by gloating in his victory over Nixon C. by opening with comments on renewal and change
B. by humorous remarks about the weather D. by threatening a show of force if attacked
17. In the same speech, what expression does he use with respect to dealing with the Soviet Union?
A. let both sides C. the evil empire
B. ask not what we can do... D. the sleeping giant
18. How does John F. Kennedy end his Inaugural Address?
A. by threatening a show of force if attacked C. with a call to work together for freedom
B. by saluting the flag D. by leaving a message of thanks for the electoral support
19. How much did William Shakespeare write?
A. 1 play, 38 sonnets, and 154 epic narrative poems
B. 54 plays, 5 sonnets, and 38 epic narrative plays
C. 54 plays, 38 sonnets, and 5 epic narrative poems
D. 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and 2 epic narrative poems
20. Which of these phrases appears on William Shakespeares gravestone?
A. May the great author rest in peace
B. He wrote so much that man will take years to understand everything.
C. He arrived on this earth with nothing. When he died, he left everything to us.
D. curst be he that moves my bones.
21. In Shakespeares historical narratives, which king of England has been portrayed as a hunchbacked monster of
unparalleled villainy?
A. Edward VI C. Henry VI
B. Edward V D. Richard III
22. What is the name given to a pair of rhyming lines of verse that are self-contained in grammatical structure and
A. Quatrain C. Sonnet
B. Iambic Pentameter D. Couplet
23. What term refers to the passage in a drama in which a character expresses his thoughts or feelings aloud while alone
upon the stage or with the other actors keeping silent?
A. Stream of Consciousness C. Soliloquy
B. Oration D. Speech
24. Widely acclaimed as the Father of Free Verses, he revealed his experiences about miracles nurturing the idea that life is
a big miracle through his poem Miracles.
A. William Wordsworth C. William Shakespeare
B. Walt Whitman D. Sir Walter Scott
25. It is a one verse poem composed by Alfred Lord Tennyson which consists of forty nine lines and illustrates the fluidity
of life; it also speaks about how change is constant, and therefore life is filled with small deaths until the whole of life
completely dies.
A. All Things Will Die C. Nothing Will Die
B. The Unknown Citizen D. The Builders
26. In Quentin Reynolds A Secret for Two, what has been revealed at the end of the story?
A. Jacques tells Pierre that his horse, Joseph has died.
B. Pierre has been blind for five years, and no one knows it, perhaps, except Joseph.
C. Pierre has been fired from his job, and receives no death benefits.
D. Joseph is an angel who has disguised as a horse.
27. A portrait of the ruins of the Roman city of Bath, The Ruined City is an eighteenth-century Old English poem from the
Exeter Book by an unknown author. It is by structure:
A. an elegiac lyric poem C. a sonnet in iambic pentameter
B. an ode D. a ballad
28. Of course he wouldnt do it, Stupid! Hed take Little Bear in to town, and theyd bury him in a paupers grave, or
theyd take him to the reservation, and bury him. Little Bear hated the reservation. They dont know that. Im the only
one who knows what he liked. He was my brother, and Im going to bury him. These are lines taken from Dean
Doners Indian Burial. The one speaking is:
A. the narrator, Dean Doner himself C. Deans aunt, Edith Johnson
B. Deans cousin, Ansel D. the narrators Uncle Edwin
29. Why does the character (in item 28) consider Little Bear as his brother?
A. He believes Little Bear has adopted him into the tribe through a ritual initiation.
B. He considers anyone who needs help and respect as his brother.
C. Little Bear has told him everything about Indian culture.
D. He knows that both of them belong to the same lineage.



