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Case Presentation Form Assignment

1. Counseling interns name: Ryan Bunda

2. Client/Students- Logan, 12, 6
grade, male, sexual orientation unknown, Hispanic/Latino-
Mexican/Chicano, religion unknown, Free and Reduced lunch, Non ELL and No Special
Educaiton. Has a Mom, Dad, Two sisters (one younger, one older) and one younger brother,
3. Date session occurred; 12/6/13. 1
Individual Session; 25 minutes

4. Use S.O.A.P. (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan)

The Subjective: Client was referred to counselor because of his use of the language he
uses with other students and his history of getting in conflicts. He is currently a part of
my 6
grade boys Alpha Team group (Respect, Safety, Assist)

Counselor: Once you use those words and see them get away from you, whats going on for
Client: Hm I feel sad
Counselor: Why do you feel sad?
Client: Because theyre not there to help me
Counselor: So Logan, why do you think I showed you that?
Client: So when you get in trouble thats how youre friends are gonna be

Counselor: What was it like to see that?
Client: It hurts
Counselor: Whys that?
Client: Cause friends are suppose to help you out

The Objective: Well-groomed, quiet, and polite. Has a good understanding of feelings
and empathy for others.

The Assessment: The issue regarding my client with his inappropriate language is a
sociological problem. He uses profane words when with his close friends and there is no
conflict as a result for the most part. However, there has been a history of his close
friends and him getting into physical fights because of their use of offensive remarks and
language to each other. This issue effects his social development because he could
potentially use offensive language towards others that could lead to a greater conflict.

The Plan: includes what the counselor and client will do to address the presenting
problem. Logan and I will work on the effects that his actions and words can have on
other people. Furthermore we will work together to come up with replacement behaviors
or alternative strategies to deal with disrespectful classmates. The goal will be to
decrease the amount of disrespectful language used with other classmates. This will be
measured by the number of reports and office referrals for the rest of the year for
a. Microlevel: I will be meeting with Logan bi-weekly for school counseling
b. Mesolevel: Logan is currently a part of a boys friendship group that meets on
Thursdays in which we focus on three themes *Respect *Assist *Safety. Thus far
we have covered trusting and controlling impulses of anger. I have kept in touch
with Mom and teacher to let me know if they notice any new issues that arise.
c. Macrolevel: The language that peers use with each other is obviously an issue of
concern especially at the 6
grade level. The bigger issue is respect amongst
classmates. As a result, teachers referred males struggling with this issue to school
counselor and I will be working with them in groups and individually.

5. What multicultural factors are at play? How multicultural factors influence the client-
counselor relationship?
I feel that being a young, male counselor of color and sharing the same interests and
experiences with this client has helped create an open and honest relationship. He is able to
use language that he would use amongst his peers (bitch). In previous group sessions we
spoke about the meaning of machismo and what it means to be a boy at this school.

6. What counseling theories are you using in this session and what evidence do you have to
support this? Psycho educational, person-centered and reality therapy. I wanted to make a
connection for my client that the language he uses on a day to day basis can have a big impact
depending on the people he uses it with.

7.List three things that you did well in the session with the client. List three things that you can
improve on in your session with the client.
1. Making connections between session and life
2. Using a creative intervention
3. Open ended questions

Areas of Growth:
1. Talking Slower
2. Allowing more room for processing & interpretation
3. Focusing and digging deeper into emotions

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