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!"#$%"$& ()*+,$- .

/$001% 2 3)*, 4*5$0 6+ 7*,,$-8

9$: (1%,$%, !,*%;*-;<0=& /#0, ,)$ "14+>$,$ ,$?, 1@ 1%>: ,)$ -$>$A*%, +*-,0 1@ $*") 0,*%;*-;B CDE& 2 F G
.D!2BH D):0#"*> !"#$%"$0& Eneigy anu mattei have multiple foims anu can be changeu fiom one foim to anothei. As a basis foi
unueistanuing this concept:
.!D2B) D):0#"*> !"#$%"$0& Stuuents know all mattei is maue of small paiticles calleu atoms, too small to see with the nakeu
.!D2B#B D):0#"*> !"#$%"$0& Stuuents know people once thought that eaith, winu, fii, anu watei weie the basic elements that
maue up all mattei. Science expeiiments show that theie aie moie than 1uu uiffeient types of atoms, which aie piesenteu on
the peiiouic table of elements.
/$001% IJK$",#A$& 3)*, ;1 :16 L*%, 0,6;$%,0 ,1 5%1L *%; J$ *J>$ ,1 ;18 CDE& 2M N F G
Stuuents uesciibe what mattei is maue of anu obseivable featuies of mattei.
Stuuents summaiize changes in the way people have thought about mattei since ancient times.
Stuuents give examples of mattei maue of one element anu mattei maue of seveial uiffeient elements.
O00$004$%,& P1-4*> *%; Q%@1-4*> O00$004$%,B CDE& R F .
3)*, $A#;$%"$ L#>> ,)$ 0,6;$%,0 +-1;6"$ ,1 0)1L ,)$: )*A$ 4$, ,)$ >$*-%#%S 1JK$",#A$8
Wiiting in Science: Choose an object you see anu list its piopeities. Wiite a
3)*, 41;#@#"*,#1%0 1@ ,)$ *J1A$ *00$004$%, L16>; :16 60$ @1- >*%S6*S$ >$*-%$-0 *%;T1- 0,6;$%,0 L#,) 0+$"#*>
Foi ELL, we can chait key woius useu in giaphic oiganizeis. Posteis anu othei visual aius, such as pictuies, will be placeu in the
fiont of the class foi stuuents to access.
D-$-$U6#0#,$ !5#>>0M 9%1L>$;S$ *%; E?+$-#$%,#*> V*"5S-16%;0B CDE& W F X
D-$-$U6#0#,$ 05#>>0 @-14 +-#1- 0")11> $?+$-#$%"$0

!,-*,$S: ,1 "1%%$", 0")11> >$*-%#%S L#,) +-#1- $?+$-#$%,#*> 5%1L>$;S$ *%;T1- "6>,6-*> J*"5S-16%;
I will show stuuents a soccei ball anu a banana. Stuuents will inuicate how these objects aie alike anu uiffeient anu what they
aie maue of. Stuuents will iecognize mateiials, tiaits, etc.
D-$Y*00$004$%, 0,-*,$S:
"What is the most impoitant thing about mattei chait." Chait what you useu to know anu what you know now.
O"*;$4#" /*%S6*S$B CDE& Z F G
3)*, "1%,$%, 0+$"#@#" A1"*J6>*-:M ,$?, 0,-6",6-$0M 0,:>#0,#"M 1- S-*44*,#"*> @$*,6-$0 L#>> J$ $?+>#"#,>: ,*6S),8
Nattei, piopeity, element, atom, peiiouic table, evapoiation, melting, chemical change.
\1L L#>> O// >$*-%$-0 $%S*S$8 <A*-:#%S *"*;$4#" *J#>#,#$0M "6>,6-*> J*"5S-16%;0M *%; >*%S6*S$ >$A$>0=
]$0"-#J$ :16- ;#@@$-$%,#*,$; #%0,-6",#1%*> 0,-*,$S:B
Lowei level liteiacy stuuents will be able to uiaw oi ielate his iueas to an aiue who will tiansciibe his woius. Flashcaius will
also be maue with coiiesponuing pictuies foi stuuents to match.

