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Sania Dawood MLM Media

PR Strategy
I recommend a three part strategy:
increase awareness of Highfield Dental Clinic, its facilities and high end status
through various media channels to target maximum clientle
differentiate Highfield Dental Clinic through liaising with other high end
establishments and offering unique pacages
increase awareness of Highfield Dental Clinic!s competition in and around the
"idlands area to stay competitive and develop future strategies
#elow I haver outlined ey tactical implementations regarding these three strategic areas$
I recommend achieving increased awareness through the following tactics:
host an exclusive media event
target cosmetic dentistry %& programmes
advertise an open evening
target health and beauty shows'conventions
(ach tactic has been outlined below$
)s the clinic is aimed toward the higher end of the maret, and since the premises
is quite luxurious, I would host an exclusive media event on behalf of the clinic$
Client Account: Highfield Dental Clinic
Task: Devise a PR strategy for the above mentioned client based in dgbaston!
"ear in mind it is an exclusive dental #ractice and beauty thera#y centre
o$ned by the Doctors Assadi!

Recommended PR Strategy %or A High nd Dental Practice And "eauty Thera#y
Centre &n The 'idlands Area!
Tactic (: Host An xclusive 'edia vent
Strategy (: &ncrease a$areness of Highfield Dental Clinic
Sania Dawood MLM Media
"embers of the #ress would be personally invited, with a formal invitation card and
*+&, details$
Canap-s would be served and the Dr.s )ssadi would be able to mingle with
individual /ournalists and media re#resentatives!
) short #resentation could also be held before hand, highlighting the clinic and
facilities, along with client testimonials$
(xisting clients could also be invited to spea to the media representatives, in
exchange for a com#lementary beauty treatment at the clinic$
"edia representatives should be given goody bags and complementary vouchers
to visit the clinic and beauty treatment rooms$
%his may encourage them to $rite good revie$s of the clinic in leading
newspapers and maga0ines$
%& personalities and representatives could also be invited, which should boost
media coverage, and may land the clinic a short T) s#ot$
I encourage the Dr.s )ssadi to get involved with the various %& programmes about
cosmetic dentistry$
) programme aired a few wees ago called *"ritain+s $orst teeth,+ which involved
several award winning dentists being interviewed$
%he programme also followed the real life treatment of their patients, and mentioned
the city and location of each dental practice involved in the show$
%his would be an excellent way to gain #ublicity, without spending a lot of time and
Highfield dental Clinic should host an o#en evening for members of the public to
attend, so they can see the beautiful premises, meet the doctors, and receive goody
bags with beauty treatment vouchers$
However, this should tae place after sufficient advertisement by the press and
media, to ensure the public is aware of the open evening$
%his could be held after the media event, as /ournalists and presenters may cover
Highfield Dental Clinic without the need for a large advertising budget on the part of
the Dr!s )ssadi$
Tactic -: Target Cosmetic Dentistry T) Programmes
Tactic .: Advertise An /#en vening
Sania Dawood MLM Media
I recommend the Dr!s )ssadi to attend health and beauty sho$s at the 1(C, to
build a $ider client base!
%his would allow them to interact with potential clients face to face, without
spending a fortune on advertising$
I recommend differentiating Highfield Dental Clinic through the following tactics:
liaise with private hospitals
liaise with high end hair salons
liaise with shopping boutiques
%hese tactics have been outlined below$
It would be beneficial to target #rivate hos#itals, particularly those dealing in
cosmetic plastic surgery procedures as the patients there are typically:
a2 more concerned about their appearance than people who choose to opt for 1H+
b2 able and willing to afford private treatment to improve their overall appearance
%herefore, it would be a good idea to liaise with private hospitals, so that both can
refer #atients to each other, perhaps on a commission basis$
)lternatively, to build rapport with private hospitals, this referral system could be
free of charge$
"oreover, the dental clinic could organise a complete makeover #ackage with the
hospital, including tummy tuc, face lift etc$ at the hospital, followed by cosmetic
dentistry, body massage, mae up lessons etc$ at the Highfield clinic$
+uch pacage deals could mae an excellent pre3wedding gift, 45
birthday gift,
wedding anniversary'Christmas gift etc$
Tactic (: 0iaise 1ith Private Hos#itals
Strategy -: Differentiate Highfield Dental Clinic
Tactic 2: Target Health And "eauty Sho$s3Conventions
Sania Dawood MLM Media
+uch pacage deals could also be negotiated with high class hair salons!
%hey could refer clients to each other, or eep each other.s brochures at the
premises, as Highfield does not currently offer hair treatments$
)long with the hairstyling pacage, Highfield clinic could arrange a #am#ering day,
where the client gets a 677" teeth whitening treatment, followed by stylish new
haircut, topped off with a sho##ing s#ree off about 89:: $
%his would also mae an excellent birthday or anniversary gift$
The main aim is to have #erks that differentiate Highfield from other #rivate
dental #ractices!
%o increase the client!s awareness of their competitors, I recommend the following tactic:
target industry shows'conventions
%his is discussed below$
+pecific 1(Cshows directed at doctors and dentists should be attended ;eg$ the
body beautiful show2 which would allow the Dr!s )ssadi to assess the
com#etition in and around the "idlands area$

It would also allow them to build contacts in the industry, which may help to build
unique pacages and further differentiate Highfield Dental Clinic$
I recommend eeping trac of all media coverage regarding Highfield Dental Clinic, the
exclusive media event, and any %&, radio or newspaper'maga0ine interest in the Dr!s
%he increase in client4le and interest from other establishments ;in liaising
opportunities2 should be traced and followed up as appropriate$
Strategy .: &ncrease A$areness /f Highfield Dental Clinic5s Com#etition
Tactic (! Target &ndustry Sho$s3Conventions
Tactic -: 0iaise 1ith High nd Hair Salons
Tactic .: 0iaise 1ith Sho##ing "outi6ues

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