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Classifying is designed to help determine not only the state of your metabolism
but also a starting point in your Metabolic Precision program as well as how and when to
progress to subsequent programs. To obtain your Metabolically Classification, answer the
following questions using the category that best describes you. Your MP Certified Trainer will
then provide your Metabolic Classification - a clear picture of the state of your metabolism and a
clear starting point for your transformation.

1. Body Weight History

Whether you wish to gain or
lose weight, your body weight
history provides important
insights regarding the state of
your metabolism. Are you happy
with your current body weight?
If not, how long have you
struggled with your weight?

Perfectly happy.

Its relevant but a minor concern

It is a concern, I am cautious about my weight.

Its a concern Ive had in recent years

Had problems as long as I can remember.

2. Age

Yes, its true, age does
influence metabolism & as we
age our metabolism changes.
How old are you?

teen to 24 years of age

25-34 years of age

35-44 years of age

45-54 years of age

55 years of age or over

3. Ethnicity

From research, its clear that
Indigenous Australian or American
some population groups have
a higher genetic predisposition Mediteranean
for metabolic abnormalities
that increase the risk of type-2 African American
diabetes and unwanted weight
gain. As far as youre aware, at Polynesian decent including the Pacific Islands,
least one side of your family
Hawaii, Fiji, Samoa, New Zealand.
originates from one of the

4. Nutrition History

How many diets have you
been on?

Ive never followed a diet

Ive tried a few

Ive tried more than a few

Im always searching for best one.

I count calories, I can even tell you how many

calories are in a meal.

5. Nutrition History

Breakfast is a powerful trigger
that can shift your metabolism
into fat-burning mode or fat-
storing mode. Which of theses
typically resembles your

Omelette or stir fry with vegetables

Protein shake, cereal and some fruit

Coffee/tea, cereal, toast & glass of juice

Coffee/tea & an egg McMuffin

I often dont eat breakfast.

6. Nutrition History

Right now, how many
metabolically precise meals
would you consume each day?

more than five




None or not sure know what this means.

more than five




None yet or about to start

7. Nutrition History

How many MP Programs have
you completed and achieved
very close to 95% compliance.
(Note the latter half of the
sentence is very important.)

8. Nutrition History

A high ratio of omega-3 is
essential for down-regulating
inflammation that optimizes
health, fat metabolism and
results from exercise. How
much omega-3 do you get each

I know how to get at least 60grams a day

from foods that directly improve the o-3 ratio.

I take flax oil, eat fish & lots of green

vegetables every day

I eat fish and take fish oil capsules

I take fish oil capsules each day

Have no idea?

9. Physical History

With every passing decade,
adults lose the capacity to
preserve lean body tissue. This
underlines a host of unrelated
illnesses including type-2
diabetes, heart disease and
unwanted fat gain. Resistance
exercise is imperative to
maintain lean tissue in adults.
How long have resistance
activities been a part of your

Never or less than 6 months

More than 6 months - Ive completed some

form of resistance exercise at least twice a week.
Plus, my workouts are planned, they
incorporate barbells & dumbbells with sets & reps.

My workouts are planned & structured;

incorporate barbells & dumbbells, sets & reps and I
strive to increase the weight used.

The structured resistance exercise program

described above has been a main part of my
program for more than 12 months.

10. Physical History

3 or less times a week along side the structured

resistance exercise program in Q9.
How often do you perform
aerobic type physical activity, A few times a week - no resistance exercise
this also includes sports
training, fitness classes, boxing 4 or more times a week but no structured
and circuit-based activities.
resistance exercise program.

None, or Im inconsistent with exercise

11. Body Composition

How much body fat you have
and how long youve carried
that amount has a prominent
effect on endocrine function
and metabolism. Rate your
body fatness

Im super lean, ripped abs, lower back and

intercostals are visible.

You can see my abs, I have muscle definition

Im soft, got a little bit of belly, n flabby bits

Im chubby

Its clear that Im overweight

Mostly on my belly, none on my hips & legs

On my belly and on my hips & legs

Some on my belly but mostly on my hips & legs

12. Body Composition

Where you store your body fat
has important metabolic
repercussions. where do you
mostly store your body fat?

13. Sleep
I fall asleep quickly & wake refreshed every

Sleep quality has a profound
effect on appetite regulation
I rarely have a problem sleeping
and carbohydrate metabolism.
Rate your sleep quality. You can I work shifts
tick more than one.
I have trouble falling & staying a sleep.

I wake up feeling tired & lack energy

14. Metabolic Blockers

Metabolic blockers are poor
sleep habits; drugs/
medications; smoking, alcohol
abuse & chronic stress. How
many of these are in your life?
Tick the boxes that apply to you.

Alcohol more than 1 drink a day

Chronic stress and or poor sleep habits

Drugs including medication & antidepressants


15. Rate your self

When you stand in front of the
mirror, do you like what you
see? Do you have the body you
really want?

Be honest!

Yes, perfectly happy!

Im almost there!

Ive got some improvements to make.

Ive got a lot of improvement in me.

I wont stand in front of the mirror naked.

Score ______ Corresponding Metabolic Classification_____________

Metabolic Classification A = Total score more than 80
Physiologically, nutrient-partitioning efficacy is very poor; glucose disposal and insulin
metabolism are also impaired. This person has a shifted metabolism. There are a number of
key aspects contributing and they have created most of them. Conventional diets dont work
for these people and they know it. In this case, success really is a journey, not a destination
(or a number). In fact, this individual may have focused on numbers (the scales, or calories
etc) for a long time now and is a major contributor to their past failures. The only way
forward is to create the metabolism that yields permanent success. The best program for this
classification is the 12 Week Metabolic Re-Program - this program is designed to
systematically construct the correct metabolism for success. In fact this person will need to
undertake two or three 12 Week Metabolic Re-Programs, refer to Chapter 8.

Metabolic Classification B = Total score more than 60.
For this individual, nutrient partitioning efficacy is evident, however, some key aspects of
their physiology are working against them (possibly age, body composition but also lifestyle
influences). Additionally, insulin and carbohydrate metabolism maybe impaired or definitely
not optimal. Even though this individual is health-conscious, results are getting harder to
achieve. This person may not know about Metabolically Precise eating as yet however, there
are some important bio-environmental components that are reflected in this score and must
be addressed. However, Im quite sure this person will experience a great result from their
first 12 Week Metabolic Re-Program. The Metabolic Re-Program will systematically identify
where youve got it wrong in the past and pave a very sustainable path for your success.

Metabolic Classification C = Total score 60 or less.
Physiologically, nutrient partitioning efficacy is high, glucose disposal and insulin metabolism
are also very efficient. This individual is not only health-conscious they have focus. A lot of the
MP principles have been incorporated into their lifestyle. If this client is new to MP, the 12
Week Metabolic Re-program is the missing link theyve been looking for. Its a process that
will identify the areas in their plan that have caused a plateau or stagnation in progress. This
individual may also have a high nutritional IQ. However, make them aware that even world
champions have benefited enormously from undertaking the Metabolic Re-Program. If the
client has reached this classification after the completion of a 12 Week Metabolic Re-
program, they are ready to move on to the next phase, based on the individuals goal.

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