Q%0,-6",#1%*> /$*-%#%S !,-*,$S#$0 ,1 !6++1-, !,6;$%, /$*-%#%SB CDE& 2M WM [M NM G F 2H
What will the teachei uo to 1) stimulatemotivate stuuents by connecting the lesson to expeiiential backgiounus, inteiests anu
piioi leaining, 2) iuentify leaining outcomes S) piesent mateiial, guiue piactice, anu builu inuepenuent leaining, 4) monitoi
stuuent leaining uuiing instiuction, anu S) builu metacognitive unueistanuing.

/#0, L)*, ,)$ ,$*")$- L#>> J$ ;1#%S *%; L)*, ,)$ 0,6;$%,0 L#>> J$ ;1#%SB


Teachei will ask the stuuents to cieate a
chait in theii science jouinals with two
columns: 'what you useu to know', anu 'what
you know now'. Teachei asks stuuents,
"What is the most impoitant thing about
mattei chait." Chait this unuei the 'what you
useu to know' column.

Teachei shows stuuents a soccei ball anu a
banana. Teachei will ask stuuents to inuicate
how these objects aie alike anu how they aie
uiffeient anu what they aie maue of. Think-

Teachei shows science viueo befoie
beginning ieauing.

Stuuents cieate chaits in theii science jouinals anu
wiite what they think is impoitant about mattei.

Stuuents will think-paii-shaie iecognizing
mateiials, tiaits, etc. of the objects.

Stuuents watch viueo clip.

Science jouinals,

Soccei ball,

Science viueo.
Ch. S Lesson 1
Teachei anu stuuents will begin ieauing
Chaptei S Lesson 1 in Califoinia Science text.
Teachei will utilize equity sticks to choose
stuuents to ieau at ianuom anu will ueciue
when to choial ieau thioughout the chaptei.
Teachei will stop at pieueteimineu times
uuiing the ieauing to claiify main points,
help stuuents make peisonal connections
with the text, anu check foi unueistanuing.

DSBZ.& "...amount of mattei it has." Teachei
asks stuuents, "What is an object's mass."
Nass is the amount of mattei an object has.

DSB Z.& ".moie of youi senses." Teachei asks
stuuents, "Bow can you ueteimine the
piopeities of mattei." You use one oi moie
of youi senses to obseive it.

DSB Z.& ".about the ball's piopeities."
Teachei asks, "What kinus of obseivations
using youi senses coulu you make to
ueteimine the piopeities of a new ball. T-P-
S. Class uiscussion follows.

Checkpoint p. 7S: "So who can ieminu me
what mattei is."

DSB ZW& ".too small to see." Teachei asks
stuuents, "What is an element." Element is
mattei maue fiom a single type of paiticle
that is too small too see.

DSB ZW& ".tiny pieces of atoms." Teachei asks
stuuents, "What happens to aluminum foil if
it is cut into tiny pieces." The size uecieases,
but the piopeities stay the same.

DSB ZW& ".too small to see." Teachei asks
stuuents, "What is an element." Element is
mattei maue fiom a single type of paiticle
that is too small too see. T-P-S. Class
uiscussion follows.

Checkpoint p.7S: Bow aie atoms anu
elements ielateu. Stuuent }ot.

DSB ZZ& ".they weie uiscoveieu`." Teachei
asks stuuents, "What happens to aluminum
foil if it is cut into tiny pieces." The size
uecieases, but the piopeities stay the same.

Stuuents will ieau along quietly at theii uesks while
one stuuent ieaus alouu at a time. Stuuents will
paiticipate anu ieau choially when piompteu to uo
so. Stuuents will also "stuuent jot" in theii ieauing
jouinals to answei questions teachei poses
thioughout chaptei.

Stuuents paiticipate anu iaise hanus to give

Stuuents paiticipate anu iaise hanus to give

Stuuents will t-p-s what kinu of obseivations they
can make about a new ball.

Stuuents iaise hanus to give uefinition.

Stuuents paiticipate anu iaise hanus to give

Stuuents paiticipate anu iaise hanus to give

Stuuents will t-p-s what will happen to aluminum if
you cut it into tiny pieces.

Stuuent jot how aie atoms anu elements ielateu.
Science text,
jouinals, pencils.

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