30. In Dean Doners Indian Burial, how do the boys bury Little Bear?
A. The boys dig a grave in the ground near the old Indians cabin.
B. They wrap the dead Indians body in a blanket, and wedge it up the cotton wood.
C. They carry the body near the river, and burn it.
D. The boys wrap the body in a blanket, anchor it with heavy rocks, and throw it in the river.
31. Complete this line taken from Kennedys Inaugural Address: Ask not what your country can do for you
A. Ask what we can do for the freedom of man.
B. Ask what you can do for your country.
C. Ask for us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice.
D. Let us go forth to lead the land we love.
32. He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be; one against whom there was no official complaint; that in the modern
sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a saint. These lines are taken from:
A. W.H. Audens The Unknown Citizen C. Walter Scotts The Maid of Neidpath
B. Walter Scotts My Native Land D. Joaquin Millers Columbus
33. Alfred Lord Tennyson was appointed poet laureate during the Victorian Age. To whom best applies the title of poet
A. To a poet who has published thousands of poems
B. A poet/poetess who has won Pulitzer prize
C. A poet appointed by monarchs of Great Britain to provide poems commemorating historic or official occasions
D. A poet who writes about mythology and great people
34. It is a poetry collection, composed by William Blake, written from the childs point of view of wonderment,
spontaneity in natural setting; it is also based on a Christian view of creation, and how God created the lamb as a
perfect innocent being.
A. Songs of Experience C. The Tiger
B. Songs of Innocence D. Sonnets from the Portuguese
35. It contains many poems in response to cues from Innocence suggesting ironic contrasts as the child matures, and learns
of such concepts of fears and envy.
A. Songs of Acceptance C. Songs of Innocence
B. Songs of Experience D. Sonnets from the Portuguese
36. Which of these statements is NOT true about William Blake?
A. He is largely unrecognized in Literature during his lifetime.
B. He married an illiterate woman.
C. In his childhood, Blake spoke of having visions of God.
D. In 2002, Blake was placed at number 38 in the BBCs poll of the 100 Greatest Americans.
37. In John Henry Newmans Definition of a Gentleman, which of these does NOT define a true gentleman?
A. He always speaks of himself even when not compelled.
B. He never defends himself by a mere retort.
C. He has no ears for slander or gossip.
D. He is never mean or little in his disputes.
38. John Henry Newmans Definition of a Gentleman can be best classified as:
A. Speculative essay; it theorizes or poses a question on the nature of a gentleman.
B. Descriptive essay; it qualifies the true gentleman.
C. Critical essay; it criticizes or evaluates the meaning of a true gentleman.
D. Didactic essay; it teaches a valuable lesson in life.
39. Is Newmans Definition of a Gentleman an informal essay?
A. Yes, it is spoken of as a personal essay.
B. Yes, because of its colloquial style and friendly air.
C. No, it is a formal essay because of its conventional restraint, thoughtful, and objective style.
D. No, it suggests relaxation, and entertainment.
40. John Henry Newman was a master of English prose whose works during the Victorian Period were highly religious and
dramatic. Which of these is NOT his literary work?
A. Apology for His Life C. Dream Gerontious
B. Lead Kindly Light D. The Divine Comedy
41. Richard Bachs Jonathan Livingston Seagull is best classified as:
A. a novel about seagulls C. a fable in a short story
B. a fable in a novella D. a biographical sketch
42. Which of these pictures the Part One of Richard Bachs Jonathan Livingston Seagull?
A. It finds the young Jonathan frustrated with the meaningless materialism and conformity and limitation of the
seagull life.
B. The learning process, linking the highly experienced teacher, Chiang, and the diligent student, Jonathan, is
raised into almost sacred levels.
C. Jonathan returns to the Breakfast Flock to share his newly discovered ideals.
D. In this part, the ability to forgive seems to be a mandatory passing condition.



43. Do you want to fly so much that you will forgive the Flock, and learn, and go back to them one day and work to help
them know? To whom does Jonathan ask the question?
A. the Breakfast Council C. to Chiang, his teacher
B. to Fletcher Lynd Seagull, his first student D. to himself
44. What inspired Richard Bach in writing Jonathan Livingston Seagull?
A. the freedom that seagulls enjoy C. the Divine Providence, the voice chant he heard
B. the vacation he had near the beach D. his six children, and his wife
45. in 1999 poll of scholars of public addresses, this speech by Martin Luther King Jr. ranked the top American speech of
the 20
A. The Declaration of Independence C. Inaugural Address
B. I Have a Dream D. The Method of Scientific Investigation
46. In what quatrain/ stanza of Sonnet 116 William Shakespeare uses great alliteration, within his bending sickles compass
comes; love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom?
A. first quatrain C. third quatrain
B. second quatrain D. the rhyming couplet
47. Which of these best interprets the poem, The Unknown Citizen?
A. It is a social protest against communism.
B. It is a protest against the government that though it collects statistics, it does not understand who the person is,
and what he needs.
C. It is an expression of dismay to the non-humanitarian programs of the government.
D. It talks about how an ordinary citizen lives a better life beyond the direct intervention of the government.
48. What is the central theme of Emily Dickensons Poem 172: Because I Could Not Stop for Death?
A. Acceptance of death as destiny of all human beings
B. Resentment and indignant displeasure
C. Self-understanding of dramatic changes
D. Isolation and self-pity
49. Which of the following proves Alfred Lord Tennysons versatility both as a literary figure and a sage of political
A. In Cambridge University, he formed a close friendship with Arthur Hallam
B. He became a poet laureate and accepted baron and a seat in the House of Lords in 1884
C. In Memoriam, he concluded with assurances that the loss of individual lives will be made good both in eternity
and in the advance of human history.
D. As laureate, Tennyson composed a number of poems on national occasions
50. It is a set of annual international awards bestowed in a number of categories by Scandinavian committees in recognition
of cultural, literary, and/or scientific advances initiated by the awardees whose works are considered to be for the
benefit of humanity.
A. Nobel Prize C. Pulitzer Prize
B. Poet Laureate D. National Book Awards



I. SIMPLE RECALL TYPE. Identify what or who each statement defines or describes. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.

1. Personifying all of the best values of heroic culture, he is a Geatish hero who fights the monster Grendel,
Grendels mother, and the fire-breathing dragon.
2. A wise and aged ruler of the Danes, he represents a different kind of leadership from that exhibited by the
youthful Geatish warrior.
3. In the Old English epic, it is a great mead-hall built where the warriors can gather to drink and listen to
stories sung by the scops, or the bards
4. This horrible demon which lives in the swamplands of Hrothgars kingdom terrorizes the Danes and preys
over their bodies.
5. As mythical founder who inaugurates a long line of Danish rulers, and embodies the Danish tribes highest
values of heroism and leadership, he is the legendary Danish king from whom Hrothgar descends.
6. Born into a cultured religious bourgeois family, he was a very important English poet of the monumental
Paradise Lost.
7. In the epic Paradise Lost, he is an angel in heaven who leads his followers in a war against God (original
angel name)
8. They are the offspring of Satan who unbar the gates of hell for him.

9. In the epic Paradise Lost, he is one of the guardian angels who recounts to Adam and Eve how Satans
jealousy against the Son of God leads to wage war against God, and how the Messiah casts him and his
followers to hell.
10. He is the guardian angel sent by God to expel Adam and Eve from Paradise, but first to reveal the future
events resulting from their sins and disobedience.
11. Known as the Father of English Literature, he is widely considered the greatest Epic poet of the Middle
Ages, and was the first poet to have been buried in Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey.
12. This is a collection of stories (in prose and in poetry built around a frame narrative) told by twenty-nine
pilgrims at the Tabard Inn on their pilgrimage to the shrine of the martyr Saint Thomas Becket.
13. Paying the court of King Arthur an unexpected visit, he challenges the members of the round table in a
game that he will allow whoever accepts to strike him with his own axe on the condition that the challenger
finds him in exactly one year to receive a blow in return.
14. In the Arthurian legend, she is Gawains aunt and King Arthurs half sister who sends the intruder to the
court of the king, and uses her magic to change Bertilaks appearance.
15. In Canterbury Tales, he is the host at the Tabard Inn who suggests the pilgrims ride together and entertain
one another with stories.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE TYPE. Read each test item carefully. Write the letter of the answer on your answer

1.In the history of English literature, they were the tribal poet-singers who were skilled in composing and
reciting verses on heroes and their deeds.
A. Bards B. Gleemen C. Thanes D. Jongleurs

2.They are the native inhabitants of Denmark.
A. Geats B. Danes C. Angles D. Saxons

3.He is the most distinguished name in English literature of the Medieval Period whose brilliant character
portrayals made his Canterbury Tales an enduring literary legacy.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. William Caxton C. William Shakespeare D. Alfred, the Great

4.It was the transitional movement in Europe between Medieval and Modern Times marked by humanistic
revival of classical influence expressed in the flowering of arts and literature.
A. Reformation B. Renaissance C. Humanism D. Elizabethan Age

5.It was the 16
century religious movement marked ultimately by rejection or modification of some Roman
Catholic Doctrine and practice and the establishment of Protestant churches.
A. Reformation B. Renaissance C. Elizabethan Age D. Puritan Age

6.It was a literary, artistic, and philosophical movement originating in the 18
century characterized chiefly
by a reaction against neoclassicism and an emphasis on the imagination and emotions.
A. Victorian Age B. Medieval Age C. Elizabethan Age D. Romantic Age

7.He is considered as the precursor of the new period of literature in the Eighteenth century.
A. William Blake B. William Wordsworth C. William Shakespeare D. John Dryden

8.It is the practice or the doctrine of strict adherence to prescribed external forms, style, and artistic means
with corresponding emphasis of content characterized of literature during the Victorian Age.
A. Romanticism B. Reformation C. Formalism D. Structuralism

9.He was the first of the free-verse poets and his frankness of expression disturbed many literary critics.
A. Washington Irving B. James Cooper C. Walt Whitman D. John Milton

10. This period in American literature was marked by ballads and satirical verses.
A. Colonial Period B. Creative Period C. Revolutionary Period D. Modern Period



II. MODIFIED MATCHING TYPE. Identify the writer/poet described in each statement. Choose your
from the given choices.

William Blake Countee Cullen Robert Frost William Ernest Henley
James Joyce Washington Irving Herman Melville William Shakespeare
Percy Shelley Joaquin Miller Edwin Markham Thomas Henry Huxley
John Galsworthy Arthur Clarke Benjamin Franklin Thomas Butler Feeny
Thomas Gray Richard Bach Mark Twain Christopher Marlowe
Ernest Hemingway John Milton Samuel Bunyan Edgar Allan Poe

1.An engraver whose major works include Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience
2.An English Romantic poet whose short poems include To A Skylark and Ode to the West Wind
3.He is the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, one of the modern classics of science fiction
4.A Jesuit priest whose books of verses include When the Wind Blows.
5.His novella, Jonathan Livingston Seagull became a best-selling paperback
6.He wrote Tom Sawyers Huckleberry Finn
7.He was the poet behind the pastoral, The Passionate Shepherd To His Love
8.He published several volumes of verse including Specimens, Joaquin et al, and Songs of Italy
9.An English novelist and dramatist whose works include Four Winds, A Man of Property and Loyalties
10. Moby Dick, Amoo, and The Piazza Tales are some of his major literary works
11. An Irish novelist and short story writer whose masterpieces include Chamber Music
12. It was after he published A Boys Will when he gained a literary reputation in England
13. He is the author of Caroling Dusk, The Ballad of Brown Girl, and The Black Christ.
14. He wrote hospital verses which include Invictus, and England, My England.
15. His famous poems are The Man With A Hoe, and Lincoln
16. Recognized as the foremost English biologist, he also wrote Mans Place in Nature, and Science Morals
17. He was a man of science, U.S. envoy, practical philosopher, literary man, and a clever conversationalist.
18. He was the poet behind An Elegy Written in the Country Churchyard
19. The bard of Stratford-upon-Avon, England
20. His The Sketchbooks contains Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
21. Considered to be the master of horror and detective stories, he wrote the story The Tell-Tale Heart.
22. His novels include The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell To Arms
23. One of his written epics which contributed much tothe English literature is The Paradise Lost.
24. He was considered as the prince of English prose literature.
25. His almanacs contained numerous bits of useful information, including the witty sayings of Poor Richard,
many of which are relevant today.


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